This topic describes the entry points for creating database data sources, the supported data sources, and the available connectivity solutions.
Entry Points for Creating Data Sources
You can log on to the or the international Quick BI console and access the data source creation interface through any of the methods illustrated below.
Method 1: Create an ad hoc query from the Quick Start section on the Workbench tab within a workspace.
Method 2: Create from the data source module inside a workspace.
Method 3: Create quickly from the resource list within a workspace.
Once you create a new data source using any of these entry points, you will be taken to the Connect to Data Source interface to select and configure the appropriate data source.
Copy Whitelist
To connect Quick BI to a database over the Internet, you must add Quick BI's CIDR blocks to the database instance's whitelist for network connectivity.
You can retrieve the Quick BI IP address by clicking Copy Whitelist on the datasource config interface. (Example shown uses Alibaba Cloud MySQL)
Supported Data Sources and Types
Data source | Data source type |
MySQL | |
Alibaba MaxCompute | |
Alibaba AnalyticDB for MySQL | |
SQL Server | |
PostgreSQL | |
Alibaba Hologres | |
ClickHouse | |
Alibaba AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL | |
Presto | |
Alibaba Data Lake Analytics | |
Alibaba PolarDB for MySQL | |
Oracle | |
Hive | |
Alibaba PolarDB distributed edition | |
Alibaba PolarDB for PostgreSQL | |
Alibaba PolarDB for Oracle | |
Vertica | |
Alibaba Lindorm | |
Alibaba OceanBase | |
SAP IQ (Sybase IQ) | |
Kingbase | |
Gbase 8a | |
Impala | |
Snowflake | |
Kylin | |
Spark SQL | |
MongoDB | |
Apache Doris | |
Dameng (DM) | |
TiDB | |
MariaDB | |
StarRocks | |
SelectDB | |
Alibaba SLS | |
Huawei GaussDB | |
Huawei GaussDB(DWS) | |
Elasticsearch | |
TDSQL-H LibraDB | |
Shentong |