Alibaba Cloud for Sustainability

Achieve a sustainable future with low-carbon and energy-efficient technologies


Alibaba Cloud is committed to creating a sustainable future with innovation. Our solution helps achieve high energy efficiency and carbon neutrality goals with comprehensive energy and emission management features. These are based on leading technical capabilities in artificial intelligence (AI), data intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), combined with proven expertise across energy sectors and industries. This helps you plan sustainability strategy in detail, monitor and manage energy consumption and environmental impacts, and integrate the strategy into communities.

  • Enterprise-Oriented Sustainability Solution

    This solution complies with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and other relevant standards and helps manage carbon assets, plan carbon neutrality paths, measure carbon footprints, and monitor the progress of your carbon neutral target.

  • AI-Based Energy Management

    You can easily manage energy data of electricity, water, and gas in visualized dashboards with AI-based functions (such as automatic waste detection, consumption forecast and optimization, and energy efficiency evaluation and benchmarking).

  • Customizable Low Carbon Community

    You can integrate carbon inclusiveness into the daily behaviors of your community members by customizing a low-carbon or net-zero community with green action guidelines and regulations to promote social-oriented sustainability.

Alibaba Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2023

For Alibaba, a company born with social responsibility in its DNA, ESG is the bridge connecting to a long-term and sustainable future. This ESG report shares periodic updates on Alibaba's goals, actions, and progress. Alibaba believes digitalization can bring connectivity and synergy and uniquely drive enterprises toward a better, fairer, and more sustainable future.

Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future - Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine Issue 12

Alibaba Cloud is a leading provider of cloud computing and artificial intelligence solutions that has been committed to supporting innovation for sustainable development. This issue of e-Magazine will introduce our recent initiatives for sustainable development and achievements in terms of carbon neutrality, digital talents cultivation and technology inclusion.

Start Your Sustainability Journey with Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert

Manage Emissions with Carbon Vision
Carbon Vision provides a one-stop visualized platform for public sectors and enterprises to easily monitor key carbon emission factors and accurately report emissions with real-time analysis. You can run simulations based on the analysis to estimate region and industry-specific emissions and set carbon emission targets and regulations according to simulation results to lay out your path to carbon neutrality.
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Save Energy and Cut Emissions with Energy Expert
Energy Expert helps enterprises and large communities to plan, manage, and reduce energy consumption, and trace, calculate, and regulate carbon emissions. You can run a diagnosis on energy consumption and efficiency and generate forecasts for trends across the energy value chain to support decision-making for energy saving. The industry-savvy Carbon Footprint feature provides accurate calculation and optimization suggestions to cut carbon emissions to the minimum.
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Reduce the Social Cost of Carbon with Low-Carbon Community
Sustainable development relies on communities and individuals. You can customize a low-carbon community that offers a carbon ledger for each community member, encourages low-carbon activities on the personal level with quantifiable standards and executable green guidelines, and promotes carbon neutrality among all members through social features to reduce the social costs of carbon (SCC) within your community.
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Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert Enables Sustainability for Enterprises

(as of December 2022)








Factors from Global LCA Databases


Energy Saving on Average


Days for Product PCF Report Delivery

Efficient Logistics Optimization

5G MAX PTE LTD leveraged EasyDispatch’s real-time dispatching and vehicle route planning capabilities to improve logistics efficiency and performance, and successfully processed 550,000 orders in 7 months with 10,000 concurrent orders processed simultaneously.

Carbon Monitoring and Analysis for Logistics

Carbon emissions of each logistics task are monitored and analyzed by Energy Expert in real-time based on logistics information from EasyDispatch - such as region and regional order quantity - to provide accurate and quantified insights of carbon footprint, and facilitate agile carbon strategy adjustment.

Unified Carbon Reduction

The detailed analysis of logistics carbon emissions in Energy Expert such as trend graphs and scope status can be used in conjunction with EasyDispatch, so logistics enterprises can weigh the factors of carbon reduction and business development, balancing sustainable logistics with carbon neutrality goals.

Customer Success Stories

Olympic Esports Week

Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert has tailored a series of cutting-edge carbon reduction solutions for the Olympic Esports Week Singapore 2023 to enhance the sustainability of this event.

Solution Overview

The cloud dashboard of Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert has been used for Olympic Esports Week Singapore 2023 to measure carbon impact of temporary construction. Moreover, the app customized for Olympic Esports Week offers audiences and participants a unique opportunity to interact with the event and work together to learn tips on how to reduce their carbon footprint. With the app, users can learn about the carbon footprint of e-gaming equipment and other common objects, and tips on how to reduce carbon emissions in their daily lives.
Ultimately, the cloud dashboard of Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert and the app customized for Olympic Esports Week are two powerful tools that work in tandem to promote sustainable behavior and measure certain carbon emissions. By using these innovative tools, event organizers, audiences, and participants can all take part in the global effort to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future for all.

Cloud-based Dashboard

Cloud-based Dashboard for Olympic Esports Week Key Sustainability Indicators.

Community Activation & Fan Engagement

Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert can customize exclusive apps for Community Activation & Fan Engagement, encouraging users to adopt sustainable lifestyles and commitments, participate in individual carbon reduction actions, and receive/share rewards.

Alibaba Cloud Supports Sustainable Development With Innovation

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