Best Practices for Cloud Storage Ecosystem Construction

When new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, etc. come one after another, we are all experiencing such changes in the torrent of the times - digital technology has penetrated into work and life, from consumer entertainment to life services, and then to industrial innovation.
1. In the era of intelligence, four major changes in enterprise IT trends
It is not difficult to find that the most typical feature of the digital age characterized by the cloud is the rapid growth of data. According to relevant agencies, by 2026, the global data volume will reach 216ZB, 90% of which will be unstructured data. In order to cope with the flood of data in the cloud era and freely "store-manage-use" data, the trend of enterprise IT construction is also changing.
• First, the planning of IT construction needs to "look up at the stars and keep our feet on the ground". Not only should cost-effective investment and support for existing business informatization be considered, but also how to respond agilely and quickly to the verification and iteration of innovative business to cope with the rapidly changing market.
• Second, digitization will improve organizational efficiency and finer-grained division of labor, leading to an increase in the number of applications. In addition, the cloud-native and micro-service of more and more enterprise applications has also brought about an increase in the number of applications. Therefore, at the beginning of enterprise IT architecture construction, the persistent storage of application data and the observability of applications should be planned and realized.
• Third, the interconnection and intercommunication of business application data is no longer a direction, but something that must be considered at the beginning of the overall IT architecture design of the enterprise. The unified data base makes it all at your fingertips.
• Fourth, the rapid development of the intelligent Internet of Things has spawned new industry scenarios. There are more and more scenarios for near-client quick response, simple data processing + cloud mass storage, quasi-real-time or offline computing and analysis, and cloud/edge/end solutions are required. Unified data base deployment capabilities.
2. Transformation of technical capabilities from "quantity" to "quality"
The "quantitative change" of big data capacity requires a "qualitative change" of data processing technology. For enterprises, the cloud provides flexible elastic scaling, elastic storage capacity, security, reliability, high availability, and stable performance. In the era of big data, cloud storage has developed rapidly, and its maturity process has always run through the two main lines of "application requirements" and "promotion of technological development".
In response to ever-evolving changes in demand, Alibaba Cloud has completed a comprehensive layout in the storage field, including cloud storage families including block storage, file storage, table storage, and object storage, hybrid cloud CPFS storage, hybrid cloud arrays, cloud storage gateways, Hybrid cloud storage services of cloud-defined storage, as well as typical scenario storage solutions such as high-performance distributed storage and database storage.
As an extremely important part of the Alibaba Cloud Feitian system, Alibaba Cloud Storage has a unified data base, which not only provides a rich and complete The overall storage solution breaks the boundaries of data storage and circulation, helps enterprises tap new oil in the era of digital economy, and promotes the wave of IT agility and ease of use.
3. The best practice of storage ecological construction
The infrastructure creates the prerequisites for the cloud explosion. On the basis of a stable, complete and mature infrastructure, massive applications can burst out in a blowout manner. In the Cloud2.0 era, digital transformation has entered the deep water area, and it is necessary to unite all partners to work hard and work together to open up various joints from digital technology to specific solutions to business problems. Alibaba Cloud believes that implementing digital technology into enterprises and organizations to form solutions that can truly solve business problems, innovate business scenarios and business models is a very meticulous and cumbersome task, which must be completed by relying on a large number of partners .
Alibaba Cloud's IaaS has always maintained a leading technology, and storage, as the core component of IaaS and the most important part of IT facilities, hopes to enable partners to make good use of these atomic capabilities in an integrated way to build rich data storage solutions for customers. plan. At present, many partners have successfully built data platforms using Alibaba Cloud storage.
■ Flywheel Data builds a cloud-native data warehouse based on Alibaba Cloud OSS
Cloud native is a basic evolution direction of data warehouse infrastructure. In recent years, the cloud-native digital warehouse startup track has been very popular, and it has also been favored and focused on the layout by the capital market. Cloud-native real-time data warehouse manufacturer SelectDB (Beijing Feilun Data Technology Co., Ltd.) chose to use object storage OSS to build the storage base of its core product SelectDB, which perfectly solves the data warehouse with complex aggregation, flow, extraction, management and low analysis efficiency of various data. Typical problems in construction, to help SelectDB customers achieve cross-departmental data sharing, and quickly meet various needs of enterprise data analysis and management.
