Alibaba Cloud ISV Solutions for SMEs Video

Alibaba Cloud provides Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) with robust IT services
to help their small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) customers launch a cloud
computing business with simple steps.

Powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon®
Scalable Processors

Contact Us Join ISV Program Free Trial

Helping You Provide Better IT Services for Your SME Customers

Alibaba Cloud enables ISVs to achieve more business success through our all-encompassing range of cloud solutions. We help local businesses drive digital transformation and thrive in their markets through technical and sales enablement, regardless of the industry.

  • Rapid Innovation

    We help organizations reduce manual workloads through automation and benefit from our fast and continuous product innovation.

  • Record-Breaking Performance

    Alibaba Cloud's technology is battle-tested every year during the Double 11 Global Shopping Festival, supporting over 491,000 orders/second.

  • Faster Go-to-Market

    Expand your business reach in Asia through our co-marketing initiative or join our Marketplace with customized go-to-market plans.

  • Cost Efficiency

    Improve operational efficiency and reduce IT costs with our flexible pricing option, or by joining Alibaba Cloud ISV Solutions for SMEs.

Get Started With Alibaba Cloud

Set Up a Global Cloud Environment
Migrate Data to the Cloud
Deploy Web Applications
Manage Role-Based Access Permissions
Protect Your Cloud Environment
Back Up Your Data on the Cloud

Set up a reliable global network to facilitate your business, accelerate global network access from applications, and optimize network elasticity and performance.

Set Up a Global Cloud Network

Build a reliable global cloud network with high elasticity

Accelerate Global Applications

Speed up your global network and applications with guaranteed security

Optimize Your Global Cloud Networking

Optimize your global cloud networking with Alibaba Cloud's Smart Access Gateway and Cloud Enterprise Network

Migrate data servers of various platforms and environments, data in different formats, and databases of different types to Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Servers to the Cloud

Migrate one or more sources including data center servers, virtual machines, and servers to Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Data to the Cloud

Migrate data between local data centers, other cloud platforms, and Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Databases to the Cloud

Migrate databases from various sources and platforms to Alibaba Cloud

Host websites with elastic storage and bandwidth, and quickly deploy applications with high availability and performance

Host Websites

Build an ECS server, deploy multiple websites on it, and store files on OSS

Host Web Applications

Set up an application based on separate servers with automatic failover and horizontal scaling

Secure your cloud resources to define fine-grained access permissions for users and groups

Establish end-to-end protection to address security of data, applications, and platforms, and audit and govern ongoing security posture

Plan and execute data backup, massive data archiving, and storage-level disaster recovery with low cost and high performance

Set Up a Global Cloud Environment

Set up a reliable global network to facilitate your business, accelerate global network access from applications, and optimize network elasticity and performance.

Set Up a Global Cloud Network

Build a reliable global cloud network with high elasticity

Accelerate Global Applications

Speed up your global network and applications with guaranteed security

Optimize Your Global Cloud Networking

Optimize your global cloud networking with Alibaba Cloud's Smart Access Gateway and Cloud Enterprise Network

Migrate Data to the Cloud

Migrate data servers of various platforms and environments, data in different formats, and databases of different types to Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Servers to the Cloud

Migrate one or more sources including data center servers, virtual machines, and servers to Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Data to the Cloud

Migrate data between local data centers, other cloud platforms, and Alibaba Cloud

Migrate Databases to the Cloud

Migrate databases from various sources and platforms to Alibaba Cloud

Deploy Web Applications

Host websites with elastic storage and bandwidth, and quickly deploy applications with high availability and performance

Host Websites

Build an ECS server, deploy multiple websites on it, and store files on OSS

Host Web Applications

Set up an application based on separate servers with automatic failover and horizontal scaling

Manage Role-Based Access Permissions

Secure your cloud resources to define fine-grained access permissions for users and groups

Protect Your Cloud Environment

Establish end-to-end protection to address security of data, applications, and platforms, and audit and govern ongoing security posture

Back Up Your Data on the Cloud

Plan and execute data backup, massive data archiving, and storage-level disaster recovery with low cost and high performance

Quick Win with Alibaba Cloud for Go-Asia/Global

Software embedded with Alibaba Cloud Platform

The software provider could post their software product in Alibaba Cloud marketplace to sell globally, The ISV customer or SI customer could use that software easily to strengthen your solution for Go-Asia/Global.

Build your own Platform via Alibaba Cloud

The Platform provider could use Alibaba Cloud basic resources, like ECS, Network, etc to build up your own Platform globally with a simple couple of clicks, to get more end users Globally and extend your business to Asia/Global.

  • Build your own BaaS globally.

  • Build your own Video center globally.

  • Build your own Machine Learning Module.

  • Build your own Cyber Platform globally.

Contact Us for ISV Support and Offers

Contact Us Join ISV Program

Alibaba Cloud Galaxy+ Program for ISVs

The Alibaba Cloud Galaxy+ Program (AGP) aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises quickly and easily build on the cloud. The program provides eligible enterprises with extensive support ranging from exclusive pricing plans, dedicated 1-1 consultation, 24/7 support, free training, and diverse go-to-market support.

  • Product Benefits

    More cost-efficient

    Get up to 50% on cloud products and services.

  • Service Benefits

    More Responsive

    Receive free 1-on-1 pre-sale consulting service and upgraded technical support.

  • Training Benefits

    More Educational

    Enjoy free online training and certification courses.

  • Go-to-Market Support

    More Supportive

    We will help you succeed and expand your market.

Want to Be a Partner?

Migrate Your Resources to Alibaba Cloud

Discover Our Solutions > Ask for Migration Support >

Grow Your Business Under One Global Account

US West
Silicon Valley data center
US East
Virginia data center
Mumbai data center(Closing Down)
Middle East
Dubai, SAU (Riyadh - Partner Region) data center
Effective coverage of Northeast Asia
China South
Shenzhen data center
China(Hong Kong)
Gateway to China and the world
China North
Beijing, Qingdao, Zhangjiakou & Hohhot data centers
China East
Shanghai & Hangzhou & Nanjing & Fuzhou data centers
Singapore data center
Sydney data center
Kuala Lumpur data center
Bangkok data center
Jakarta data center
London data center
Frankfurt data center
China West
Chengdu data center
Central China

Market Share in Asia Pacific


Global data center regions


CDN nodes around the globe


Availability zones


1 Free Trial Offers
Free trial is only available for Alibaba Cloud accounts within the first year of registration. The free trial offer details can be found in Free Trial campaign page.
2 FAQs
Q: Can I enjoy the discounts when I renew?
A: No, the discounts only apply to the new orders, and the prices will be back to the listing prices when you renew. In order to enjoy more discount, we suggest you to subscribe longer period in your order.
3 Disclaimers
Alibaba Cloud reserves the right to adjust the prices, discounts, products configurations and campaign participants of the above offers, or stop the special offer at any time.

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