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ApsaraDB RDS:Release notes for GanosBase

Last Updated:Oct 18, 2024

This topic describes the release notes for GanosBase. GanosBase is a spatio-temporal database engine for ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL.



  • New features:

    • Trajectory SQL

      The ST_InsertAttr function is added to add new attributes to trajectories.

    • GeomGrid SQL

      The ST_Degeneralize function is added to decompose a low-level grid into a high-level grid.

    • Utility SQL

      • The 3DGridPath function is added.

        • The GridCost data type that specifies the cost of grid paths is added.

        • The ST_MatchGridLevel function is added to determine the highest available grid level based on terrain elevation data.

        • The ST_SetCost function is added to assign a cost value to an array of specified grids.

        • The ST_CostUnion function is added to merge the costs of all arrays of grids.

        • The ST_3DGridPath function is added to calculate paths by using a 3D grid system.

  • Performance improvement

    • Geometry SQL

      • The compatibility of the Ganos_Geometry extension is enhanced. The Ganos_Geometry extension can coexist with the PostGIS extension. You can create the PostGIS extension before you create the Ganos_Geometry extension.

      • The ST_AsHMT function is enhanced to support aggregate functions such as sum, min, max, and avg.

    • Raster SQL

      • The ST_MosaicFrom function is enhanced to implement color balancing by using the gamma correction technology.

      • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced. You can specify the schema in which chunk_table resides.

  • Bug fixes:

    • Geometry SQL

      The bug that the clipping result of some polygon data used by the ST_AsHMT function is incorrect is fixed.

    • Raster SQL

      The bug that bands are missing when the number of bands specified in the ST_MosaicFrom function is greater than 3 is fixed.

    • Trajectory SQL

      The bug that the ST_lcsSimilarity function cannot be called to handle single-point trajectories is fixed.


  • New features:

    • Geometry SQL

      The parameterized objects of elliptical arcs and Bézier curves are added.

    • Raster SQL

      The ST_AsTile function is added. This function allows you to specify a geometry to obtain a tile whose size is 256 or 512.

    • GeomGrid SQL

      • The indexes and operators of GeomGrid and H3Grid are supported. You can perform queries such as GeomGrid (or H3Grid) && Geometry, GeomGrid (or H3Grid) ~ Geometry, and GeomGrid (or H3Grid) @ Geometry. For more information, see Indexes and operators.

      • The ST_AsMVTGeom function is added to convert a geographic grid object to a geometry object in the tile coordinate system. The data type of the geographic grid object is GeomGrid or H3Grid.

  • Performance improvement

    • Geometry SQL

      The ST_AsHMT function is enhanced to optimize the processing of geometric objects that fall within a single mesh. This improves performance.

    • Raster SQL

      • The read capability of raster chunks is enhanced, and in-place memory parsing is used to improve performance.

      • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced. The mapping_oss_file parameter is supported when data is imported by using Multi-Cloud Object Storage (MinIO) buckets and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) files. This improves import performance.

      • Automatic calculation of raster statistics during raster import is supported.

        • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced. Parameters such as compute_stats and approx are added to support automatic calculation of raster statistics during raster import.

        • The ST_CreateRast function is enhanced. Parameters such as compute_stats and approx are added to support automatic calculation of raster statistics during raster import.

      • The raster statistics can be updated.

      • The name field of the attributes parameter can be set to the name of the raster file when you create or import a raster.

        • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced. By default, the name field of the attributes parameter is the name of the raster file.

        • The ST_CreateRast function is enhanced. By default, the name field of the attributes parameter is the name of the raster file.

  • Bug fixes:

    • Geometry SQL

      The bug that the "Invalid dimension" error message is displayed when the AddGeometryColumn function is called to register a geometry column is fixed.

    • Raster SQL

      • The bug that out-of-memory (OOM) errors may occur when the ST_SummaryStats function is called to calculate pixel statistics is fixed.

      • The bug that the system may stop responding when the object to be merged is clipped is fixed.


  • Performance improvement

    • GanosBase is compatible with PostgreSQL 16.

    • Geometry SQL

      The conversion between BOX and Box3D objects is supported.


