Simple Log Service (SLS) - WAF LogAnalysis Released
Nov 21 2018
Simple Log Service (SLS)Content
Target customers: Security O&M personnel, security operation personnel, security system developers, and CIOs. Features released: Collects total factor logs in real-time to help you know the access and attack status of websites. 1. Intelligent query and analysis with built-in query algorithms: Supports real-time retrieval and data queries and analysis. Supports querying logs involving multiple complex scenarios. 2. Quick analysis: Supports quick analysis by providing users with one-click query experience. 3. Rich report and dashboard interfaces: The log report page supports presenting data of O&M, access, and security dashboards and supports integrating with multiple visualization platforms. 4. Custom reports and dashboards: Supports custom reports and dashboards based on customers' business. 5. Export logs: Supports exporting logs to local or external data warehouses.