Co-construct a new ecology of the cloud-native industry

In the wave of industrial digitization, cloud native has become a major trend. On March 9, Alibaba Cloud announced that 31 enterprises, including Xingyun Innovation, were selected as the first phase of Alibaba Cloud's cloud native accelerator, with over half of them financing round B and above, and 1/5 of them financing round C and above. The total valuation of the selected enterprises exceeds 33.8 billion, covering multiple fields such as manufacturing, new retail, the Internet, and healthcare.

Alibaba Cloud launched the Cloud Native Accelerator Program in 2021, dedicated to exploring and finding outstanding innovative enterprises in the cloud native field, and helping enterprises crack the growth code. In the one-year accelerated growth plan, Alibaba Cloud Native Accelerator will open up Alibaba Cloud ecological and business resources, provide technical and product support, link more capital and venture capital resources, and jointly create a new blueprint for cloud native with accelerator member enterprises through 2 rallies and N business connections.

In terms of technology, among the first batch of cloud native accelerator member enterprises, cloud native PaaS direction accounts for up to 55%, cloud native applications account for 32%, and cloud native basic technology accounts for 13%. Among the member enterprises, there are not only unicorns, but also highly competitive enterprises in the segmented fields of Xingyun Innovation, Authoring, StreamNative, and vika Vigo Tables.

Xingyun Innovation is a one-stop cloud native development platform product and solution provider. Its one-stop cloud native development platform product, Cloud OS, includes cloud native application architecture design, online collaborative coding development, cloud native API management and interface testing, multi cloud delivery and application scheduling, grayscale publishing, pipeline, application operation and maintenance, service governance, multi container cluster management, cloud edge integrated business delivery, and other capabilities. The goal is to improve application architecture agility, greatly accelerate software development iterations, improve the flexibility and utilization of IT resources, and help enterprise customers accelerate the realization of business value.

Cloud native is the shortest path for enterprise digital innovation. Ma Hongxi, CEO of Xingyun Innovation, said that with the rapid popularization of cloud native technology, the era of all cloud development has arrived. Joining the first batch of enterprises in Alibaba Cloud Cloud Native Accelerator, Xingyun Innovation will work with more partners to build a new ecosystem in the cloud native industry, provide more customers with one-stop cloud solutions covering cloud native development, testing, operation and maintenance, and observation, and help enterprises effectively achieve digital transformation.

This cloud native accelerator is an important measure taken by Alibaba Cloud to empower industry innovators, assist various industries in achieving digital innovation, and expand the industry ecology. Jiang Jiangwei, Vice President of Alibaba and Head of Alibaba Cloud's Intelligent Basic Products Division, said that through integrated innovation, on the one hand, Alibaba Cloud's native technology and product capabilities are exported, linking startups and capital markets; On the other hand, join hands with high-quality ecological partners to jointly build a richer cloud native industry ecosystem and accelerate the implementation of cloud native.

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