"The mobile app has contributed to an increase of 18% in the restaurant productivity. The new smart ordering system has improved the operation mode and reduced physical contact between people during the pandemic."

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About Next Kitchen

Next Kitchen is located on the ground floor of the Central Teaching Building at the University of Macau. Styled on campus life, it serves dozens of selected dishes from various types of cuisine, including Chinese, Western, and Japanese. As one of the few restaurants in the university, Next Kitchen is also an ideal place for teachers and students to rest.


Innovation has been high on the agenda for all industries in the post-pandemic era. In addition to business expansion, improving the cost efficiency of existing businesses is an option. To this end, enterprises must embrace digital transformation to create greater value. Proper social distancing protocols have been required in the restaurant since the beginning of the pandemic. This is particularly important during peak hours. The restaurant introduced the smart catering system launched by Rich United Technology to prevent crowd gathering and allow teachers and students to order food on their mobile phones.

Why Alibaba Cloud

As an ecosystem partner of Alibaba Cloud, Rich United Technology has developed a smart catering system for Next Kitchen with Alibaba Cloud's leading Internet technology. "Thanks to Alibaba Cloud's security expertise and brand awareness, more equipment manufacturers are willing to cooperate with Rich United Technology to create all-around advantages by leveraging Alibaba Cloud's technologies,” said Louis Chan, Director of Rich United Technology.


Alibaba Cloud Helps Build a Smart Restaurant at the University of Macau Alibaba Cloud has turned Next Kitchen at the University of Macau into a smart restaurant, offering the faculty and students on the campus an all-new catering experience. Alibaba Cloud's local team and its eco-partner, Rich United Technology, are an important part of this digital transformation. Developed by Rich United Technology, the smart catering system features the cloud storage system of Alibaba Cloud with a higher security level. Now, customers can order food and make payments with only a mobile app.

Partner's Value

Rich United Technology created a feasible plan based on Next Kitchen's existing needs and ordering and payment process. It utilized Alibaba Cloud's technology to create a mobile app for online ordering and fast payment, allowing customers to order their favorite meals anytime and anywhere. The system has helped mitigate crowding and congestion during peak hours. The smart catering system is embedded with an analysis module that can also help save the cost of daily meal preparation. Moreover, the mobile app will push the restaurant information, news updates, and the latest menu and discount information, which can help raise restaurant awareness among off-campus patrons. Next Kitchen smart restaurant is a landmark digital transformation case and Rich United Technology is capable of helping digital transforms across all industries.

Looking Forward

Alibaba Cloud will continue to empower more local small and medium-sized enterprises with its digital prowess and fast-track the development of Macau into a smart city.