Auto Scaling - AutoScaling supports balanced distribution of VPC instances in multiple availability zones
May 11 2018
Auto ScalingContent
Applicable customers: Users who want to build high-availability elastic scaling Release function: Users can specify the policy of Re-Balancer. According to different policies, the resources are created based on balancing of multiple availability zones, resulting in higher stability and reliability of the expanded resource system with multi-point disaster recovery and load balancing. Distribution re-balancing replaces the existing ECS instance by creating a new ECS instance to compensate for balanced availability zone. A new ECS instance will be started before an existing ECS instance is terminated, and distribution re-balancing will not affect the performance and availability of your applications. You can re-balance the availability zone only when the distribution of ECS instances in a scaling group of multiple availability zones, with MultiAZPolic=Balance set, is unbalanced.