Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) - Supports IPv4/IPv6 Dual-stack
Sep 30 2021
Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)Content
Target customers: public service sectors, financial businesses, and users who require compliance with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Features released: IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack can be enabled when you create a cluster. You can use IPv6 addresses to access services in a cluster that has IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack enabled. To enable IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack for an ACK cluster, the following conditions must be met: 1. The Kubernetes version must be 1.20.4-aliyun.1 or later. 2. Terway is used as the network plug-in. 3. The virtual private cloud (VPC) where the cluster resides and the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the cluster support IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack.