This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
API | Title | Description |
CreateVpc | CreateVpc | Creates a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
CreateDefaultVpc | CreateDefaultVpc | Creates a default VPC. |
GrantInstanceToCen | GrantInstanceToCen | Grants permissions to a CEN instance. |
AssociateVpcCidrBlock | AssociateVpcCidrBlock | Adds a secondary CIDR block to a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
AllocateVpcIpv6Cidr | AllocateVpcIpv6Cidr | Reserves an IPv6 CIDR block. |
DeleteVpc | DeleteVpc | Deletes a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
RevokeInstanceFromCen | RevokeInstanceFromCen | Revokes the permissions granted to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance on a network instance. |
UnassociateVpcCidrBlock | UnassociateVpcCidrBlock | Removes a secondary CIDR block from a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
ModifyVpcAttribute | ModifyVpcAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
EnableVpcClassicLink | EnableVpcClassicLink | Enables ClassicLink for a VPC. |
DisableVpcClassicLink | DisableVpcClassicLink | Disables ClassicLink for a VPC. |
DeletionProtection | DeletionProtection | Set the deletion protection feature for an instance. |
DescribeVpcs | DescribeVpcs | Queries virtual private clouds (VPCs). |
DescribeVpcAttribute | DescribeVpcAttribute | Queries the configuration of a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
DescribeGrantRulesToCen | DescribeGrantRulesToCen | Queries cross-account authorization on virtual private clouds (VPCs), virtual border routers (VBRs), and Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instances. |
API | Title | Description |
ModifyVRouterAttribute | ModifyVRouterAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a vRouter. |
DescribeVRouters | DescribeVRouters | Queries vRouters in a region. |
API | Title | Description |
ListVSwitchCidrReservations | ListVSwitchCidrReservations | Queries the CIDR reservation information about vSwitches. |
CreateVSwitchCidrReservation | CreateVSwitchCidrReservation | Creates a reserved CIDR block for a vSwitch. |
GetVSwitchCidrReservationUsage | GetVSwitchCidrReservationUsage | Queries the usage of a prefix list. |
ModifyVSwitchCidrReservationAttribute | ModifyVSwitchCidrReservationAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a CIDR block reserved for a vSwitch. |
CreateVSwitch | CreateVSwitch | Creates a vSwitch. |
CreateDefaultVSwitch | CreateDefaultVSwitch | Creates a default vSwitch. |
CheckCanAllocateVpcPrivateIpAddress | CheckCanAllocateVpcPrivateIpAddress | Checks whether a private IP address in a specified vSwitch is available. |
DeleteVSwitch | DeleteVSwitch | Deletes a vSwitch. |
ModifyVSwitchAttribute | ModifyVSwitchAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a vSwitch. |
DescribeVSwitches | DescribeVSwitches | Queries the information about available vSwitches that are used for an internal network. |
DescribeVSwitchAttributes | DescribeVSwitchAttributes | Queries the detailed information about a vSwitch. |
DeleteVSwitchCidrReservation | DeleteVSwitchCidrReservation | Deletes a reserved CIDR block of a vSwitch. |
Route table
API | Title | Description |
CreateRouteEntry | CreateRouteEntry | Creates a custom route entry in the route table of a VRouter or virtual border router (VBR). |
CreateRouteEntries | CreateRouteEntries | Adds custom route entries to the route table of a vRouter in a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
CreateRouteTable | CreateRouteTable | Creates a custom route table. |
AssociateRouteTable | AssociateRouteTable | Associates a custom route table with a vSwitch in the same VPC. |
DeleteRouteEntry | DeleteRouteEntry | Deletes a route entry from a route table of a VRouter or virtual border router (VBR). |
DeleteRouteEntries | DeleteRouteEntries | Deletes multiple custom route entries at a time. |
DeleteRouteTable | DeleteRouteTable | Deletes a custom route table. |
UnassociateRouteTable | UnassociateRouteTable | Disassociates a route table from a vSwitch. |
ModifyRouteTableAttributes | ModifyRouteTableAttributes | Modifies the name and description of a route table. |
ModifyRouteEntry | ModifyRouteEntry | Modifies the name and description of a custom route entry. |
GetVpcRouteEntrySummary | GetVpcRouteEntrySummary | Queries route types. |
DescribeRouteTables | DescribeRouteTables | Queries route tables. |
DescribeRouteEntryList | DescribeRouteEntryList | Queries information about route entries in a route table. |
