IoT Platform - Real-Time Monitoring Is Available in IoT Platform
Oct 31 2018
IoT PlatformContent
Target customers: IoT Platform users that need to monitor business data in real time. Features released: 1. Added the Online Devices chart. You can view the number of devices that establish persistent connections with IoT Platform based on protocols, such as MQTT and HTTP/2. 2. Added the Messages Sent to IoT Platform chart. You can view the number of messages that are sent from devices to IoT Platform based on protocols, such as MQTT, HTTP/2, CoAP, and HTTP. 3. Added the Messages Sent from IoT Platform chart. You can view the number of messages that are sent from IoT Platform to devices and servers based on protocols, such as MQTT, HTTP/2, CoAP, and HTTP.4. Added the Messages Forwarded through Rule Engine chart. You can view the number of messages that are forwarded by the rule engine to other cloud services based on the type of cloud services. You can view all cloud services that are supported by the rule engine.