Campaign Overview
Alibaba Cloud would like to bring all users on a journey to discover and learn about Web3.0 Technologies. Alongside our esteemed partners, we are delighted to bring to you this Web3.0 training series to showcase some of our collaboration with our partners and how it's achieved using Alibaba Cloud. Join us in the unlimited possibilities that can be explored with Web3.0 and stand a chance to win an exclusive Digital Badge by completing the assigned tasks. Collect 2 Digital badges to earn yourself a Free ACA Certification Exam.

Discovery Web3.0 Basic Knowledge

FREE Acedemy Membership & ACA Exam

Access to Alibaba Cloud Academy Resources

1000 Digital Badge to be Given Out
_Alibaba Cloud_
Alibaba Cloud Web3.0 Journey Milestones
The Metaverse Brings Extensive Data Needs
Alibaba Cloud provides professional big data service and surging computing power