Alibaba Cloud Invisible released the ecological co-prosperity plan

On August 11, 2022, Alibaba Cloud Shadowless released the ecological co-prosperity plan at the Feitian Technology Summit, signed a contract with the first batch of ecological partners, and will work with partners to build an ecological chain based on the Shadowless architecture, so that more customers can share the cloud computing dividend.

Representatives of many enterprises in South China participated in the signing of the first batch of ecological partners: Nanling Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Qinglian Network Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Luoli Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Naishifei Information Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Jinling Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Chuangyun Technology Co., Ltd., and Huike Co., Ltd.

The shadowless ecological co-prosperity plan is committed to working with partners to create a flexible, safe and easy-to-use digital office space on the cloud, and share the cloud blue ocean market with hundreds of billions of terminal computing power. Alibaba Cloud will fully activate and empower its partners through comprehensive policy support, open and win-win ecological construction, and strong market resource support.

All-round policy support: launch the shadowless distribution service pilot plan, adhere to the principle of strengthening the shadowless ecology and doing a good job of online and offline services, work together to improve the customer-oriented service ability, improve the overall operating ability of distribution partners, establish consultative sales, provide differentiated services in combination with customer application scenarios, and help partners transform from the past distribution to the distribution plus service model. Cooperate with partners with shadowless marketing and service capabilities, use their own resources to realize the effective landing and transformation of cooperative business, help partners improve their ability through product-level business, create a closed loop, and improve the profit space of ecological partners.

Open and win-win ecological construction: Wuying is committed to building a complete product solution ecological chain and sales service ecological chain with ecological partners from all walks of life. Wuying's ecological cooperation is multi-level and comprehensive, and it will jointly build an ecosystem with distribution partners, service partners, software partners, hardware partners and integration partners.

Powerful market resource support: Wuying will provide partners with strong market resource support, including event salon planning, exhibition stand design, online communication resource support, etc., and help partners activate the market through all-round support of online and offline resources.

Eco-partners are an important part of the blueprint of the shadowless market. shadowless will work with partners to create a 1+1>2 synergy with customer-centered, and jointly create a flexible, safe, and easy-to-use digital office space on the cloud, so that enterprises can work more safely, employees can work without boundaries, and advanced productivity is within reach.

At the Alibaba Cloud Apsaras Technology Summit, with the concept of focusing on core technologies and activating the endogenous power of enterprises, the Invisible Team, together with many leading enterprises in the high-tech field in the industry, discussed how enterprises can activate the endogenous power at the three levels of business, technology and product on the basis of the new generation of cloud computing architecture, and find new growth points and core competitiveness.

Since the release of the Yunqi Conference in 2020, Wuying has achieved business breakthroughs in many industries, winning the favor of tens of thousands of customers in safe office, human resources outsourcing, branches, education and training and other scenarios, enabling many enterprises to effectively release productivity and achieve business innovation on the cloud.

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