
This template uses the serverless architecture to build backend services for mobile apps, mini programs, and web applications. Static resources such as pictures are stored in OSS. Access to OSS resources is accelerated by using Content Delivery Network (CDN). Dynamic data is stored in ApsaraDB for RDS and is accessed by using API Gateway and Function Compute. This eliminates the need to manage servers and operating environments and allows for elastic scaling of cloud resources.


The deployment instruction for the solution - Use Function Compute to Build Backend Services for Mini Programs and Web Applications is following:

1. Check the alibaba cloud account permission, should include these services RAM, API gateway, CDN, VPC, RDS, and OSS.

2. Click the Create Stack button/link, follow the wizard to specify parameters and etc.

3. Once the stack created, you need to initialize the RDS database table, the configuration of the FC, request a certificate, and bind the domain name.

Please check the best practice for detailed information.


Architecture Diagram

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