This topic describes the changes in the service status of ApsaraMQ for MQTT when you have overdue payments in your account or when your instance expires. To prevent the adverse impact of overdue payments or instance expiration on your business, settle the unpaid bills or renew your instance at the earliest opportunity.
Overdue payments of subscription instances
After your subscription instance expires, the service status changes in the following aspects:
- You can continue to use the instance within 15 days after it expires. After 15 days elapse, Alibaba Cloud suspends your ApsaraMQ for MQTT service, but temporarily retains the instance and resource data for you.
- If you do not renew your instance within 15 days after the service is suspended, Alibaba Cloud releases the instance that you create in ApsaraMQ for MQTT and deletes the topics and group IDs that you create on the instance. The released instance and its resources cannot be restored.
Overdue payments of pay-as-you-go instances
Important Pay-as-you-go ApsaraMQ for MQTT instances are no longer for sale. Existing pay-as-you-go instances continue to be available. The following overdue payments are applicable to only existing pay-as-you-go instances.
The billing cycle of pay-as-you-go instances of ApsaraMQ for MQTT is 24 hours. On the next natural day, Alibaba Cloud charges your service use of the previous natural day, issues a bill, and deducts the service fees from your Alibaba Cloud account balance based on the bill amount. A bill is generally issued within 8 to 10 hours after the current billing cycle ends.
When your account balance is insufficient to pay the bill amount, the ApsaraMQ for MQTT service is affected in the following aspects:
- You can continue to use the ApsaraMQ for MQTT service within 24 hours after the payment becomes overdue. After 24 hours elapse, Alibaba Cloud suspends your ApsaraMQ for MQTT service, but temporarily retains the instance and resource data for you.
- If you do not settle your unpaid bill within seven days after the service is suspended, Alibaba Cloud releases the instance that you create in ApsaraMQ for MQTT and deletes the topics and group IDs that you create on the instance. The released instance and its resources cannot be restored.