A New Solution for Digital Transformation

It looks like an online collaborative table like Excel, but it can transform files, tables, pictures, videos, and forms into various views. It can help you manage various pieces of information and data efficiently and conveniently; According to your idea, DIY can also build a document management system suitable for you in 5 minutes to achieve efficient data analysis and circulation, information sorting and tracking automation

In fact, its functions are far more than that. Vigo combines Excel, visual database, real-time network collaboration and low code development technology, and supports API and visual kanban.

Chen Peilin, the founder of Vigo, said: "The core feature of Vigo is that it looks like a spreadsheet, and its function is as malleable as a database. Because it has both the basis of low code and the ability of high code such as SDK, API and even online programming."

As the founder of multi-dimensional tables, Vigo has created a set of configurable new digital systems, providing more than 1000 system templates, which can meet the huge and complex data management needs of different industries, and simplify the complex SaaS software to be as flexible and easy to use as Excel.

Make SaaS software as simple as Excel

The second half of the Internet came to the main battlefield of industrial Internet. Standing at the opening of digital transformation, all walks of life are rushing into the tide of transformation. The market is also full of SaaS software that can help enterprises transform digitally. However, whether it is OA, ERP system, or CRM, PDS software, their processes are often very fixed. They need to buy different software in different fields and have different landing processes. The price is also very expensive.

At the beginning of 2019, Chen Peilin's relatives ran a clothing store and chose several management software systems that were not used to. Finally, they used Excel. At that time, Chen Peilin was serving as CTO of Xicha, leading a team of 100 people to create a "Xicha GO" applet, which solved the problem of queuing that users and the company had a headache for years.

The pain points of this clothing store attracted Chen Peilin's attention.

Chen Peilin found that in traditional business, the operable data interface is separated from the relational database, and enterprises need to purchase a large number of operable data interfaces for this purpose. However, many software on the market can not effectively meet the complex and diverse business needs of enterprises. Even if some new systems are purchased, they still need multiple Excel tables to support their work.

Chen Peilin wondered why the two parts could not be integrated and the operation as simple as Excel could be retained, so that business personnel could easily get started.

So he conceived the idea of creating a new data collaboration tool.

At the end of 2019, Chen Peilin bare his words and founded Shenzhen Vigo Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. Turn the traditional software technology into an operable data interface, and then string it up with a relational database. This is what the vika Vig table needs to do.

A few months later, Vigwatch released its core product "Vigwatch vika. cn". This software, which helps enterprises manage data, integrates the functions of database and Excel spreadsheet, and simplifies the complex SaaS software to be as simple as Excel.

The Vigo table supports the storage of images, videos, documents and other data, and can organize the fragmented information of individuals and work in a structured way.

Before using the Vigo, the company had a copy of Excel, all kinds of documents were flying all over the world, and important business data were scattered everywhere, which could not be shared. After use, important data files of different departments can be saved in the cloud workstation, and real-time collaborative online editing can be performed within the department to break the data island effect caused by traditional file transmission and business barriers.

As the originator of multi-dimensional tables, Vig tables have become the connectors of many software service products. In the past, the data of these products came from Excel. In addition, Vigo can also help users easily achieve project management and team collaboration, and can make IT systems that meet the needs of business development without writing code, and can build their own databases even if they do not know programming.

Vigo table provides enterprises with a new way of thinking about digital transformation, that is, how to re-examine the whole world with relational database and a visual SaaS thinking.

As a brand new category in the domestic SaaS circuit, Vigo watches also face many challenges. One of them is that the outside world has a very different understanding of Vigo. Some people call it a low-code tool, some people think it is a more advanced spreadsheet, and some people understand it as collaborative work. How to carry out market education from scratch has become a difficult problem on the surface of Vig.

Like a master key that can unlock the treasure of digital productivity

Chen Peilin said, "The Vignette is a visual database. Its core feature is that it looks like a table, and its function is malleable like a database. This is based on the fact that the Vignette has both a low code base and the ability of SDK, API and even online programming."

Click the API button in the upper right corner of any wiki, and the API window will pop up with one click. With very short code, use the SDK of Python, JavaScript and other programming languages to read, batch, and write back data in real time, connect to other business systems, generate plug-ins, and unlock various functions.

At the beginning of its establishment, Chen Peilin did not position it as a pure tool product, but as an enabler of technology products to solutions.

This is mainly reflected in the fact that the Vignette should be connected with other software to quickly build a lightweight solution system to meet the diverse needs of users. In addition, API and embedding are supported. When an enterprise needs to make various extensions based on software, it only needs to embed the Vignett table without a large number of engineers engaging in development, thus reducing the R&D and delivery costs.

Chen Peilin said: "Many large technology companies use the Vig table for production system management, and some customers directly use the Vig table as a database and API to call, and embed the multidimensional table into their software system, which can help customers make delivery."