  • New features:

    • Geometry SQL

      • The ST_AsMVTEx function is added. Compared with the ST_AsMVT function, the ST_AsMVTEx function filters out the vector elements that have little effect on the display based on the relationships among different vector elements. This helps reduce the size of mapbox vector tiles (MVTs) and improve the visualization efficiency. The scale_factor parameter is added to control filter effects. The mvt_size_limit parameter is added to limit the maximum number of vector elements that an MVT can contain.

      • The statistics of a heatmap for which the window range is specified can be calculated.

        • The ST_AsHMT function is added to obtain heatmap tiles based on specified ranges and pixels.

        • The ST_HMTAsArray function is added to convert heatmap tiles into arrays.

        • The ST_HMTStats function is added to calculate the statistics of heatmap tiles.

    • Raster SQL

      The ST_HMTAsRaster function is added to convert heatmap tiles into raster objects for subsequent analysis and computing.

    • Trajectory SQL

      The ST_AsHMT function is added to obtain heatmap tiles based on specified ranges and pixels.

    • GeomGrid SQL

      • The ST_AsH3Grid function is added to convert geometry objects into arrays of H3 cell IDs.

      • The ST_GridDisk function is added to return all H3 cells within grid distance k from the origin H3 cell.

      • The ST_GridRing function is added to return all H3 cells at grid distance k from the origin H3 cell.

      • The ST_GridPath function is added to query the path between two H3 cells.

      • The ST_GridDistance function is added to query the grid distance between two H3 cells.

      • The h3grid type that uses BTree indexes is added.

  • Bug fixes:

    • Geometry SQL

      • The bug that a non-unique function error occurs when the ST_DWithin function is called in text mode during the creation of multiple extensions is fixed.

      • The bug that an error may occur when the clip=true setting is configured for the ST_AsMVTGeomEx function in the Geometry module is fixed.

    • Raster SQL

      • The bug that incomplete records are returned when some bands are specified for the ST_Values function is fixed.

      • The bug that the number of returned records is less than expected when the range specified for the ST_Values function exceeds the range of the raster data is fixed.

      • The memory leak that is caused by the ST_MosaicFrom function is fixed.

      • The data inaccuracy that is caused by length overflow of the ST_ExportTo function is fixed.

    • Trajectory SQL

      • The bug that the multi-bounding box index of a trajectory does not support NULL is fixed.



  • New features:


  • Bug fixes:

    Known issues are fixed.


  • New features:

    • GeomGrid SQL

      • Uber H3 indexes are supported.

        • The H3Grid data type is supported to represent H3-encoded grid objects.

        • The ST_H3FromLatLng function is added to obtain an H3Grid object at the specified longitude and latitude.

        • The ST_H3FromText function is added to convert an H3-encoded grid object of the STRING type to an H3Grid object.

        • The ST_H3FromInt function is added to convert an H3-encoded grid object of the BIGINT type to an H3Grid object.

        • The ST_AsInt function is added to convert an H3Grid object to an H3-encoded grid object of the BIGINT type.

        • The ST_Parent function is added to obtain the parent grid of an H3-encoded grid at a specified level.

        • The ST_Children function is added to obtain the child grid of an H3-encoded grid at a specified level.

    • Geometry SQL

      • The functions that are used for random sampling and pixel filtering are added to reduce the sizes of dynamically generated tiles.

        • The ST_IsRandomSampled function is added to return a BOOLEAN value based on user-provided property values and sample rates. The BOOLEAN value indicates whether the record is sampled.

        • The ST_AsMVTGeomEx function is added. Compared with the ST_AsMVTGeom function, the res_rec parameter is added to the ST_AsMVTGeomEx function to help filter out the vector elements that have little effect on the display. This reduces the size of the generated MVT.

      • The support for the GEOGRAPHY data type is enhanced.

        • The ST_LineSubstring function supports the GEOGRAPHY data type and allows you to obtain subsegments based on spherical distances.

        • The ST_LineInterpolatePoint function supports the GEOGRAPHY data type and allows you to obtain points based on spherical distances.

        • The ST_LineInterpolatePoints function supports the GEOGRAPHY data type and allows you to obtain interpolated points based on the spherical distance.

