The difference between JavaScript function calls with and without parentheses

Related Tags:1.JavaScript example
2. Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

Introduction: function fun() { return 1; } var a = fun; var b = fun(); In JavaScript, we call the following code a function: function fun() { return 1; } A function is a reference type called function , so the function is an object. The object is stored in memory, and the function name is a pointer to this object. var
function fun ( ) {
return 1 ;
var a = fun;
var b = fun( );
In JavaScript we call the following code a function:
function fun ( ) {
return 1 ;

【JavaScript function calls with and without parentheses】

A function is an instance of a reference type called function, so a function is an object. The object is stored in memory, and the function name is a pointer to this object.
var a = fun means to copy the pointer of the function name fun to the variable a, but this does not mean that the function itself is copied.
That is: a is the fun function, b is 1
If the function name is followed by parentheses, it means that the code in the function (the code in the curly brackets) is called (executed) immediately.

【JavaScript function calls with and without parentheses】
Without parentheses, the function name is used as the pointer of the function. The name of a function is the pointer of the function. At this time, the result of the function is not obtained, because the function body code will not be run. It just passes the address where the function body is located, so that it can find the function body to execute when needed.
window.onload = init ;
init function will not be executed when this line of code is executed. When the browser loads the document, this sentence will be loaded, and it will be told which function to execute after the document is loaded, but it is not executed at that time, until the entire document is loaded. The init () will be executed through the init pointer .
Note: Part of the content of this article is referenced:
Author: jiankunking Source:

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