SpringBoot : Start the Banner online generation tool

Introduction: SpringBoot : Start the Banner online generation tool

【SpringBoot Banner online generation】

When we start SpringBoot , the console will print the SpringBoot Logo and version information; this operation can be customized through SpringBoot 's banner

org.springframework.boot.ResourceBanner _
text format, SpringBoot will read the configuration items banner.txt and banner.location , and get the real file address from the configuration item; if there is no configuration in the configuration, it will load the configuration item as a file;
org.springframework.boot.ImageBanner _
Image format, SpringBoot loads the configuration item banner.image.location , obtains the real path from the configuration item, and SpringBoot loads the file according to the path of the configuration item.
If banner.image.location is not configured , the files existing in banner.gif , banner.jpg and banner.png are loaded in turn ;
If neither of the above two is configured, SpringBoot will load the default Banner; that is, the way introduced at the beginning of the article.

【SpringBoot Banner online generation】

the SpringBoot project, then paste the startup Banner into this text file, and start the project.

【SpringBoot Banner online generation】

Website for making banners online
plain font
picture wind
Convert image to text
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