
This template uses Auto Scaling and ApsaraDB for POLARDB to provide elasticity at both the application and database levels, and uses ApsaraDB for Redis and SLB to implement automatic disaster recovery across zones. This template can help you build an elastic, highly available system for the Internet industry.


The deployment instruction for the solution - Deployment on the Cloud - Construction of a Highly Elastic System for the Internet Industry is following:

1. Check the alibaba cloud account permission, should include these services ECS, ESS, POLARDB, SLB, VPC, DNS, and REDIS.

2. Click the Create Stack button/link, follow the wizard to specify parameters and etc.

3. Once the stack created, log in to the web page to configure WordPress (view VpcEip2 of the stack output).

Please check the best practice for detailed information.


Architecture Diagram

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