Super App Solution for Telcos

Alibaba Cloud (in partnership with Whale Cloud) helps telcos build an enterprise-level digital operation system based on DingTalk. The solution digitalizes the organizational and business management of telcos and the journey for enterprise customers and consumers.


The Super App solution can improve telcos' operational efficiency and enable telcos to provide digital services to their enterprise customers and consumers. This solution integrates DingTalk's powerful digital service capabilities, such as online communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing, social networking, and mobile app development, with telcos' network resources and Alibaba Cloud's global infrastructure, making it a robust underlying super app platform. You can merge self-built telco capabilities, such as finance, OA, ERP, and business applications, to customize the telecom digitalization journey of your business, enterprise customers, and consumers.

Drive Digital Transformation with the Super App Solution for Telcos

Optimized Operational Efficiency

A super app provides a closed ecosystem to connect telcos, field service technicians, agents, and distributors for convenience and simplicity.

An All-in-One Customer Experience

Consolidating multiple services into one super app can promote your expanding ecosystem and bring your customers a seamless mobile experience.

Digitalized Enterprise Services

This solution integrates network, cloud services, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), and APIs to enable telcos to provide digital services to their enterprise customers.

Intelligent DingTalk Capabilities

This solution was built on DingTalk, an intelligent mobile workspace with over 300 million users across 15 million organizations. You can customize super apps using DingTalk fundamentals.

Decades of Telecom Know-Hows

This solution integrates Whale Cloud’s advanced BSS/OSS modules and 28 years of telecom experience to pave the best path toward digital transformation.

Flexible Deployment

You can deploy super apps on public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, or on-premises environments to best suit your needs and further save costs.

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How It Works

Your Challenges

Telcos need a central digital workspace for efficient online communication, team collaboration, and IT management when embracing new operation models.

Our Solution

  • The Super App Solution for Telcos, powered by the backend capabilities of DingTalk, seamlessly integrates with self-built telco IT capabilities, such as finance, ERP, and other business management services, to build comprehensive digital workspaces, simplifying and modernizing enterprises' daily operations. Telco field service technicians can respond faster and provide more accurate operation and maintenance services by leveraging super apps as a platform. In addition, the Super App Solution for Telcos provides diversified channels to help agents and distributors facilitate wholesale and distribution sales, track channel performance, calculate commissions, and recommend products to target groups with high precision.

Your Challenges

Many telcos are expanding their digital ecosystem and want to add lifestyle mini apps to their self-service telecom apps. Super apps can offer a consistent customer experience.

Our Solution

  • The Super App Solution for Telcos can help you upgrade self-service apps to digital lifestyle Super apps. It encapsulates Whale Cloud’s Customer Engagement Enabler for seamless and proactive services throughout the customer journey, DingTalk for online communication functionalities, and mPaaS for telecom ISVs’ easy application development to quickly develop high-quality super apps, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. This solution leverages capabilities from your business and ecosystem partners to provide one-stop operations to help telcos enhance correlations between mini apps, improve user experience, and build a customer service center for entertainment and socializing for daily digital life.

Your Challenges

To provide digital services for enterprise customers, telcos need an end-to-end solution to enable networking, cloud resources, and other functionalities and integrates them in between.

Our Solution

  • Based on DingTalk's best practices, we offer a one-stop solution to effectively connect the underlying telecom networking services, Alibaba Cloud infrastructure, rich information and communication technologies (ICTs), APIs, and channel resources to create an enterprise-level digital platform for customers. This platform provides capabilities such as unified communication and collaboration office automation, office automation (OA) capabilities, and role-based employee workbench to stay competitive in the telecommunication market, empowering your customers of all industries for their digital transformation journey.

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In Partnership with Whale Cloud

Whale Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. is a global leading data intelligence technology company dedicated to helping customers succeed in the digital economy era. Whale Cloud's telecom BSS and OSS products have made it one of the world's top vendors in the global telecom software industry.

Security and Compliance

We are committed to providing stable, reliable, secure, and compliant cloud computing infrastructure services across major jurisdictions around the world.
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  • ISO 27001
  • SOC2 Type II Report
  • C5
  • MTCS
  • ISO 27701
  • DPTM

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