In scenarios where performance bottlenecks are likely to occur in traditional data warehouses such as federated query and ad hoc retrieval, a single command can achieve the ultimate data analysis capability and improve user experience. The perfect adaptation of object storage OSS and Hadoop ecology helps well-known SelectDB users such as "Huolala", "Tongcheng Data Science", and "Shuhai Supply Chain" to seamlessly connect to Hadoop ecology, and can also use function computing on Alibaba Cloud. EMR and other big data analysis products are natively used together to make business decisions more convenient and timely. Recently, in ClickBench, the analytical database performance test leaderboard launched by ClickHouse, the cloud-native data warehouse SelectDB has reached the top.
It is worth mentioning that the object storage OSS provides the support of 5 billion files in a single namespace and the metadata operation capability of 100,000 QPS, together with the ability to use Alibaba Cloud file storage CPFS to provide a capacity of 2.8 million IOPS per 100 TB for small files. , which can reduce computing waiting time by 95%, greatly improving training efficiency. The form of comprehensive service, the ultimate cost-effective optimization, whether users are planning to upgrade the current data warehouse platform or prepare to build their own data warehouse platform, are the first choice.
Selected special offers for cloud storage, object storage OSS new users 33 yuan / from June
■ Observation Cloud builds an observable SaaS platform based on Alibaba Cloud SLS
In the cloud-native environment, many changes have taken place in the deployment and resource usage of enterprise infrastructure. Such as the containerized deployment method of applications, the microservice architecture of business middleware, the serverless trend of resource usage, and the agile and collaborative development model. Although decoupling and statelessness among business modules can improve the reuse rate of modules and quickly respond to innovative services, it also brings great challenges to rapid problem location, module alarm processing, system status monitoring, and failure root cause analysis. In this case, the traditional monitoring system is difficult to parry.
The emergence of observability is precisely to solve the problem that users are not aware of microservices and containerized deployment modes in the cloud native technology stack, and cannot have global insight. An ideal observable solution needs to do the following:
• Stable and efficient collection and storage of various data sources;
• Convenient cleaning, classification, distribution of data, correct response and effective notification;
• All kinds of data can be integrated and analyzed to facilitate docking with various analysis engines;
• With certain AI intelligent detection, it can quickly diagnose the root cause;
• It should be cost-effective, easy to expand, and free from operation and maintenance.
As a cloud-native observation and analysis platform, Log Service SLS focuses on the collection of massive data, stable and highly reliable data storage, and basic data processing and analysis. The real-time data detection platform of Shanghai Observation Future Information Technology Co., Ltd.——Observation Cloud, based on the log service SLS, uses its own understanding of the new retail field to help customers quickly build and realize the infrastructure, middleware, and application layers. Observable services at the business layer and the business layer meet the monitoring needs of the cloud era.
For enterprise users, how to understand data, gain insight into the trends behind complex data changes, identify future business opportunities and predict future risks is particularly important. The combination of Observation Cloud and Alibaba Cloud Log Service provides users with powerful intelligent operation and maintenance and business insight capabilities. Users can use Alibaba Cloud Log Service SLS to realize data collection and storage, and use Alibaba Cloud's authorization mechanism to allow Observation Cloud to interpret and analyze logs. Then, using Observation Cloud's understanding of the industry and products with good interactive experience, it can realize business correlation analysis, intelligent filtering of alarms, and effective distribution of notifications for events, helping its own business to grow rapidly and healthily.
As the saying goes, go alone fast, travel far together. Log Service SLS is willing to work with more partners who have a deep understanding of the industry on the basis of the underlying platform and capabilities to serve this market well.
The deep digital transformation of enterprises is still the main driving force for the steady development of the cloud computing market. Future market competition will not be an "arena" between single companies, but a competition between different ecosystems. Based on the digital transformation of customers and the diverse cooperation needs of partners, Alibaba Cloud Storage adheres to the "partner first" ecological approach and has created open API capabilities in order to build a healthy and prosperous ecosystem and create a new future of digital intelligence.

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