Alibaba Cloud Server ECS Remote Login Username and Password Query Method

Introduction: Enter the username and password for Alibaba Cloud server ECS remote connection login. Alibaba Cloud does not have a default password. If it is not set at the time of purchase, you need to reset the instance password first. The Windows username is administrator, and the Linux account is root. Alibaba Cloud server remote login connection user name and password query method
Where can I view the login user name and password for remote connection to Alibaba Cloud server? What is the default password of Alibaba Cloud server? Different cloud server systems have different default usernames. Alibaba Cloud servers do not have default passwords. If no password is set, you need to reset the instance password before connecting remotely. Axiaoyun will explain in detail how to query the username and password for remote login to Alibaba Cloud servers:

【Alibaba Cloud Server ECS Remote Login】Alibaba Cloud server remote connection user name

Different user names of Alibaba Cloud server operating systems are roughly divided into two categories, namely Windows and Linux. The default user names of different operating systems are as follows:
•Windows system server username: administrator
•Linux system server username: root
•About cloud server ECS reference:
Axiaoyun's cloud server operating system is Linux, so the user name is root, as shown below:

【Alibaba Cloud Server ECS Remote Login】Alibaba Cloud server remote connection login password

The Alibaba Cloud server does not have a default password. If the password is not set when purchasing the cloud server, you need to reset the instance password before connecting remotely. To reset the password, you need to verify the password by SMS, and then use the reset password to log in to the cloud server. A Xiaoyun will explain in detail how to reset the password of the Alibaba Cloud server:
1. In the Alibaba Cloud Server ECS console
2. Go to "Instances and Images" - "Instances" in the left column, find the ECS instance that needs to be operated in the instance list, if not, remember to switch the region in the upper left corner
3. Click "More" - "Password/Key" - "Reset Instance Password"
as shown below:

To reset the instance password of Alibaba Cloud Server ECS, you need SMS verification. After passing the verification, you can reset the password.

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