In this process, the commercialization of Vigo has also achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1.

According to Chen Peilin, the first customer of Vigwatch is to purchase API services. There is also a customer budget of 1 million yuan spent on research and development to make the background database into an operable interface. It only costs 20000 yuan to embed the Vig table. There are also customers who embed the Vig table in the print plug-in. They can print 100 different documents by filling the data into the Vig table.

"The Vigo table allows enterprises to shorten the system that can be completed by 100 programmers in the past one year to one clerk in one day. The final industry problems that Vigo table wants to solve are to reduce costs and generate real value; and to improve work efficiency and help companies get off work early," Chen Peilin said.

Just three months after the launch of the Vigo watch product, it has reached thousands of corporate customers and achieved seven-digit revenue, most of which are large and medium-sized enterprise customers with revenue of more than 100 million yuan. In December 2021, the Vigger table achieved a break-even.

Vigo has created a set of configurable new digital systems, which can provide more than 1000 system templates, involving various business lines of enterprises such as project management, customer management, data BI, marketing activities, marketing center, enterprise database, OKR, and can effectively meet the complex data management needs of the whole industry such as the Internet, e-commerce, education, consumption, manufacturing, and government affairs.

The Vigo watch is like a master key that can unlock the treasure of digital productivity. Everyone can easily use it. API support can help customers customize personalized requirements. As a data center, the Wiggot table can connect everything and enable data collaboration to truly drive organizational innovation.

According to the data of iResearch Consulting, the domestic enterprise-level SaaS market scale has been steadily expanding since 2016. By 2020, the market scale will be about 53.8 billion yuan, up 48.7% year on year. It is expected to reach 130.4 billion yuan by 2023.

In Chen Peilin's view, the SaaS track is not optimistic in China. He said, for example, SaaS is called software-as-a-service (software as a service). However, it is often called service-as-a-software (service as software) in China. The former focuses on software and the latter focuses on service. Therefore, at present, domestic SaaS software companies are not only responsible for the cost of service, but also responsible for the R&D expenses of software.

Chen Peilin said, "This is only a microcosm of the translation level. In fact, the real SaaS is very different from the enterprise service. The domestic SaaS industry is in a relatively early stage, and it is likely to be compared with the American software industry, which focused on services in the 1970s."

In addition, the SaaS industry is generally faced with high labor costs, a sharp decline in renewal rates, tight cash flow and other problems... Chen Peilin judges that as the money bag becomes tighter, the domestic SaaS industry will inevitably split up, and the "Matthew effect" of the strong and the weak will become increasingly prominent in the future.

Growing up in Alibaba Cloud, cloud native accelerator helps SaaS enterprises create a new delivery model

The concept of cloud origin has become "hot". However, with the continuous extension of cloud ecology and boundary, its definition is also varied.

Chen Peilin believes that cloud native is a container-based operation and maintenance method. Its core value is to form a unified standard to reduce internal operation and maintenance costs, delivery costs, and enhance customer stability.

In terms of the whole ecosystem, cloud native represents a new software delivery model. It creates feasibility for the App Store of commercial software.

"In the past, when we needed software, we had to go to the computer city to buy optical discs. Now we just need to click on the mobile app store. Consumer software has already realized the app store, but commercial software has not been realized yet. This is mainly because the deployment is too complex. The emergence of cloud native creates opportunities for future commercial software app store." Chen Peilin said.

In fact, Yunyuan has incomparable advantages over traditional IT. It can help enterprises realize "cloud" landing in terms of technical concepts, core architecture, best practices, etc., and is the shortest path to help enterprises achieve digital transformation.

In November 2021, Alibaba Cloud released the cloud native accelerator. Alibaba Cloud native accelerator helps enterprises operate in a more "smart" way, saving unnecessary time and spending, and focusing on business value creation and innovation.

Chen Peilin's defense scene at the roadshow of the cloud native accelerator

Alibaba Cloud has the richest cloud native product family and the widest cloud native customer group in China, covering all walks of life. More than 80% of Chinese technology companies are running on Alibaba Cloud.

In the in-depth cooperation with Alibaba Cloud, Chen Peilin's biggest feeling is that Alibaba Cloud is "customer-centric, pragmatic and not self-satisfied".

Chen Peilin's co-creation and exchange activities in the cloud native accelerator business

"Alibaba Cloud attaches great importance to landing." Chen Peilin had a deep feeling: "We have participated in the cloud native accelerator activity before, and we brainstormed together to discuss how to create value for customers and how to sell products, from which we can get a lot of inspiration."

The gathering of domestic cloud manufacturers provides many convenience for enterprises' digital transformation. Chen Peilin said frankly, "entrepreneurial companies lack resources and capital, and hope to cooperate with cloud manufacturers to share infrastructure and traffic, and truly help enterprises achieve business that is not difficult in the world."

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