Auto Scaling - Support Pay-by-Second fora Preemptible Instance
Dec 17 2018
Auto ScalingContent
Product introduction: Preemptible instances are a type of on-demand instance. You can use this type of instance to reduce the costs of using ECS instances in many scenarios. When creating a preemptible instance, you are required to specify the maximum price for a specified instance specification. When the market price of the instance specification is lower than your specified price, you can create a preemptible instance and will be charged by the current market price. You can hold the instance for a maximum of one hour. After the period of time has expired, when the market price is higher than your specified price and the relationship between supply and demand changes, the instance will be released. Billing updates: Previously, you pay by hour when using a preemptible instance. You cannot benefit from this billing method to save costs since any time within an hour that the instance is running will incur a charge of one hour. The updated billing method allows for a pay-by-second payment scheme. When you create a preemptible instance, the price shows a pay-by-hour payment scheme. However, you are required to divide the price by 3,600 to obtain a pay-by-second price. The charge incurred from the creation of an instance to the release of the instance is rounded off to two digits after the decimal point.