Big Data & AI Demo Gallery

Try the demos to get hands-on experience on how Alibaba Cloud's Big Data and AI technologies help make your data intelligence journey easier.

AI Video Game Analysis

This solution uses AI to analyze the famous Fortnite game playback and automatically produce highlight summary

Apsara AI Accelerator engine(AIACC)

This is a medical image classification model trained with AIACC on a cluster of Alibaba Cloud GPUs

Alibaba Recommendation Engine(AIRec)

A Japanese comic bookstore that delivers end-to-end experience of AIRec, Alibaba Cloud's recommendation service

Multilingual Address Applications

High-performance address parsing, address autocomplete, and geocoding

3D Panorama VRGo

Customized panoramic equipment to enable the rapid acquisition of spatial three-dimensional information

Online Business Growth (User Analysis)

Online Business Growth Solution with User Analysis, Intelligent Search, and AI Recommendation

Realtime App Analytics

Analyze application log and API metrics using SLS, Hologres and Realtime Compute Flink

Telecom Business Report and Customer Recommendation

Showcase typical visualization solutions for the telecom industry on the Quick BI dashboard

Logistic Parcel Delivery

Show parcel delivery status and live alerts on real-time dashboards based on the Singpost solution

EasyDispatch Solution

Provide real-time AI-informed decision support, improve dispatcher efficiency, and enhance the customer experience

Predictive Maintenance

Perform real-time anomaly detection against IoT streams from emulated engine telemetries

Smart Traffic Analysis

AI in multiple traffic classes identification, lane segmentation, speed estimation and more, for a better understanding of traffic flows, mobility trend and road safety.

Auto UI Compare

Compare two images and highlight the locations of variance

Vehicle Privacy Protection

Segment vehicles from the background and mask license plates to protect the owner's privacy

ID Masking

Mask PII on ID documents automatically according to Japanese regulatory requirements

Driver's License OCR

Recognize Japanese Driver's Licenses and extract information using OCR

Number Plate OCR

Recognize Japanese license plates and extract license information

Alibaba OpenSearch

OpenSearch is a SaaS search service derived from Alibaba E-Commerce Best Practice with features to quickly increase search performance and drive business growth.

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