Elastic Compute Service (ECS) - Launched Alibaba Cloud ECS bidding instances
Sep 18 2017
Elastic Compute Service (ECS)Content
Product features and benefits: Reduces up to 50% to 90% of operating costs (compared with Pay-As-You-Go instances) and improves the computing capacity by 2 to 10 times with the same budget. Target customers: Applies to interruptible short-term computing scenarios including graphic rendering, big data analysis, video codec, batch computing, and stateless web services. Billing method: Uses the post-payment method for bidding instances and provides lower prices of different instance specifications than the Pay-As-You-Go method. You can offer a maximum acceptable price for bidding instances. Once these bidding instances begin to run, they are billed by the market price and will not exceed the pre-determined maximum price. Nickname in the Yunqi Community: ECS