OptimaTech Limited

  • Partner Introduction

    Welcome to OptimaTech, a technology solutions provider dedicated to transforming businesses. With a vision to empower organizations through innovative solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of services. From application enhancement with video call and co-browsing capabilities to data loss prevention and screen watermarking solutions, we deliver cutting-edge tools to streamline operations, enhance security, and drive productivity.

  • Solutions

    Curtain e-locker (Data Loss Prevention)
    Introduction: Curtain e-locker is a data loss prevention system that prevents sensitive information from leaking out of the company. It allows users to access confidential files by using corresponding software, but not to print, save as, or send files to external sources if they are not authorized to do so.
    Curtain e-locker is an all-round & complete solution to your problems.
    -Protection: Prohibits confidential data from being taken away or copied to other/ external sources.
    -Prevention: Stops confidential data from being leaked unintentionally.
    -Competitive: Differentiates your products/services from competitors.
    -Risk Mitigation: Mitigates the risk of legal liability.
    Compliance: Complies with regulations
    -Assurance: Changes “Uncertainty” to “Company Practice”
    -Growth: Helps expand your business with invincible security
    Link: https://optimatech.co.nz/curtaindlp/curtain-elocker/

    Curtain MonGuard (Screen Watermark)
    Introduction: Curtain MonGuard is an innovative Screen-watermarking solution designed to enhance data protection and visual security within Microsoft Azure environments. By overlaying user-specific information on screens, Curtain MonGuard deters unauthorized screen captures and mitigates the risk of sensitive information leakage.
    -Gets user’s attention before they capture and share with others.
    -Reduce the willingness of people to take photos/videos against computer’s screen.
    -Tace the origin of leakage by the information shown in the watermark.
    Link: https://optimatech.co.nz/curtaindlp/curtain-monguard/

    Co-Browsing and Co-Editing (COBE)
    Introduction: COBE enables real-time collaboration and screen sharing between users and support agents, sales representatives, trainers, or team members.
    -Document Collaboration
    Efficiently collaborate on documents in real-time. Edit, review, and annotate together, ensuring seamless teamwork and eliminating version control issues.
    -Enhanced Security
    Ensure robust security with dedicated links and passcodes for each session. Maintain full control over access and protect sensitive information.
    -Recording And Playback
    Capture and revisit important sessions with comprehensive recording and playback capabilities. Capture voice, screen, and video conference interactions for audit purposes, training, or reference,
    -Multi-Device And Platform Support
    Experience seamless collaboration across devices and platforms. COBE supports a wide range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
    -Simple Integration
    Easily integrate COBE into existing applications without the need for extensive redevelopment. With a simple plugin addition, enjoy the convenience of COBE without disrupting your current workflows or requiring significant software changes
    Link: https://optimatech.co.nz/applications/cobe/

    Visual Assistance
    Introduction: Visual Assistance enhances support through real-time visual collaboration and interactive troubleshooting.
    -Live Video Calls
    Engage in real-time video calls with clients, allowing support teams to visually assess the client's environment, equipment, and configurations. This fosters effective communication and understanding.
    -Screen Sharing
    Share screens seamlessly during video calls, enabling support teams to guide clients step-by-step through troubleshooting processes. Visualize issues together and provide hands-on guidance.
    -Annotation And Markups
    Annotate and mark up screens and documents in real time. Highlight important areas, draw attention to specific details, and provide clear instructions for clients to follow.
    -Document Sharing
    Share relevant documents, manuals, or guides with clients to provide additional resources and reference materials during troubleshooting. Keep everyone on the same page for efficient problem-solving.
    -Simple Integration
    Easily integrate Visual Assistance into existing servicing applications without the need for extensive redevelopment. With a simple plugin addition, enjoy the convenience of Visual Assistance without disrupting your current workflows or requiring significant software changes.
    Link: https://optimatech.co.nz/applications/visual-assistance/

    Cloud Managed Services
    Introduction: we empower businesses with cutting-edge solutions to unlock the full potential of the cloud. From strategic cloud solution design and consultation to seamless migration and deployment, our expert team ensures optimized performance, scalability, and security. With proactive cloud monitoring and managed services, we guarantee high availability and efficiency. Experience the power of cloud optimization, as we fine-tune your infrastructure for maximum cost-effectiveness. Our comprehensive suite of services enables businesses to harness the agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency of the cloud, driving digital transformation and accelerating business growth. Trust us to be your trusted partner in your cloud journey.
    -Solution Design And Consultation
    Our cloud solution design and consultation services provide businesses with expert guidance and tailored strategies for harnessing the power of the cloud. We analyze your unique requirements, design scalable architectures, and assist in seamless cloud adoption, ensuring optimal performance, cost efficiency, and security for your organization's digital transformation journey.
    -Migration And Deployment
    Our cloud migration and deployment services empower businesses to seamlessly transition their infrastructure and applications to the cloud. Our expert team ensures a smooth and efficient migration process, leveraging industry best practices to optimize performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Experience a seamless transition to the cloud with our comprehensive services.
    -Monitoring And Managed Services
    Our cloud monitoring and managed services provide businesses with proactive monitoring, optimization, and management of their cloud infrastructure. With advanced tools and expertise, we ensure high availability, performance optimization, and security. Trust our team to monitor and manage your cloud environment, allowing you to focus on your core business goals.
    Our cloud optimization services help businesses maximize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their cloud infrastructure. We analyse your cloud environment, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to optimize performance, resource allocation, and cost management. Unlock the full potential of the cloud with our expert optimization services.
    Link: https://optimatech.co.nz/services/cloudservices/



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