        • The ST_LineLocatePoint function supports the GEOGRAPHY data type and allows you to obtain the closest distance percentage based on the spherical distance.

    • Raster SQL

      • The ST_Polygonize function is added to vectorize raster objects.

  • Performance improvement

    • GeomGrid SQL

    • Raster SQL

      • The ST_Statistics function is enhanced to collect statistics on geometries of any type.

    • FDW SQL

      • FDW SQL is enhanced to support UTF-8-encoded file names or field names.

  • Bug fixes:

    • GeomGrid SQL

      • The issue due to which the ST_AsGrid function encounters incorrect grid computing at certain levels is fixed.

    • Geometry SQL

      • The issue due to which vector pyramids cannot be compatible with the metadata of GanosBase 3.7 is fixed.

      • The issue due to which the ST_Union function breaks down when an extension update is not performed is fixed.

    • Raster SQL

      • The issue due to which the band parameter of the ST_Contour function starts from 0 is fixed. This function is used to generate contour lines or contour planes.

    • Trajectory SQL

      • The issue due to which the trajectory module cannot be installed because it depends on pg_type is fixed.


  • New features:

    GeomGrid SQL provides the GeoSOT 3D grid code feature.

    • The ST_AsBox3D function is added to return the box3d-type spatial range of a 3D geographic grid.

    • The ST_GridLevelFromZ function is added to calculate the height of a geographic grid based on the altitude.

    • The ST_GridLevelAsZ function is added to convert the height of a geographic grid to the altitude.

    • The ST_HasZ function is added to determine whether a geographic grid contains the Z dimension.

    • The ST_Level function is added to obtain the gridding level of a geographic grid.

    • The ST_Generalize function is added to aggregate a geographic grid from a high level to a low level.

    • The ST_3DIntersects function is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid intersects with a geometry.

    • The ST_3DContains function is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid includes a geometry.

    • The ST_3DWithin function is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid is included by a geometry.

    • The ST_As3DGrid function is added to convert a 3D geometry into a geographic grid.

    • The &&& operator is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid intersects with a geometry.

    • The @@> operator is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid includes a geometry.

    • The <@@ operator is added to determine whether the spatial range of a 3D geographic grid is included by a geometry.

  • Performance improvement

    • GeomGrid SQL

      • The ST_AsText function is enhanced to convert a 3D geographic grid into encoded text.

      • The ST_GridFromText function is enhanced to convert the encoded text of a 3D geographic grid into a geographic grid.

    • Raster SQL

      • The ST_Statistics function is enhanced to support pixel statistics on any spatial object.

      • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced to import HDF5 subdatasets.

      • The ST_CreateRast function is enhanced to import HDF5 subdatasets.

  • Bug fixes:

    • Raster SQL

      • The issue due to which the ST_InterpolateRaster function fails is fixed.

      • The issue due to which the minimum values of Double and Float are incorrect are fixed.

    • Trajectory SQL

      • The following issue is fixed: The multi-bounding box index of a trajectory does not support NULL or a trajectory with only one point.


  • New features:

    • The ST_AsMVT3D and ST_AsMVTGeom3D functions are added to support the 3D vector slices of 3D geometries.

    • The ST_AsTableFormat function is added to provide the data type of the return value when the ST_AsTable function is called for a trajectory.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which an error is reported when the ST_Intersection function is called to determine the intersection of two overlapping segments is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_MosaicFrom function is enhanced to support parallel operations.

    • The ST_MosaicFrom function is enhanced to perform mosaic operations on images or projections that are at different resolutions.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes unexpected downtime when you call the ST_makeTrajectory function to construct a two-point trajectory by using the start time and end time of the trajectory is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_ClusterDBSCAN function is added to support the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm in a latitude and longitude coordinate.

    • The ST_CurveRecognize function is added to identify a curve of a trajectory and the curvature radius.

    • The ST_AsGrid function is optimized to compute degenerated grids in 2D.

    • The pgRouting extension is upgraded to 3.4.2.

  • Bug fixes:



  • New features:

    • GanosBase is compatible with PostGIS 3.3.2.

    • The ST_Angle function is added to return each rotation angle of a trajectory as an array.

