EMAS Mobile Testing

Provides comprehensive quality assurance for the release of your apps.

Comprehensive Intelligent Testing Service
Accurate Pinpointing of App Issues

EMAS Mobile Testing is a cloud platform that provides device testing services for enterprises and mobile developers.

EMAS Mobile Testing provides a large number of popular models and offers a 24/7 service to help you find all kinds of hidden risks in apps, including but not limited to app crashes, compatibility issues, functionality issues, and performance issues. It helps enhance market competitiveness and reduce user churn by improving app quality and user experience.

Intelligent Testing to Accurately Pinpoint Issues

Uses the machine learning engine Ripper to support complex gesture operations and accurately detect crashes. Mobile Testing can quickly identify, pinpoint, and address issues and improve test performance.

Script Visualization and Compatibility

Provides online visual recording on iOS and Android platforms to increase the production speed of use cases by more than 10 times. You can convert a visually recorded script into a generic Appium script.

High Bug Detection Rate

Provides exploratory compatibility testing, which offers a bug detection rate of up to 30% compared with traditional monkey testing.

Remote Device Testing Service

Provides a 24/7 automated testing service for a large number of devices in the cloud to fully explore the compatibility, functionality, and performance issues of apps.

● Provides testing services for a large number of remote devices across diverse brands, models, and versions in the web console.
● Supports remote breakpoint debugging and simultaneous debugging of multiple devices.
● Supports dual-device rental for verification of session and synchronization features.

Applicable scenarios: quality inspection before app release | functional testing across business processes


Compatibility Testing

EMAS Mobile Testing is easy to use and offers robust crash and Application Not Responding (ANR) detection capabilities. It can detect potential issues in apps and provide detailed cause analysis and general solutions to the issues.

Support for a Variety of Platforms

Supports Android, YunOS, iOS, HarmonyOS and H5 apps.

Rich Features

Supports two logon modes (automatic logon and script-based logon) and overwrite installation testing of up to three historical versions of apps.

Robust Detection Capabilities

Detects crashes and ANRs, analyzes and traces error call stacks, uses traversal topology to help quickly reproduce issues, and provides performance analysis to check app performance issues.

Functional Automation

Online recording significantly reduces the development and maintenance costs of use cases. You can use online recording in combination with functional automation to implement batch feature verification for one-time recording and playback across all models and optimize testing.

Multi-framework Support

Supports popular testing frameworks in the industry, including Robotium, Appium, and Athrun.

Online Recording

The online script recording tool helps you get rid of the complex environment building process and simplify test case development, which makes scripts more efficient and stable.

Rich Report Content

Test reports provide analysis of issues from multiple perspectives, including test videos, functional test cases, call stacks of crashes and ANRs, step screenshots, and performance data.

Performance Testing

The app performance directly determines the user experience. Performance testing aims to eliminate every performance issue by using a combination of performance curves, performance reports, and deep performance tests.

Performance Curves

A performance curve includes six performance metrics. Hidden performance issues such as memory leaks can be found between peaks and troughs.

Performance Reports

Allows you to quickly determine whether an app has performance issues such as performance degradation by checking against the historical baseline performance data of the app.

Deep Performance Testing

Deep performance testing involves the following check items: memory leak detection, memory overflow locating and analysis, memory thrashing detection, ANR detection, startup performance analysis, main thread I/O, and overdraw detection.

Cloud-based Debugging

Testers can perform operations such as breakpoint debugging and online recording on remote devices on the web page in a WYSIWYG way.

Diverse Devices

Allows you to perform operations on remote devices in the web console. The platform provides a large number of devices on which you can perform remote breakpoint debugging. You can also perform simultaneous debugging of multiple devices.

Issue Reproduction

Facilitates thorough analysis and debugging of abnormal models in automated testing to pinpoint issues.

Free Quota

You are only charged after the free quota is used completely. Free Trial now >


Automatic Upload of ID Cards and Keyboard Recognition of Random Passwords

Provides comprehensive testing of financial apps in scenarios such as weak network testing, upload of ID cards for verification, and random keyboard input, which greatly improves the testing efficiency.


  • Apsara Stack Testing

    Provides a highly secure and confidential Apsara Stack solution that allows you to migrate Mobile Testing to the internal network.

  • Comprehensive App Detection

    Provides impeccable testing solutions to validate app compatibility, functionality, and performance.

  • Remote Device Debugging

    Establishes remote connections to cloud devices to make it easier to perform operations such as code debugging on mobile phones.

Precise Image Recognition to Boost Game Testing Efficiency

Provides high-quality test cases for performance bottleneck detection and weak network verification, and offers solutions to address issues such as difficulties in testing and verification in a variety of gaming scenarios. As a result, the recognition rate is effectively improved.


  • Automated Use Cases

    Provides high-quality test cases to facilitate batch regression testing on a large number of devices.

  • Scenario-oriented Testing

    Provides functional verification for boundary scenarios such as weak network testing.

  • Performance Bottleneck Detection

    Evaluates game apps based on seven performance metrics, and provides detailed performance data and solutions.

Related Services

Complex Gesture Operations to Quickly Verify App Features

Uses the machine learning engine Ripper to intelligently test apps by simulating real-world operations. Mobile Testing provides performance baseline comparison to quickly detect issues such as crashes and ANRs and offers generic solutions.


  • Intelligent Testing

    Continuously improves the understanding of tested apps to maximize test efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Solutions to Issues

    Provides generic solutions to help quickly pinpoint and resolve issues.

  • Performance Baseline Comparison

    Compares the tested app against the historical baseline performance data of apps to identify issues such as performance degradation.

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