DescribeRouteTableList | DescribeRouteTableList | Queries route tables. |
ListGatewayRouteTableEntries | ListGatewayRouteTableEntries | Queries route entries of a gateway route table. |
AssociateRouteTableWithGateway | AssociateRouteTableWithGateway | Associates a gateway route table with an IPv4 or IPv6 gateway in the same VPC. |
DissociateRouteTableFromGateway | DissociateRouteTableFromGateway | Disassociates a gateway route table from an IPv4 gateway. |
UpdateGatewayRouteTableEntryAttribute | UpdateGatewayRouteTableEntryAttribute | Modifies the next hop type and next hop of the route entry in a gateway route table. |
Prefix list
API | Title | Description |
CreateVpcPrefixList | CreateVpcPrefixList | Creates a prefix list. |
RetryVpcPrefixListAssociation | RetryVpcPrefixListAssociation | Re-applies a prefix list. |
DeleteVpcPrefixList | DeleteVpcPrefixList | Deletes a prefix list. |
ModifyVpcPrefixList | ModifyVpcPrefixList | Modifies the configuration of a prefix list. |
ListPrefixLists | ListPrefixLists | Queries prefix lists. |
GetVpcPrefixListAssociations | GetVpcPrefixListAssociations | Queries the resources that are associated with a prefix list. |
GetVpcPrefixListEntries | GetVpcPrefixListEntries | Queries the information about a prefix list. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateDhcpOptionsSet | CreateDhcpOptionsSet | Creates a DHCP options set. |
DeleteDhcpOptionsSet | DeleteDhcpOptionsSet | Deletes a DHCP options set. |
AttachDhcpOptionsSetToVpc | AttachDhcpOptionsSetToVpc | Associates a DHCP options set with a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
DetachDhcpOptionsSetFromVpc | DetachDhcpOptionsSetFromVpc | Disassociates a DHCP options set from a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
ReplaceVpcDhcpOptionsSet | ReplaceVpcDhcpOptionsSet | Replaces the DHCP options set that is associated with a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
UpdateDhcpOptionsSetAttribute | UpdateDhcpOptionsSetAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a DHCP options set. |
GetDhcpOptionsSet | GetDhcpOptionsSet | Queries a DHCP options set. |
ListDhcpOptionsSets | ListDhcpOptionsSets | Queries Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options sets. |
Flow log
API | Title | Description |
OpenFlowLogService | OpenFlowLogService | Enables the flow log feature. |
CreateFlowLog | CreateFlowLog | Creates a flow log. |
DeleteFlowLog | DeleteFlowLog | Deletes a flow log. |
ModifyFlowLogAttribute | ModifyFlowLogAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a flow log. |
ActiveFlowLog | ActiveFlowLog | Enables flow logs. After flow logs are enabled, traffic information about a resource is captured. |
DeactiveFlowLog | DeactiveFlowLog | Disables flow logs. After flow logs are disabled, traffic information about a resource is no longer captured. |
GetFlowLogServiceStatus | GetFlowLogServiceStatus | Queries the status of a flow log. |
DescribeFlowLogs | DescribeFlowLogs | Queries the information about flow logs. |
API | Title | Description |
AssociateNetworkAcl | AssociateNetworkAcl | Associates a network access control list (ACL) with a vSwitch. |
CreateNetworkAcl | CreateNetworkAcl | Creates a network ACL. |
CopyNetworkAclEntries | CopyNetworkAclEntries | Copies rules of a network access control list (ACL). |
DeleteNetworkAcl | DeleteNetworkAcl | Deletes a network access control list (ACL). |
UnassociateNetworkAcl | UnassociateNetworkAcl | Disassociates a network access control list (ACL) from a vSwitch. |
ModifyNetworkAclAttributes | ModifyNetworkAclAttributes | Modifies the attributes of a network access control list (ACL). |
UpdateNetworkAclEntries | UpdateNetworkAclEntries | Updates the rules of a network access control list (ACL). |
DescribeNetworkAclAttributes | DescribeNetworkAclAttributes | Queries network access control lists (ACLs). |
DescribeNetworkAcls | DescribeNetworkAcls | Queries network ACLs. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateHaVip | CreateHaVip | Creates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP). |
AssociateHaVip | AssociateHaVip | Associates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) with an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or an elastic network interface (ENI). |
DeleteHaVip | DeleteHaVip | Deletes a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP). |
UnassociateHaVip | UnassociateHaVip | Disassociates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) from an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) in a virtual private cloud (VPC) or from an elastic network interface (ENI). |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | ModifyHaVipAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an HAVIP. |
