Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine

Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine Issue 18

Alibaba Cloud Sustainability Journey
A Look Back and Forward

In this edition of our eMagazine, we explore our company's multifaceted approach to environmental protection and social responsibility. From our innovative green initiatives to our carbon neutrality efforts, we showcase our commitment to technological solutions and innovations that benefit both the planet and society. This edition also highlights our efforts in nurturing digital talent and bridging the digital divide, demonstrating how cloud technology can empower the next generation and create positive change in communities worldwide. Through these programs we instill the necessary digital prowess to help innovate and accelerate our journey to Carbon Zero.

Key Learnings
· Letter from the President of Alibaba Cloud International
· Building a Sustainable Future with Green Initiatives
· Paving Pathways to Carbon Neutrality with Sustainability Solutions
· Nurturing Digital Talent and Empowering Youth Locally
· Bridging the Digital Divide for Children with Cloud for Youth Program
· Concluding Thoughts

* You can preview the magazine online or download to your device for free.

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