Take the pulse of digital transformation to empower smarter Olympic Games with innovations in cloud computing and big data.

Unlock the potential of operational data and fans data to deliver an enhanced sports experience and more inclusive Olympic Games through cloud technology.

Worldwide Olympic Cloud Service Partner since 2017

Alibaba Cloud provides the best-in-class cloud computing infrastructure and cloud services to help the Olympic Games operate more efficiently, effectively, and securely. Now, let’s explore the fascinating technologies behind the scene and see how they help the Olympic Games become smarter.

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Olympic Tech Chat

Demystify The Technologies Behind The Games

Events Simulation Services (ESS)

Events Simulation Services (ESS) is a visual cooperation platform that helps digitize event operation lifecycle utilizing cloud rendering and digital venue technology.

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Press Conference on Cloud

Press conference on cloud is powered by Alibaba Cloud's all-in-one audio and video streaming solution plus CDN for both livestreaming and on-demand services. Compared to the conventional media conference, the innovative new approach helps broaden the media reach virtually, and eliminates the need to be physically present at the conference venue.

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Fan Video Hub

Fan Video Hub is a smart content curation service powered by cloud technology. It automatically collects and filters video content, and generates new videos to be fed to the screen in the stadium. The solution helps enhance the fan experience by delivering a new and cheerful atmosphere.

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Meet The Lineup of Unsung Heroes Behind The Games

Elastic Compute Service

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) provides fast memory and the latest Intel CPUs to help you to power your cloud applications and achieve faster results with low latency.

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Cloud Multimedia

The evolution and constant development of the Internet has led to a boom for services such as video surveillance, video-on-demand (VOD), and live video broadcasts. Alibaba Cloud Multimedia Solutions offer a suite of powerful cloud-based services for you to create, implement, and deliver digital media content.

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Security is undoubtedly an essential element for all organizations. Alibaba Cloud security solutions provide multi-layer protection for data and applications on the cloud, along with the powerful digital intelligence analysis capabilities of our computing platform.

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Alibaba Cloud Networking

Alibaba Cloud networking services provide you a highly stable, low latency, and high-speed network with flexible hybrid cloud connections. Our networking services deliver secure and reliable communication to and from IDCs in 21 regions globally. With more than 63 areas deployed globally, Alibaba Cloud’s large node network gives you access to close by nodes shortening geographic distances.

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