Cloud Badge

An innovative credential digital service for event staff and visitors by Alibaba Cloud


Cloud Badge by Alibaba Cloud is an innovative credential digital service for event staff and visitors. It utilizes cloud technology to enhance event operations through a centralized badge management platform and real-time content interaction. It identifies qualified and eligible personnel and their roles in sports and events, authorizes venue access accordingly to protect secure zones, and distributes in-venue digital information and notifications to ensure safe and orderly event participation.

Solution Highlights

  • Mass Participants Service

    This solution manages millions of badge connections, satisfying the different size event requirements from international games to commercial events. Low power consumption technology ensures the badges can operate during the entire event without charging.

  • High Operational Efficiency

    Cloud Badge can integrate with results systems and VIP services to deliver and display real-time information and notifications. All cloud badges can be managed centrally and remotely, allowing the organizers to adjust access permission to curb pandemic control challenges.

  • Privacy Protection

    Cloud Badge adopts comprehensive end-to-end security approaches, such as data encryption and secured communication. As an official credential, it protects privacy without installing additional administration applications on the private devices of stakeholders.

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How It Works

Cloud Badge Solution

The cloud-based badge platform manages the badge services for event organizers. The event organizers could enjoy the SaaS platform to easily configure the necessary information for an event, such as staff job positions, message templates, event schedules, and so on. This solution utilizes cloud technology to benefit event organizers to serve and manage the stakeholders in the venue and improve the efficiency of event operations through the centralized badge management platform and real-time information content interaction. The operation status and badge statistics are presented to event organizers through clear visualization report. This solution also provides a series of optional innovative features for pandemic control scenarios, such as access rights application, close contact record, invalid access warning, and so on.

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Security and Compliance

We are committed to providing stable, reliable, secure, and compliant cloud computing infrastructure services across major jurisdictions around the world.
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  • ISO 27001
  • SOC2 Type II Report
  • C5
  • MLPS 2.0
  • MTCS

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