ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL - Supports Parameter Templates
Aug 27 2019
ApsaraDB RDS for MySQLContent
Target customers: ApsaraDB for MySQL users can use parameter templates in the following scenarios: 1. When you want to customize parameters to better manage instance parameters. 2. When you want to add more parameters to be customized and modified. 3. When you want to keep custom parameters unchanged during configuration changes of instances, abnormal restarts, and master-slave switchovers. 4. When you want to utilize special features of the AliSQL engine. Features released: ApsaraDB for MySQL supports parameter templates. You can manage instance parameters in batches. You can inherit, customize, and apply system parameter templates to existing instances. When you apply custom parameter templates to existing instances, the instances automatically retain user-defined values during database O&M. This feature helps you manage parameters in a centralized way.