    • The ST_CurvatureRadius function is added to return each curvature radius of a trajectory as an array.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that the ST_AsTable function fails when x,y,t is NULL is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The conversion between the GeoHash strings and INT-type values is supported.

      • The ST_GeoHashID function is added to convert GeoHash strings into INT-type values.

      • The ST_GeoHashFromID function is added to convert INT-type values into GeoHash strings.

    • The partial update feature is supported by vector pyramids that are used to accelerate data display.

    • The ST_InterpolateRaster function is added to support spatial interpolation.

    • The ST_Contour function is added to generate contours.

    • The ST_Statistics function is added to collect statistics on and analyze custom weights on raster data in MultiPoint mode.

    • The ST_Resample function is added to resample a trajectory.

    • The ST_Density function is added to calculate the density of a trajectory.

    • The ST_StayPoint function is added to identify the stay points of a trajectory.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the raster object becomes empty after the ST_BuildHistogram function is called is fixed.

    • The bug that downtime and Z-value errors are caused by null values for the ST_AsTable function is fixed.

    • The bug that incorrect results are returned when the GeoHash mode is used for the ST_Split function is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors in attribute field encoding for the ST_Tile function is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The ST_Intersection aggregate function is added to aggregate an array of geometry objects.

    • This function is added to accept z-axis values as the value of an input parameter and convert a 2D or 3DM geometry to a 3D or 4D geometry.ST_AddZ

    • The ST_SetValue function is enhanced to support the settings of pixel values based on the spatial range of a geometry object.

    • The ST_ExportTo function is enhanced to export raster objects as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) files.

    • The ST_CreateRast function is enhanced to convert multiple raster records or arrays into raster objects.

    • The ST_Split function is enhanced to support the settings of start time when you want to split a trajectory by time. The enhanced function also supports the splitting of a trajectory by trajectory point index.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the ST_makeTrajectory function may cause system downtime is fixed.

    • The bug that the ST_lcsSimilarity function cannot identify the time range measured in days is fixed.

    • The bug that the ST_AsEWKB function cannot convert trajectories created from data tables is fixed.

    • The bug that causes memory usage problems when the ST_BuildPyramid function is called to create a vector pyramid based on a large amount of data is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_Union function is enhanced to support batch execution based on memory usage to prevent out-of-memory (OOM) errors caused by large data volumes.

    • The ST_SetValue function is supported. This function allows you to specify pixel values at specified pixel positions.

    • HDFS-based operations on raster data are supported.

      • The ST_CreateRast function is enhanced to create raster data based on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

      • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced to import raster data based on HDFS.

      • The ST_ExportTo function is enhanced to export raster data to HDFS.

  • Bug fixes:



  • New features:

    • The ST_makeTrajectory function is enhanced to convert table rows to trajectory objects.

    • The ST_AsTable function is added to convert trajectory objects to tables.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which a temporary table created by an anonymous user cannot be automatically deleted when raster data is restored is fixed.


  • New features:

    • Raster data stored in self-managed Multi-Cloud Object Storage (MinIO) buckets can be accessed. For more information, see Object storage paths.

    • The ST_PointValues function is added to return the pixel values of all bands.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the ST_Clip function causes the incorrect order of bands is fixed.

    • The bug that causes low performance during raster updates is fixed. This bug occurs due to missing indexes on primary keys.

    • The bug that retries are not supported when you cannot access the trajectory objects stored in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket is fixed.


  • New features:

    GanosBase is compatible with PostgreSQL 14.

  • Performance improvement

    The cache for trajectory objects stored in external storage media is increased. This improves access performance.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes missing file suffixes when raster data is exported to an OSS bucket is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failed statistics on specific raster data is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_LinearStretch function is supported to linearly stretch a raster and return a new raster.

    • The ST_BuildPercentiles function is supported to calculate the percentiles of the specified bands of a raster.

    • The ST_ComputeStatistics function is supported to collect all statistics about a raster. The statistics include the histogram and percentiles.

    • The ST_Percentile function is supported to query the percentiles of the specified bands of a raster.

  • Performance improvement

    • The ST_SummaryStats and ST_BuildHistogram functions support parallel computations.

    • The ST_ExportTo function is optimized. If the specified file exists, the function returns false rather than an error message.

