Special Offers to Accelerate Startup businesses

1C2G SAS $5.98/three months, and more discounts for renewal!

ONLY $1.00

SMS - 120 messages package

Help build channels with efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities. View details >

  • 120 messages package
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
95% off

Original: $20.00

ONLY $7.99

SMS - 300 messages package

Send SMS to more than 100 countries and regions across the world. View details >

  • 300 messages package
  • Destination: Global
  • Package validity: 180 days
  • New users only and two sets for one time per user account
47% off
$7.99/180 days

Original: $15.00/180 days

ONLY $1.99

Direct Mail-50K Emails

A simple service that sends batch emails quickly and efficiently. View details >

  • 50,000 messages
  • Six months subscription
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
85% off
$1.99/six months

Original: $13.05/six months

ONLY $3.99

Alibaba Mail - standard edition

Only email service provider in the industry that supports public cloud services and provides fast, secure, and stable services. View details >

  • Account Storage: 100GB
  • Special offer for three accounts
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
70% off

Original: $13.50/month

Mega discounts - up to 95% off

More discounts to help you start your cloud journey

Accelerate Success in China with Alibaba Cloud

  • a range of cloud-based technologies and professional services
  • local expertise
  • access to the extensive Alibaba ecosystem
  • unrivaled speed to market

90% off

Log Service

Log Service is a complete real-time data logging service that has been developed by Alibaba Group. View details >

  • Storage capacity : 20cu
  • Enriched features
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
90% off
From $24.00/year

Original: $240.00/year

20% off

Global Accelerator

Accelerate Internet applications globally to improve user experience. View details >

  • Enterprise only
  • For 1 month subscription:Instance $16 & Bandwidth Plan 20% off
  • For 1 year subscription:Instance $192 & Bandwidth Plan 25% off
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
Bandwidth Plan 20% off
From $16.00/month

Original: From $165.00/month

25% off

GoChina ICP Filing Assistant

An ICP filing best practices solution for websites hosted in mainland China
Entry-level shared instance, suitable for CPU-insensitive applications. View details >

  • GoChina ICP filing assistant
  • One stop service
  • Process visualization
  • Success guarantee
  • Enterprise only
25% off

Original: $5,000/time

NAT gateway

A NAT gateway enables multiple instances within a virtual private cloud (VPC) to communicate with the Internet. View details >

  • High Performance
  • High Reliability
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Easy O&M

15% off

Global Traffic Manager

Allows you to access the nearest node based on the Domain Name System (DNS) architecture. With built-in health checks, you can easily monitor your applications and run a failover when a failure occurs on a node. View details >

  • Address management
  • Compatibility with multiple protocols for health check
  • Flexible access control
  • Automatic failover
15% off

Original: $240.00/year

15% off

Cloud Enterprise Network

A global network for rapidly building a distributed business system and hybrid cloud to help users create a network with enterprise level-scalability and the communication capabilities of a cloud network. View details >

  • Bandwidth: 2-20M
  • Enterprise only & Real name registration required
15% off
From $57.80/month

Original: From $68.00/month

Server load balancer

It provides functions as a reverse proxy at Layer 7(ALB) and load balancing services at Layer 4(CLB). View details >

  • Multiple protocols
  • High security and reliability
  • Cloud-native
New users only

Ideal for newly-built cloud system

  • Easy to deploy services
  • Rapid online deployment
  • Controllable cost, reduce investment risk


Data Management

DMS can help enterprises safeguard data access, ensure security of data change. View details >

  • Flexible management (free)
  • Control mode: Stable change
New edition


50% off

ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server

Cost-effective way of using fully managed SQL Server with legal license and enterprise SLA. View details >

  • Enterprise level SLA with 99.99% high availability
  • No extra fees for multiple AZ deployment
  • Free of maintenance, with legal license
2012 EE 2016 EE 2017 EE 2019 EE Dedicated Instance
From $297.95/month

Original: $595.90/month

30% off

ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server

Entry-level Shared Instance, suitable for CPU-insensitive applications. View details >

