Global Traffic Manager

Allows you to access the nearest node based on the Domain Name System (DNS) architecture. With built-in health checks, you can easily monitor your applications and run a failover when a failure occurs on a node.

Intelligent DNS Resolutions

Global Traffic Manager allows you to access the nearest node wherever application or website is located and balance concurrent workloads between multiple nodes based on the DNS architecture. With built-in health checks, you can easily monitor the health of your application and run DNS failover to meet any disaster recovery requirements.

Health Checks

Allows you to perform protocol-based health checks to retrieve the status of application services through the ICMP, TCP, and HTTP(S) protocols.


Supports the failover between DNS servers. You can isolate failed IP addresses and switch application services running in a failed data center to another data center.

Load Balance

Allows you to use round robin and weighted round robin to manage traffic.


Address Management

Allows you to group application service addresses into multiple address pools to facilitate the management and simplify the configuration of global load balance.

Address Pool Management

Allows you to place multiple IP addresses of an application service into an address pool for easy management. For user access from specific regions, address pools provide you with flow control and load balance.

Custom Address Properties

You can specify different properties for the IP addresses of an address pool. For example, you can enable IP address A and disable IP address B.

Compatibility with Multiple Protocols for Health Check

Supports health checks through the ICMP, TCP, and HTTP(S) protocols to check the status of application services.

Health Checks

Allows you to monitor application services in real time through the ICMP, TCP, and HTTP(S) protocols and obtain the status of application services.

Distributed Health Check Nodes

Health check nodes are distributed across regions worldwide, which allows you to monitor application services anytime and anywhere.

Flexible Access Control

Provides you with intelligent resolution services that allow access to the nearest address pools from end-users based on metrics, such as carriers and regions.

Geolocation-based smart DNS

Allows you to access an address pool that is situated nearest to your location.

Latency-based access policies

These policies allow GTM to detect the access latency between the location of a user and the region in which an application is deployed. Then, GTM routes user requests to the application server cluster that has the lowest latency. This feature is available only for the Ultimate Edition.

Automatic Failover

Allows you to perform failure isolation when balancing workloads between multiple IP addresses. This ensures the failover between primary and secondary instances and meets the zone-disaster recovery and geo-disaster recovery requirements.

Active Zone-redundancies

Allows you to isolate one or more failed IP addresses from the other IP addresses in an address pool based on the health check results of each IP address.

Geo-disaster Recovery

Allows you to migrate IP addresses from unavailable address pools to redundant address pools based on the predefined failover policies.


Switchover between Active/Standby Links

Allows you to periodically perform health checks on multiple links from Internet service providers. When the active link fails, you can switch application services to standby links.

Switchover between Active Geo-redundancies

On the premise of three data centers across two zones, health checks are periodically performed on a service center. Any failure is prone to trigger the failover between the service center and another remote service center.

Switchover through Global Acceleration

Allows you to perform health checks on domestic and overseas application services respectively. Any failure is prone to trigger a switchover.

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