    • The ST_ImportFrom function is optimized. If an import error occurs, the function returns the details about the error. You can troubleshoot the error based on the error details.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which half a pixel of a raster that is cropped may be lost when values are rounded up or rounded down is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the data of a raster cannot be properly imported or collected if the data contains values such as NAN and INF is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_PixelAsPolygon function is supported to convert a specified pixel of a raster into a polygon object.

    • The ST_PixelAsPolygons function is supported to convert the pixels at a specified position of a raster into polygon objects.

    • The ST_PixelAsPoint function is supported to convert a specified pixel of a raster into a geometric object that is represented by a specified point of the geometric object.

    • The ST_PixelAsCentroid function is supported to convert a specified pixel of a raster into a geometric object that is represented by the point in the center of the geometric object.

    • The ST_PixelAsPoints function is supported to convert the pixels at a specified position of a raster into geometric objects, each of which is represented by a specified point in the geometric object.

    • The ST_PixelAsCentroids function is supported convert the pixels at a specified position of a raster into geometric objects, each of which is represented by the point in the center of the geometric object.

  • Performance improvement

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which an incorrect spatial reference identifier (SRID) is obtained when raster data is imported in the Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) format is fixed.

    • The issue that multiple bounding boxes cannot be properly updated if the results of the equals operations on the bounding boxes are incorrect is fixed.


  • Performance improvement

    • The ST_ImportFrom function is enhanced to enable GanosBase to map an OSS object to an in-memory file. This way, data import is accelerated.

    • The operator family trajgist_ops_multi is added for GiST indexing and TrajGiST indexing. You can create a GiST index or a TrajGiST index on multiple bounding boxes.

    • Vector pyramids are added to support queries of metadata.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes memory leaks when GanosBase is used to check whether two specified trajectories intersect is fixed.


  • Performance improvement

    • The functions that are used to calculate the different values of a raster surface are optimized to return rasters rather than pixel matrixes. These functions are ST_Hillshade, ST_Slope, and ST_Aspect.

    • The ST_Split function is optimized to split a trajectory into sub-trajectories based on a specified rule.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the ST_SrEqual function fails to check whether two spatial reference systems are the same in specific scenarios is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The ST_removeDriftPoints function is added to delete the drift points of a trajectory based on a specified rule.

    • The ST_Split function is added to split a trajectory based on a specified spatial geometric object.

    • The ST_ExportTo function is added to export a trajectory as an external file. Only metadata is retained in the database that stores the trajectory.

    • The ST_IsExternal function is added to check whether a trajectory is stored in an external file.

    • The ST_importFrom function is added to migrate a trajectory from the external file that stores the trajectory to the original database.

    • The ST_StorageLocation function is added to query the location of an external file of a trajectory.

    • The ST_AKID function is added to query the AccessKey ID that is used to read trajectory data from OSS.

    • The ST_SetAccessKey function is added to configure an AccessKey pair that is used to read trajectory data from OSS. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. An AccessKey ID is similar to a username, and an AccessKey secret is similar to a password.

    • The ST_SetAkId function is added to configure an AccessKey ID that is used to read trajectory data from OSS.

    • The ST_SetAkSecret function is added to configure an AccessKey secret that is used to read trajectory data from OSS.

    • The ST_SetStorageLocation function is added to specify the storage location of an external file when trajectory data is read from the external file.

    • The ST_DeleteGTF function is added to delete the files that contain the exported trajectories from a specified folder.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which data cannot be queried based on strings when a vector pyramid is being created is fixed.

    • The bug due to which layers cannot be displayed when QGIS is connected is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_AsDatasetFile function is added to convert a specified part of a raster into a BYTEA-type file.

    • The ST_RasterDrivers function is added to query all drivers that are supported by raster data sources in GanosBase.

    • The Ganos_FDW module is added. This module provides the FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER (FDW) extension. This extension is used to access the spatial vector data that is stored in OSS buckets.

      • The ST_FDWDrivers function is added to obtain all drivers that are supported by the data sources of the Ganos_FDW extension.

      • The ST_ForeignTables function is added to query the name of a table from an external database.