DescribeHaVips | DescribeHaVips | Queries high-availability virtual IP addresses (HAVIPs) in a specified region. |
Traffic mirroring
API | Title | Description |
Filter rule | Filter rule | |
CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRules | CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRules | Creates an inbound or outbound rule for traffic mirroring. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules | DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules | Deletes an inbound or outbound rule of a filter for traffic mirroring. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterRuleAttribute | UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterRuleAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an inbound or outbound rule for traffic mirroring. |
Filter | Filter | |
CreateTrafficMirrorFilter | CreateTrafficMirrorFilter | Creates a filter for traffic mirroring. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorFilter | DeleteTrafficMirrorFilter | Deletes a filter of traffic mirroring. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterAttribute | UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a filter for traffic mirroring. |
ListTrafficMirrorFilters | ListTrafficMirrorFilters | Queries filters for traffic mirroring. |
Session | Session | |
AddSourcesToTrafficMirrorSession | AddSourcesToTrafficMirrorSession | Adds a traffic mirror source to a traffic mirror session. |
CreateTrafficMirrorSession | CreateTrafficMirrorSession | Creates a traffic mirror session. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorSession | DeleteTrafficMirrorSession | Deletes a traffic mirror session. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorSessionAttribute | UpdateTrafficMirrorSessionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a traffic mirror session. |
ListTrafficMirrorSessions | ListTrafficMirrorSessions | Queries the details of a traffic mirror session. |
RemoveSourcesFromTrafficMirrorSession | RemoveSourcesFromTrafficMirrorSession | Deletes a traffic mirror source from a traffic mirror session. |
OpenTrafficMirrorService | OpenTrafficMirrorService | Enables traffic mirroring. |
GetTrafficMirrorServiceStatus | GetTrafficMirrorServiceStatus | Queries the status of the traffic mirroring feature. |
API | Title | Description |
IP address pools | IP address pools | |
TransformEipSegmentToPublicIpAddressPool | TransformEipSegmentToPublicIpAddressPool | Migrate a contiguous EIP group to an IP address pool. |
Physical connection
API | Title | Description |
Virtual physical connection | Virtual physical connection | |
CreateVirtualPhysicalConnection | CreateVirtualPhysicalConnection | Creates a hosted connection over Express Connect circuit. |
UpdateVirtualPhysicalConnection | UpdateVirtualPhysicalConnection | Changes the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID of a hosted connection over Express Connect circuit. |
ListVirtualPhysicalConnections | ListVirtualPhysicalConnections | Queries hosted connections. |
OpenPhysicalConnectionService | OpenPhysicalConnectionService | Enables billing for outbound data transfer. |
SecondApplyPhysicalConnectionLOA | SecondApplyPhysicalConnectionLOA | If your application for a Letter of Authorization (LOA) by calling the ApplyPhysicalConnectionLOA operation is denied, you can call this operation to apply again. |
CreatePhysicalConnectionOccupancyOrder | CreatePhysicalConnectionOccupancyOrder | Creates an order for resource occupation of an Express Connect circuit. |
CreateHighReliablePhysicalConnection | CreateHighReliablePhysicalConnection | Creates Express Connect circuits in high reliability mode. This improves the stability of multiple Express Connect circuits and prevents service interruptions caused by single points of failures (SPOFs). |
CreateVpconnFromVbr | CreateVpconnFromVbr | Adds a shared port to a hosted connection. |
CancelPhysicalConnection | CancelPhysicalConnection | Cancels an Express Connect circuit before it is enabled. After you perform this operation, the Express Connect circuit enters the Canceled state. |
ModifyPhysicalConnectionAttribute | ModifyPhysicalConnectionAttribute | Modifies the configurations of an Express Connect circuit. |
EnablePhysicalConnection | EnablePhysicalConnection | Enables an Express Connect circuit that is in the Confirmed state. After you perform this operation, the Express Connect circuit enters the Enabled state. |
