New Features

Platform for AI (PAI) - DSW supports pay-as-you-go instances based on Elastic Container Instances and cloud disks

You can create instances based on Elastic Container Instances and cloud disks in DSW. The instances provide free storage and supports accelerated startups.

Intended customers: all developers. New features: New types of pay-as-you-go DSW instances 1. The instance startup speed is increased by over three times. 2. The instance provides storage free of charge to persist the environment and data. You can start and stop instances at any time based on your business requirements. This allows you to use resources in a flexible and efficient manner.

7th Gen ECS Is Now Available

Increase instance computing power by up to 40% and Fully equipped with TPM chips.
Powered by Third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (Ice Lake).

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