  • Zero-configuration installation
  • CPU/Memory 1:2 ratio
  • Cost-effective high-availability service
2012 SE | 2016 SE | 2017 SE | 2019 SE 2012 EE | 2016 EE Shared instances New users only
From $62.23/month

Original: $88.90/month


Data Transmission Service

Supports data migration and data synchronization between data engines, such as relational database, NoSQL and OLAP.
View details >

  • Real-time data synchronization
  • Supports most widely used databases
  • Zero downtime
Full data migration free Simple-to-use



100% compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, highly compatible Oracle. Compute and storage decoupling, extreme elasticity.View Details >

  • 2C8G General-purpose, PolarDB for MySQL
  • 2C8G Dedicated, PolarDB for PostgreSQL
  • 2C8G Dedicated, PolarDB for Oracle
  • 50GB Storage Package Every Month
Apply Monthly Gift Tair For New Users
Always free


ApsaraDB RDS for Redis

Supports Redis 4.0/5.0 and data flashback for fast rollbacks. View details >

  • Redis 4.0/5.0 Standard
  • Community Edition
  • Instance Class: 4GB Master-Replica
30 days free

Original: $49.92/month


Tair (Enhanced Redis)

High concurrency and low latency to withstand hundreds of thousands of queries per second. View details >

  • Enhanced Edition(Tair)
  • Redis 5.0 Standard
  • 1G performance-enhanced(master-replica)
30 days free

Ideal for storing and distributing online content

  • Helps you quickly deploy and release business systems
  • Cost-effective storage and distribution services
  • Offers cost-savings with data security and data reliability



A scalable and high-performance content delivery service for accelerated distribution of content to users across the globe.
More discounts >

  • Specification: 1TB traffic
  • Product option: Alibaba Cloud CDN / ApsaraVideo VOD / ApsaraVideo Live
  • Valid for three months

70% off

File Storage NAS

Simple, scalable, on-demand and reliable network attached storage for use with ECS instances, HPC and Container Service.
View details >

  • 100GB standard capacity
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
70% off
$ 113.00/year

Original: $376.68/year

81% off

Object Storage Service

An encrypted and secure cloud storage for all your data storage needs. View details >

  • 1TB Standard Capacity
  • 300GB Outbound Traffic
  • Region: All (Except UAE (Dubai))
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
81% off
$ 239.99/two years

Original : $1193.66/two years

End-to-End Security Services

  • Professional Security Service Customization
  • Cloud-native Security Service
  • Security Assurance Throughout Service Lifecycle

20% off

SSL Certificates Service

Alibaba Cloud SSL Certificates Service allows customers to directly apply, purchase and manage SSL certificates.
View details >

  • New users only
  • Supports all mainstream Linux and Windows operating systems
  • Simplified deployment
Security Lifecycle management

Original: $199.00/year

20% off

Web Application Firewall-pro

Protects your websites and web servers based on the intelligent computing capabilities of Alibaba Cloud Security.
View details >

  • New users only
  • Region: International
  • Peak QPS: 2,000
  • Maximum bandwidth:
    The origin server is deployed on Alibaba Cloud: 50Mbit/s;
    The origin server is not deployed on Alibaba Cloud: 10Mbit/s

Original: $299.00/month

20% off


A comprehensive DDoS protection for enterprise to intelligently defend sophisticated DDoS attacks, reduce business loss risks, and mitigate potential security threats. View details >

  • New users only
  • Low latency
  • X Tbit/s bandwidth
  • Anycast
20% off

Original: $2,630.00/month

20% off

Web Application Firewall

Protects your websites and web servers based on the intelligent computing capabilities of Alibaba Cloud Security. View details >

  • New users only
  • Top one in Asia-Pacific
  • 15% off for yearly subscription
20% off

Original: $5,988.00/year

20% off

Cloud Firewall

Cloud Firewall is one of the first SaaS firewall deployed on the public cloud. It is your first choice for network security that safeguards your businesses in the cloud. View details >