TerminatePhysicalConnection | TerminatePhysicalConnection | Disables an Express Connect circuit after it is enabled. |
RecoverPhysicalConnection | RecoverPhysicalConnection | Resumes an Express Connect circuit. |
AttachVbrToVpconn | AttachVbrToVpconn | Associates a virtual border router (VBR) with a hosted connection. |
GetPhysicalConnectionServiceStatus | GetPhysicalConnectionServiceStatus | Checks whether outbound data transfer billing is enabled for the current account. |
DescribeAccessPoints | DescribeAccessPoints | Queries the access points of Express Connect circuits in a region. |
DescribePhysicalConnections | DescribePhysicalConnections | Queries Express Connect circuits in a region. |
CompletePhysicalConnectionLOA | CompletePhysicalConnectionLOA | Generates a report for an installed Express Connect circuit. |
DescribePhysicalConnectionLOA | DescribePhysicalConnectionLOA | Queries the LOA information about an Express Connect circuit. |
ListGeographicSubRegions | ListGeographicSubRegions | Queries the most recent region list. |
ListBusinessAccessPoints | ListBusinessAccessPoints | Queries the access points of an Express Connect circuit. |
Failover Test
API | Title | Description |
StopFailoverTestJob | StopFailoverTestJob | Terminates a failover test. |
UpdateFailoverTestJob | UpdateFailoverTestJob | Updates a failover test. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeExpressConnectTrafficQosQueue | DescribeExpressConnectTrafficQosQueue | Queries the information about the quality of service (QoS) queues of the Express Connect circuit. |
DescribeExpressConnectTrafficQos | DescribeExpressConnectTrafficQos | Queries the quality of service (QoS) policies of Express Connect. The response can be displayed by page. |
DeleteExpressConnectTrafficQosQueue | DeleteExpressConnectTrafficQosQueue | Deletes a quality of service (QoS) queue. |
API | Title | Description |
VBR failover group | VBR failover group | |
CreateVbrHa | CreateVbrHa | Creates a virtual border router (VBR) failover group. |
DeleteVbrHa | DeleteVbrHa | Deletes a virtual border router (VBR) failover group. |
DescribeVbrHa | DescribeVbrHa | Queries virtual border router (VBR) failover groups. |
IPv4 Gateway
API | Title | Description |
CreateIpv4Gateway | CreateIpv4Gateway | Creates an IPv4 gateway. |
DeleteIpv4Gateway | DeleteIpv4Gateway | Deletes an IPv4 gateway. |
EnableVpcIpv4Gateway | EnableVpcIpv4Gateway | Activates an IPv4 gateway. |
UpdateIpv4GatewayAttribute | UpdateIpv4GatewayAttribute | Modifies the description or name of an IPv4 gateway. |
ListIpv4Gateways | ListIpv4Gateways | Queries IPv4 gateways. |
GetIpv4GatewayAttribute | GetIpv4GatewayAttribute | Queries an IPv4 gateway. |
VPN gateway
API | Title | Description |
DescribeVpnGatewayAvailableZones | DescribeVpnGatewayAvailableZones | Queries zones that support IPsec-VPN connections in a region. |
SSL-VPN server
API | Title | Description |
CreateSslVpnServer | CreateSslVpnServer | Creates an SSL server. |
API | Title | Description |
AllocateIpv6Address | AllocateIpv6Address | Assigns an IPv6 address. |
ReleaseIpv6Address | ReleaseIpv6Address | Releases an idle IPv6 address. |
CreateIpv6Gateway | CreateIpv6Gateway | IPv6 gateways are used to control the IPv6 traffic of virtual private clouds (VPCs). You can call the CreateIpv6Gateway operation to create IPv6 gateways. |
CreateIpv6EgressOnlyRule | CreateIpv6EgressOnlyRule | You can call CreateIpv6EgressOnlyRule to create egress-only rules to enable ECS instances in VPCs that have IPv6 enabled to access IPv6 clients. However, IPv6 clients cannot access the ECS instances over the Internet. |
DeleteIpv6Gateway | DeleteIpv6Gateway | Deletes an IPv6 gateway. |
DeleteIpv6EgressOnlyRule | DeleteIpv6EgressOnlyRule | Deletes an egress-only rule. |
DeleteIpv6InternetBandwidth | DeleteIpv6InternetBandwidth | Deletes Internet bandwidth. |
ModifyIpv6InternetBandwidth | ModifyIpv6InternetBandwidth | Modifies the Internet bandwidth of an IPv6 address. |
ModifyIpv6GatewayAttribute | ModifyIpv6GatewayAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an IPv6 gateway. |
ModifyIpv6AddressAttribute | ModifyIpv6AddressAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an IPv6 address. |
DescribeIpv6Gateways | DescribeIpv6Gateways | Queries IPv6 gateways in a region. |
DescribeIpv6EgressOnlyRules | DescribeIpv6EgressOnlyRules | Queries egress-only rules. |
DescribeIpv6Addresses | DescribeIpv6Addresses | Queries IPv6 addresses in a region. |
