ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL - New Minor Versions Released for PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, and 13
Dec 10 2021
ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQLContent
Target customers: all users. Features released: New features PostgreSQL 10/11/12/13 • Ganos ◊ The ST_LinearStretch function is added to truncate a raster object and then linearly stretch the raster object based on the maximum and minimum stretch ratios. ◊ The ST_BuildPercentiles function is added to return the percentage of pixels for a set of raster bands. ◊ The ST_ComputeStatistics function is added to return statistics of a raster object, including histograms and percentage. ◊ The ST_Percentile function is added to return the percentage of pixels for a raster band. ◊ New functions are added to return the geometry of raster pixels: ♦ ST_PixelAsPolygon: returns the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column. ♦ ST_PixelAsPolygons: returns the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. ♦ ST_PixelAsPoint: returns a point geometry of the upper-left corner of a pixel. ♦ ST_PixelAsCentroid: returns the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel. ♦ ST_PixelAsPoints: returns a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band along with the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The coordinates of the point geometry are of the upper-left corner of the pixel. ♦ ST_PixelAsCentroids: returns the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band along with the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The point geometry is the centroid of the area represented by a pixel. ◊ Ganos Geometry is compatible with PostGIS 3.1.4. • The PostGIS plug-in is updated to V3.1.4. • The pg_jieba plug-in is supported. • The pldebugger plug-in is supported. • PostgreSQL 10 ◊ The minor version is updated to 10.19. • PostgreSQL 13 ◊ The minor version is updated to 13.5. ◊ The timescaledb plug-in of V2.5.0 is supported. • The log_statement parameter can be configured for sessions, users, and databases. Performance improvements PostgreSQL 10/11/12/13 • Ganos ◊ The ST_SummaryStats and ST_BuildHistogram functions can be used to perform parallel computing. ◊ The ST_ExportTo function can return false instead of an error message if the destination file already exists. ◊ The ST_ImportFrom function can return error details to help troubleshooting. ◊ The ST_AsDatasetFile function can return data in the GRIB2 format. Bug fixes PostgreSQL 10/11/12 • The bug due to which the pg_cron plug-in causes memory leaks when querying cron job logs is fixed. PostgreSQL 11/12/13 • The bug that privileged accounts have no permissions to execute the SHOW SHARED_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES statement is fixed.