  • New users only
  • The first defense of network security
20% off

Original: $420.00/month

20% off


A unified, efficient, and secure platform that provides cloud-based O&M, access control, and operation audit. View details >

  • New users only
  • No Limits on quantity
20% off

Original: $1,225.00/month

20% off

Data Security Center

An all-in-one data security solution that provides various features, such as sensitive data detection, classification, grading, and de-identification, to help you meet compliance requirements specified in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and personal information protection. View details >

  • New users only
  • 20% off for monthly subscription
  • No Limits on quantity
20% off

Original: $600.00/month

Accelerate digitalization at Alibaba Cloud

  • Try our Container Registry, SMS, Mail and Mobile Security Armor, to accelerate enterprise digitalization.

ONLY $4.99

Alibaba Mail - advanced edition

Larger storage at reasonable prices. View details >

  • Account Storage: 1TB
  • Special offer for three accounts
  • New users only and one set for one time per user account
72% off

Original: $18.00/month

Special price


Integrates the push functions of multiple mobile phone manufacturers, supports a variety of custom push settings, maintains interaction with App users, and effectively increases user retention. View details >

  • Message push service(MPS)
  • After receiving the coupon, use 100K message pushes for free
  • Use within 60 days after receiving the coupon
New users only
Free 100k messages pushes

Original: $28.80


China Hong kong SMS package-2,000 messages

Send messages for specific destinations with cheaper unit price. View details >

  • Destination: China Hongkong
  • 2000 messages package
  • Package validity: 180 days
  • Enterprises only

Special offer

France SMS package-1,000 messages

Send messages for specific destinations with cheaper unit price. View details >

  • Destination: France
  • 1000 messages package
  • Package validity: 180 days
  • Enterprises only
39% off

Original: $87.00/set


Germany SMS package-2,000 messages

Send messages for specific destinations with cheaper unit price. View details >

  • Destination: Germany
  • 2000 messages package
  • Package validity: 180 days
  • Enterprises only


UAE SMS package-5,000 messages

Send messages for specific destinations with cheaper unit price. View details >

  • Destination: UAE
  • 5000 messages package
  • Package validity: 180 days
  • Enterprises only

25% off

Container Registry

A secure image hosting platform providing containerized image lifecycle management.View details >

  • New users only
  • Secure image management
  • Stable image build creation across global regions
  • Easy image permission management
25% off yearly subscription

Original: $1,356.00/year

20% off

Mobile Security Armor

Help the app effectively resist decompilation, secondary packaging, file tampering and other attacks, improve the overall security level of the app, and prevent the application from being cracked and attacked. View details >

  • The operation is simple and clear, taking into account safety and compatibility, and the crash rate is very low.
  • It is difficult for the cracker to reverse analyze the logic of its original code to fully ensure the security.
20% off

Original: $16,000.00/year/piece

Alibaba cloud top ISV solutions

  • Provide enterprises with full-scene IT development solutions such as website construction, APP, and small peograms.
  • Onboard your business in China through advanced cloud technologies, professional technical and marketing support, local market knowledge, and the extensive Alibaba Cloud ecosystem.


E-commerce system(wechat alipay mini program)for manual service

E-commerce system of Wechat Alipay Mini Program for overseas Chinese with manual services.View details >

  • New users only
  • Support domestic Wechat Pay and bank card paying method
  • Solve overseas logistics problems
  • Solve VIP and group marketing problems
97% off

Original: $39.00/month

Enterprise Network Disk

Enterprise network disk, share all kinds of organizational documents anytime and anywhere.View details >

  • Version: 1TB/5TB/10TB/20TB capacity for unlimited users
  • Duration: One year
From $1,550.39/year

[Live Online]Live streaming version

For stars, shows and other live scene, provide live seconds open, gift reward, anchor audience interaction and other functions, improve the popularity of live broadcast, active atmosphere.View details >

  • E-commerce live streaming with goods
  • Professional development team
  • One-stop services
From $77.36/month

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