DescribeIpv6GatewayAttribute | DescribeIpv6GatewayAttribute | Queries the information about an IPv6 gateway, including the region, virtual private cloud (VPC), status, and billing method. |
AllocateIpv6InternetBandwidth | AllocateIpv6InternetBandwidth | Default IPv6 gateways support only private communication. You can call the AllocateIpv6InternetBandwidth operation to purchase Internet bandwidth resources for an IPv6 address. This way, ECS instances in a VPC can access the Internet through the IPv6 address. IPv6 clients can also access the ECS instances over the Internet. |
Regions and zones
API | Title | Description |
DescribeRegions | DescribeRegions | Queries the most recent region list. |
DescribeZones | DescribeZones | Queries zones in a region. |
API | Title | Description |
TagResources | TagResources | Creates and adds tags to resources. |
TagResourcesForExpressConnect | TagResourcesForExpressConnect | Creates tags and adds the tags to an Express Connect circuit. |
UnTagResources | UnTagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
UntagResourcesForExpressConnect | UntagResourcesForExpressConnect | Removes tags from an Express Connect circuit at a time. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
DescribeTags | DescribeTags | Queries tags that meet the specified filter conditions. |
DescribeTagKeys | DescribeTagKeys | Queries tag keys. |
ListTagResourcesForExpressConnect | ListTagResourcesForExpressConnect | Queries the tags that are added to an Express Connect circuit. |
DescribeTagKeysForExpressConnect | DescribeTagKeysForExpressConnect | Queries the tags of an Express Connect circuit. |
Router interface
API | Title | Description |
CreateRouterInterface | CreateRouterInterface | Creates a router interface. |
DeleteRouterInterface | DeleteRouterInterface | Deletes a router interface. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceAttribute | ModifyRouterInterfaceAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a router interface. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceSpec | ModifyRouterInterfaceSpec | Modifies the specification of a router interface. |
DescribeRouterInterfaces | DescribeRouterInterfaces | Queries router interfaces in a specified region. |
DescribeEcGrantRelation | DescribeEcGrantRelation | Queries whether permissions on a virtual private cloud (VPC) are granted to a virtual border router (VBR). |
DescribeRouterInterfaceAttribute | DescribeRouterInterfaceAttribute | Queries the configuration of a router interface. |
DeactivateRouterInterface | DeactivateRouterInterface | Deactivates a router interface. |
GrantInstanceToVbr | GrantInstanceToVbr | Grants a virtual border router (VBR) the permissions to connect to a virtual private cloud (VPC) that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account. |
ActivateRouterInterface | ActivateRouterInterface | Activates a router interface that is in the Inactive state. |
RevokeInstanceFromVbr | RevokeInstanceFromVbr | Revokes the permissions granted to a virtual border router (VBR) on a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
ConnectRouterInterface | ConnectRouterInterface | Initiates a connection from the router interface of an initiator to the router interface of an accepter. |
VPC gateway endpoint
API | Title | Description |
CreateVpcGatewayEndpoint | CreateVpcGatewayEndpoint | Creates a gateway endpoint. |
DeleteVpcGatewayEndpoint | DeleteVpcGatewayEndpoint | Deletes a gateway endpoint. |
UpdateVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | UpdateVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a gateway endpoint. |
ListVpcEndpointServicesByEndUser | ListVpcEndpointServicesByEndUser | Queries available endpoint services. |
GetVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | GetVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | Queries the attributes of a gateway endpoint. |
ListVpcGatewayEndpoints | ListVpcGatewayEndpoints | Queries gateway endpoints. |
AssociateRouteTablesWithVpcGatewayEndpoint | AssociateRouteTablesWithVpcGatewayEndpoint | Associates a route table with a gateway endpoint. |
DissociateRouteTablesFromVpcGatewayEndpoint | DissociateRouteTablesFromVpcGatewayEndpoint | Disassociates a gateway endpoint from a route table. |
Resource group
API | Title | Description |
MoveResourceGroup | MoveResourceGroup | Moves a resource to another resource group. |
ChangeResourceGroup | ChangeResourceGroup | Moves an Express Connect circuit to a new resource group. |
API | Title | Description |
ModifyEipForwardMode | ModifyEipForwardMode | Modifies the EIP forwarding mode. |