Certified Developer

Complete Hands-on Labs to Get Certified as an Alibaba Cloud Developer and Receive Benefits

How to Get Certified


Create an Alibaba Cloud Account

Please complete your information and add a payment method or pass student verification.


Get Cloud Services

You can get free services if you are eligible for Alibaba Cloud Free Tier.


Complete a Hands-on Lab

Start a hands-on lab and complete it. Please make sure you have uploaded your lab result.


Claim Certificate and Benefits

Once your lab result passed the review, you will receive an email guiding you to claim your Certified Developer certificate and benefits.

Hands-on Labs

Learn how to build applications with featured Alibaba Cloud services step-by-step.

Create a Cloud-based Blog with ECS

This lab introduces how to install and deploy a LAMP environment on the ECS instance of CentOS, and then install WordPress to help you quickly build your blog.

Build a Cloud-based Blog with CentOS 7

The lab uses WordPress as the background of the website. You can use WordPress to build a simple independent blog, or a small portal website.

Deploy MySQL Database in 10 Minutes

This lab introduces how to install MySQL on an ECS instance configured with CentOS, and perform common MySQL operations, and use basic SQL statements.

Get Started with Flink MySQL Connector in 5 Minutes

Through this lab, you can uickly learn how to use Flint MySQL Connector on Alibaba Cloud's real-time computing platform.

Build a JAVA Web Development Environment

This lab introduces how to quickly build a Java Web development environment on a Linux instance.

Introduction to SQL Syntax

Through this lab, you will learn the basic syntax of SQL and get started with SQL quickly.

Build FTP Service with ECS

Through this lab, you can quickly build an FTP service on an ECS instance.

Build LNMP Environment Step by Step

Through this lab, you can quickly build an LNMP environment based on ECS instances.

Build a LAMP Environment with CentOS

Through this lab, you can quickly build a LAMP environment based on ECS instances.

Deploy an enterprise-class elastic Stable Diffusion Service in ASK

This lab shows how to use Knative to deploy an enterprise-class elastic Stable Diffusion Service in a ASK cluster. (Verified students without payment method is NOT eligible for this lab.)

Quick Backup and Restore ApsaraDB for MongoDB

Through this lab, you can quickly understand how to back up and restore ApsaraDB for MongoDB.

Get Started with ApsaraDB for MongoDB

This lab describes how to connect to ApsaraDB for MongoDB using Alibaba Cloud Data Management (DMS).

Migrate User-Created PostgreSQL with Cloud Migration

This lab introduces how to migrate user-created MySQL to apsaraDB RDS for MySQL with DTS.

Migrate User-Created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS

This lab introduces how to migrate user-created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS and explore DTS full data verification

Migrate User-Created PostgreSQL with Cloud Migration

This lab introduces how to migrate user-created PostgreSQL to ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL through cloud migration (Based on Streaming Replication)

Create an Serverless Application with SAE

Through this lab, you can learn how to quickly deploy a set of micro-service applications in a few simple steps.

Claim Your Certificate and Benefits

Once you successfully complete a hands-on lab, you will be eligible for claiming your Certified Developer certificate and a series of benefits, including accessing to the Developer Job Fair.

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