Lindorm - TSDB supports time series insight that realizes the data storage and monitoring of IoT devices
Sep 05 2018
Applied to: IoT, IoV, manufacturing industry, Internet, financial businesses, application performance management (APM), end users, retailers, energy industry, petrochemical industry, oil industry, and electric power industry. New feature: TSDB supports time series insight. This feature provides entire device data storage, analysis, and visualization solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) users. TSDB data is the most important and common data type that is used in IoT, Industrial IoT (IIoT), and APM monitoring scenarios. Time Series Insight provided by TSDB is a time series visualization tool. It converts the time series data into the visual format. In addition, this feature allows for the availability of monitoring of device operations, production, environment, services, and performance index. By referring to the Developer Guide, you can write data after creating a TSDB instance. Alternatively, you can import demo data without writing code. You can also create a query event on the Time Series Insight page. Time series insight provides analysis on visualization data, and integrates comprehensive built-in computing functions from TSDB. You can perform data grouping, downsampling, and space aggregation in the TSDB console without writing any code. Time series insight visualizes the response data in the form of curve diagrams. Time series insight visualizes data both in data view and in graph view. You can obtain authentic data and its details when looking at the data trend.