      • The ST_RegForeignTables function is added to define a table in data sources that are supported by the Ganos_FDW extension as an external table.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the ST_Clip function encounters reprojection failures if a spatial reference system is specified is fixed.


  • Performance improvement

    The ST_SubRaster function is optimized to convert the pixel types of raster objects and increase the pixel values. This function can also be used to convert multi-band remote sensing images into three-band images that can be recognized by AI technologies.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which GanosBase unexpectedly exits when GanosBase parses invalid histograms is fixed.

    • The bug due to which GanosBase unexpectedly exits after projection settings are modified is fixed.

    • The bug due to which GanosBase unexpectedly exits when raster data is imported into GanosBase is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The ST_RPCGeoreference function is added to query the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) model of a raster.

    • The ST_SetRPCGeoreference function is added to configure the RPC model of a raster.

    • The ST_RPCRectify function is added to calibrate a raster based on the RPC model of the raster and return a calibrated raster.

    • A parallel mechanism is added. This mechanism is used to create GiST indexes in parallel.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that may prevent the pg_dump plug-in from backing up custom SRIDs is fixed.


  • Performance improvement

    GanosBase is optimized. When a raster is updated based on a different raster, GanosBase can automatically delete the data chunks of the original raster.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which trajectory-related extensions cannot be upgraded is fixed.

    • The bug that causes resampling errors when the Average resampling method is used to resample raster objects is fixed.

    • The bug due to which inaccurate results are returned for queries on a trajectory object is fixed. This bug is triggered when multiple timestamps show the same trajectory point along the trajectory.

    • The bug due to which GanosBase exits when the conversion of geo-spatial objects fails is fixed. GanosBase is optimized to report the causes of the failures.


  • New features:

    • The ST_ImportFrom function is added to import raster data in parallel.

    • The ST_BuildPyramid function is added to build pyramids for raster data in parallel.

    • Empty trajectory objects are supported, and null trajectory objects can be returned if the specified requirements are not met.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the ST_AddZ function returns inaccurate results is fixed. This bug is triggered when the values of input parameters are 16-bit signed integers.

    • The bug due to which the trajectory module cannot be upgraded is fixed.

    • The bug due to which specific functions of the trajectory module cannot use indexes is fixed.

    • The bug due to which specific ND functions cannot run as expected is fixed. If this bug is triggered, these ND functions cannot identify two periods of time that do not intersect and consequently return the value error rather than the value false.


  • New features:

    • The ST_JaccardSimilarity function is added to calculate the similarity between trajectory objects.

    • The ST_Transform function is added to convert a trajectory object from a spatial reference system into a different spatial reference system.

  • Performance improvement

    A new parameter is provided. This parameter is used to specify the spatial extent of a vector pyramid when GanosBase cannot automatically calculate the spatial extent of the vector pyramid that you want to build.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes invalid data catalogs is fixed.


  • New features:

    • BYTEA-type images can be returned for vector pyramids. This feature can be used to visualize vector data.

    • The JPEG 2000 compression algorithm is added. This algorithm is used to compress 16-bit raster data before the data is stored.

    • The ganos_update function is added. You can run the select ganos_update() ; command to upgrade all extensions of GanosBase to the latest versions.

    • The TRAJECTORY data type is added:

      • Native spatio-temporal indexes are supported.

      • GiST indexes are supported for trajectory objects, and six operator families are provided for you to create GiST indexes in six dimensions.

      • The BOXND data type is added. This data type is used to describe the spatio-temporal extents of trajectory objects and store trajectory objects.

      • The following operators are added. These operators are used to compare the spatio-temporal relationships between two objects from different dimensions: && operator, @> operator, and <@ operator. The && operator is used to check whether two objects intersect. The @> operator is used to check whether the left operand-specified object includes the right operand-specified object. The <@ operator is used to check whether the left operand-specified object is included in the right operand-specified object.

      • The ST_ndIntersects, ST_ndDWithin, ST_ndContains, and ST_ndWithin functions are added. These functions are used to process trajectory objects.

      • New features are added. The features are used to collect statistics about trajectory objects and estimate scan costs based on the statistics.

      • TrajGiST indexes are supported. TrajGiST indexing is an optimized indexing method.

