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Deploy and Run a Social Web App on Alibaba Cloud

Deploy and Run a Social Web App on Alibaba Cloud

This solution deploys and runs a social web app based on Node.js and MongoDB. This app was designed based on the original project, with modifications and customization to make it work on Alibaba Cloud ECS and MongoDB.
Reference Architecture
Deploy Resources
Use this file in Terraform to provision ECS, EIP, and ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances from this solution.
Go to the Alibaba Cloud ECS console and MongoDB console to see the instances you just created.
Set up Node.js on ECS
1. Copy the public IP address of the "mongodb-tech" instance just created, and log in remotely via SSH:
ssh root@ECS_EIP
The default account name and password of the ECS instance are:
Account name: root
Password: Aliyuntest123
2. Download the Node.js installation package:
3. Decompress the installation package:
tar xf node-v16.9.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
4. Move the decompressed directory to the /usr/local directory:
mmv node-v16.9.1-linux-x64 /usr/local/node
5. Run the vim /etc/profile command to open the environment variable configuration file. Add the following content to the end of the file:
export NODE_HOME=/usr/local/node
export PATH=$PATH:$NODE_HOME/bin
6. Activate the modifications:
source /etc/profile
7. Run the following command. You can see the corresponding service version, which indicates that the installation is completed:
node -v
npm -v
Deploy and Run the Web App
1. Install Git:
apt update && apt -y install git
2. Create a projects directory and go to this directory:
mkdir projects && cd projects
3. Download the sample project:
git clone
4. Enter the sample project directory:
cd nextjs-mongodb-app
5. Install the Next.js framework dependency package:
npm install next react react-dom
6. Copy an ".env" configuration file first:
cp .env.example .env
7. Run the command vim .env to open the ".env" configuration file, and modify the connection address of MongoDB.
8. Start the project:
npm run dev
9. Visit the public IP address of the current ECS in a web browser, and you can see that the project has been installed successfully.
10. Install PM2 to start or manage the lifecycle of the Node.js web app. First, enter Ctrl + C to stop the web app process started by executing npm run dev beforehand. Then, run the following command to install PM2 and start the web app: npm i -g pm2
npm run build
pm2 start npm -- run start
11. Visit the public IP address of the current ECS with port 3000 again in the browser. You can see the project has been started by PM2 successfully.
Install Mongoku on ECS to Manage Data on MongoDB
1. Install the open-source MongoDB Web Admin tool Mongoku on ECS to manage data on MongoDB:
cd ~
npm install -g mongoku
mongoku start --pm2
2. Visit http://ECS_EIP:3100 again in the web browser to visit the Mongoku Web Admin. Mongoku uses port 3100 for the web app by default.
You can add the MongoDB connection URI as the server to navigate and manage the data for this social web app via Mongoku.

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