New Features

Server Load Balancer (SLB) - Shares the Source Code of ALB Ingress on GitHub

The source code of ALB Ingress is available on GitHub. In scenarios where you deploy cloud-native applications on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in self-managed Kubernetes clusters, ALB Ingresses meet the requirements for ultra-high elasticity and balancing of heavy traffic loads at Layer 7.

Target customers: users who deploy cloud-native applications on ECS instances in self-managed Kubernetes clusters. Features released: Cloud-native ALB Ingresses are compatible with NGINX Ingresses, and provide improved traffic routing capabilities based on ALB instances. In scenarios where you deploy cloud-native applications on ECS instances in self-managed Kubernetes clusters, ALB Ingresses meet the requirements for ultra-high elasticity and balancing of heavy traffic loads at Layer 7.

7th Gen ECS Is Now Available

Increase instance computing power by up to 40% and Fully equipped with TPM chips.
Powered by Third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (Ice Lake).

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