New Features

Smart Access Gateway (SAG) - Smart Access Gateway - Supports Attaching Two OSPF-supported SAG-1000 Devices

SAG-1000 for Smart Access Gateway now supports OSPF and you can attach two SAG-1000 devices to your network. When an error occurs with one device, network connection is automatically switched to the other device through OSPF to ensure service availability.

Target scenarios: Headquarters and branches of chain stores, and hybrid clouds. Features released: 1. SAG-1000 Smart Access Gateway now supports OSPF and you can attach two SAG_1000 devices to your network. When an error occurs with one device, network connection is automatically switched to the other device through OSPF to ensure the availability of your service. 2. Two devices can be attached to your network. This does not affect the networking of your on-premises data centers.

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