  • Performance improvement

    • The ST_DWithin function is optimized to query distances at higher performance.

    • The GiST index-based two-phase query optimization method is used to query spatio-temporal extents at higher performance.

    • The mechanism that is used to build vector pyramids is optimized:

      • The source data from all coordinate systems that provide SRIDs is supported. The source data is based on the EPSG:3857 or EPSG:4326 coordinate reference system.

      • The pixelSize parameter is added. This parameter is used to aggregate point data. The aggregation helps reduce the number of tiles.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes an improper intersection of trajectory objects on the t-axis is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in updating raster objects is fixed.

    • The bug due to which binary files do not respond after they are upgraded to later versions is fixed.

    • The bug that causes an abnormally large number of tiles at the top layer of a vector pyramid when the default parameter settings are used to create point data for the vector pyramid is fixed.


  • New features:

    • NetCDF files that contain subsets are supported. These files can be imported into specified layers based on the layer names that you specify.

    • The following functions are added to query and specify the custom metadata and time series data of a raster file:

      • The ST_MetaItems function is added to query the names of all custom metadata items in a raster file.

      • The ST_MetaData function is modified to query the custom metadata items of a raster file and return metadata items in the JSON format.

      • The ST_SetMetaData function is added to specify a metadata item of a raster.

      • The ST_BeginDateTime function is added to obtain the start time of a raster.

      • The ST_EndDateTime function is added to obtain the end time of a raster.

      • The ST_SetBeginDateTime function is added to specify the start time of a raster.

      • The ST_SetEndDateTime function is added to specify the end time of a raster.

      • The ST_SetDateTime function is added to specify the start time and end time of a raster and the time when a band is obtained.

    • The following functions are added to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type image:

      • The ST_AsImage function is added to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type image.

      • The ST_AsPNG function is added to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type image and save the image as a PNG file.

      • The ST_AsJPEG function is added to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type image and save the image as a JPEG file.

    • The GEOMGRID data type is added, and new functions are provided to manage this type of data:

      • The GEOMGRID data type is added.

      • The ST_AsText function is added to convert data from the GEOMGRID data type to the TEXT data type.

      • The ST_AsGeometry function is added to convert data from the GEOMGRID data type to the GEOMETRY data type.

      • The ST_AsBinary function is added to convert data from the GEOMGRID data type to the BINARY data type.

      • The ST_AsBox function is added to convert data from the GEOMGRID data type to the BOX data type.

      • The ST_AsGrid function is added to convert data from the GEOMETRY data type to the GEOMGRID data type.

      • The ST_GridFromText function is added to convert data from the TEXT data type to the GEOMGRID data type.

      • The ST_GridFromBinary function is added to convert data from the BINARY data type to the GEOMGRID data type.

      • The ST_Intersects function is added to check whether a grid object intersects with a geometric object.

      • The ST_Contains function is added to check whether a grid object includes another grid object or a geometric object.

      • The ST_Within function is added to check whether a grid object is included in another grid object or a geometric object.

    • The following functions are added to support vector pyramids and display vector pyramids at high speeds:

      • The ST_BuildPyramid function is added to build a vector pyramid.

      • The ST_DeletePyramid function is added to delete a vector pyramid.

      • The ST_Tile function is added to query the tile data of a vector pyramid in the MVT format.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which memory resources are exhausted when you build pyramids is fixed.

    • The bug due to which GanosBase cannot create a trajectory point on January 1, 2000 for a moving object is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the ST_Intersection function returns inaccurate sub-trajectories for a moving object is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format is supported. GanosBase can read pyramid data that are stored in COG files.

    • The ST_AddZ function is added to allow you to add the z coordinate to a geometric object based on the pixel values of the raster in which the geometric object resides.

    • The following functions are added to efficiently query the spatial extents of rasters based on pyramid levels:

      • The ST_Extent function is added to query the spatial extent of a raster and return a bounding box.

      • The ST_Envelope function is added to query the spatial extent of a raster and return a geometric object.

      • The ST_ConvexHull function is added to obtain the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries within a raster.

      • The ST_Height function is added to query the pixel height of a raster.

      • The ST_Width function is added to query the pixel width of a raster.

      • The ST_XMin function is modified to query the minimum x coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_YMin function is modified to query the minimum y coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_XMax function is modified to query the maximum x coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_YMax function is modified to query the maximum y coordinate of a raster.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that limits the performance of GanosBase is fixed. This bug is triggered when GanosBase splits external raster data into chunks by using the 1 × n chunking model. After this bug is fixed, you can customize the size per chunk.

    • The bug due to which the ST_Values function returns linear objects whose coordinates on specific axes do not follow the sorting rules is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the ST_BestPyramidLevel function returns negative values is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the ST_BuildPyramid function repeatedly builds pyramids is fixed.

    • The bug due to which chunk tables cannot be cleared in a timely manner when you truncate raster tables is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the ST_ExportTo function is invalid on the CreateOption parameter is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors when the ST_ClearChunks function is invoked is fixed. This bug is triggered when the name of the table on which the function is invoked contains both uppercase letters and lowercase letters.

    • The bug that causes failures in creating an overview for an external pyramid is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in creating an internal pyramid for a raster that has an external pyramid is fixed.

    • The bug due to which inaccurate statistics are returned for queries on rasters is fixed. This bug is triggered when the rasters contain NaN values.


  • New features:

    • The following functions are added to efficiently query the metadata of rasters:

      • The ST_XMin function is added to query the minimum x coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_YMin function is added to query the minimum y coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_XMax function is added to query the maximum x coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_YMax function is added to query the maximum y coordinate of a raster.

      • The ST_ChunkHeight function is added to query the chunk height of a raster.

      • The ST_ChunkWidth function is added to query the chunk width of a raster.

      • The ST_ChunkBands function is added to query the number of bands based on which the data of a raster is split into chunks.

    • The ST_SrFromEsriWkt function is added to convert a spatial reference string from the Esri format to the OGC format.

    • The Zstandard (Zstd) compression algorithm and the Snappy compression algorithm are added. These algorithms are used to compress raster data.

    • Point cloud files can be copied in binary format.

    • The PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA environment variables can be configured, and the relevant data can be deployed.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which GanosBase unexpectedly exits when an invalid OSS path is specified is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inconsistencies between the imported SRIDs and original SRIDs of specific rasters is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The following MD5 functions are added. These functions are used to manage spatial rasters. The management operations include data consistency check and duplicate removal:

      • The ST_MD5Sum function is added to query the MD5 value of a raster.

      • The ST_SetMD5Sum function is added to specify the MD5 value of a raster.

    • The following functions are added to authenticate the spatial rasters that are stored in OSS buckets:

      • The ST_AKId function is added to query the AccessKey ID of a raster that is stored in an OSS bucket.

      • The ST_SetAccessKey function is added to configure the AccessKey ID and the AccessKey secret that are used to access a raster object stored in an OSS bucket.

      • The ST_AKId function is added to specify the AccessKey ID of a raster that is stored in an OSS bucket.

      • The ST_SetAKSecret function is added to specify the AccessKey secret of a raster that is stored in an OSS bucket.

    • The following functions are added to manage the metadata of a spatial raster:

      • The ST_ScaleX function is added to query the pixel width of a raster on the x-axis of the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_ScaleY function is added to query the pixel width of a raster on the y-axis of the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_SetScale function is added to specify the pixel width of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_SkewX function is added to query the skew of a raster on the x-axis of the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_SkewY function is added to query the skew of a raster on the y-axis of the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_SetSkew function is added to specify the skew of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_UpperLeftX function is added to query the x-coordinate of the pixel in the upper-left corner of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_UpperLeftY function is added to query the y-coordinate of the pixel in the upper-left corner of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_SetUpperLeft function is added to query the coordinates of the pixel in the upper-left corner of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_PixelWidth function is added to query the pixel width of a raster in the spatial reference system.

      • The ST_PixelHeight function is added to query the pixel height of a raster in the spatial reference system.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes failures in upgrading extensions is fixed. This bug is triggered when aggregate functions are invoked during the upgrade process.


  • New features:

    The ST_Clip function is added to clip objects based on pixel coordinates.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The name of the ST_NearestApproachDistance function is corrected.

    • The bug due to which the ST_MosaicFrom function unexpectedly exits is fixed.