Hong Kong 2WEB3 Accelerator

- Up to USD56,000 Cloud credits support
- Invitation to join ecosystem events
- Free Technical Enablement


  • Accelerate Your Growth in Hong Kong

    .Provides cloud resources support through Alibaba Cloud 2WEB3HK Spark Program
    .Innovation Sustainable Platform for building ecosystem and scale your business

  • Funding and Support

    .Opportunity to be referred to Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund and other Venture Capitals
    .Invitation to Alibaba Cloud ecosystem activities

  • Talent BUIDL

    .Comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to empower cloud computing and Web3
    .Official host of Web3 Public Class by Alibaba Cloud, Blockchain Academy, Cyberport and HKUST Crypto-Fintech Lab
    .Promote Web3 talent training and industrial development

Hong Kong 2WEB3 Spark Program

Buidl & Start

For Web3 Projects & Startup

1st Phase - Apply for USD1,000 Cloud credits

- Receive USD1,000 Cloud credits, valid for 60 days
- Free 1-to-1 technical enablement tutorial for one month (Provided by Alibaba Cloud authorised partner)

2nd Phase - Apply for USD5,000 Cloud credits

- Receive USD5,000 Cloud credits, valid for 60 days
- Available to redeem Academy ACA/ACP certification or Web3 Clouder course (Required consuming USD1,000 Cloud credits by first month)
- Free Alibaba Cloud solutions architect technical advice hours
- Invitation to join ecosystem event including meet-ups, seminars and workshops

Activate & Grow

Projects who have Business Registration (BR) in Hong Kong are eligible to apply after completed "Buidl & Start" Phase 1 & 2, and the web3 projects must either have:
- received Venture Capital's funding investment or
- enrolled incubation program of Cyberport or
- achieved top three places in hackathon

3rd Phase - Apply for USD50,000 Cloud credits

- Apply up to USD50,000 Cloud credits, valid for 6 months
- Dedicated Go-to-Market integrated plan including online & offline events, PR & social media promotion and customer success stories feature

Apply up to USD56,000 Cloud credits!
Apply Hong Kong 2WEB3 Spark Program Now

3 Steps to go for our credits support

Get Started

Sign up for a free account with Alibaba Cloud

Complete the registration and select an Enterprise account

Apply for the Compute Nest Program

Familiarize yourself with Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure

Prepare Account UID

Create a go-to-market (GTM) marketing plan


1. Please complete the form and submit your Alibaba Cloud Account UID.

2. It will take approximately 7 - 14 days to review the application and our consultant will contact you shortly.

Register for a Free Enterprise Account with Alibaba Cloud

Fill in basic information

Verify your phone number and email

Complete Company Real Name Registration Verification for Enterprise Exclusive offers

Add a Payment Method

Payment Method includes Visa、Mastercard、JCB、AmericanExpress、RuPay、Paytm、Unified Payments Interface (UPI)

Prepare account UID and move on to the next step

Please fill in the form with your Alibaba Cloud Account UID to complete the application

It will take approximately 7 - 14 days to review the application and our consultant will contact you shortly

Complete the application

Build, Scale, and Secure Web3 Businesses on Alibaba Cloud

Encrypted and Accelerated Computing
Global Network Infrastructure
Distributed Storage
Digital Asset Security
Data Services
Security and Compliance
Encrypted and Accelerated Computing

Encryption and Security Algorithms

FPGA-accelerated ECS instances lay the foundation for powerful and security-enhanced computing by integrating encryption/decryption algorithms for security-critic Web3 data.

High-Performance Computing for Blockchain

FPGAs accelerate blockchain hash calculation and signature verification to improve blockchain performance and security. They also support smart contracts by powering compute-intensive tasks (such as image processing and machine learning).

Global Network Infrastructure

Global Interconnection

Cloud Enterprise Network delivers an ideal solution for providing stable and high-speed interconnection of global services on a high-performance, low-latency proprietary network that is easy to deploy and scale.

Application Isolation

Virtual Private Cloud can provide an isolated network for a Web3 application, which limits access to authorized users and prevents insecure access that might cause privacy violations and other losses.

Distributed Storage

High-Performance Storage Service

Decentralized applications (dApps) in Web3 require a reliable and efficient data storage system. Object Storage Service (OSS) provides an easy-to-use storage service for massive amounts of data, featuring industry-leading SLA with flexible access for dApps.

Decentralized Storage Support

Decentralized storage is a crucial sector of Web3 that enhances data security and reliability. LindormDHS can provide high-availability distributed storage services to combine the advantages of object storage and block storage and provide basic support for decentralized storage.

Digital Asset Security

Host/Container Security

Security Center monitors, identifies, and addresses security issues (such as system vulnerabilities and web tampering) to avoid data leakage and privacy violation.

Private Key Security

MPC, Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), and Key Management Service constitute comprehensive protection for the private keys of digital wallets against tampering and theft in transactions and storage.

Smart Contract Security

TEE protects smart contracts from execution to result against malicious operations.

Data Services

Blockchain Data Analysis

Lindorm helps analyze blockchain data from transactions, contracts, on-chain storage, etc., to uncover application scenarios and extract insights. For example, you can use Lindorm to analyze market data to learn about trends and discover investment opportunities.

Blockchain Application Development

You can use Lindorm to support blockchain application development in the future, access blockchain data through Lindorm APIs, enhance Web3 apps, and create more innovative features.

Security and Compliance

Identity Authentication

eKYC ensures that only verified users can participate in transactions and other business operations of smart contracts, with a policy-based approach for digital identities.

Real-Time Risk Monitoring

AML helps monitor and identify abnormal activities (such as suspicious transactions and malicious addresses in real-time) to prevent potential losses and minimize business risks proactively.

Encrypted and Accelerated Computing
Encrypted and Accelerated Computing

Encryption and Security Algorithms

FPGA-accelerated ECS instances lay the foundation for powerful and security-enhanced computing by integrating encryption/decryption algorithms for security-critic Web3 data.

High-Performance Computing for Blockchain

FPGAs accelerate blockchain hash calculation and signature verification to improve blockchain performance and security. They also support smart contracts by powering compute-intensive tasks (such as image processing and machine learning).

Global Network Infrastructure
Global Network Infrastructure

Global Interconnection

Cloud Enterprise Network delivers an ideal solution for providing stable and high-speed interconnection of global services on a high-performance, low-latency proprietary network that is easy to deploy and scale.

Application Isolation

Virtual Private Cloud can provide an isolated network for a Web3 application, which limits access to authorized users and prevents insecure access that might cause privacy violations and other losses.

Distributed Storage
Distributed Storage

High-Performance Storage Service

Decentralized applications (dApps) in Web3 require a reliable and efficient data storage system. Object Storage Service (OSS) provides an easy-to-use storage service for massive amounts of data, featuring industry-leading SLA with flexible access for dApps.

Decentralized Storage Support

Decentralized storage is a crucial sector of Web3 that enhances data security and reliability. LindormDHS can provide high-availability distributed storage services to combine the advantages of object storage and block storage and provide basic support for decentralized storage.

Digital Asset Security
Digital Asset Security

Host/Container Security

Security Center monitors, identifies, and addresses security issues (such as system vulnerabilities and web tampering) to avoid data leakage and privacy violation.

Private Key Security

MPC, Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), and Key Management Service constitute comprehensive protection for the private keys of digital wallets against tampering and theft in transactions and storage.

Smart Contract Security

TEE protects smart contracts from execution to result against malicious operations.

Data Services
Data Services

Blockchain Data Analysis

Lindorm helps analyze blockchain data from transactions, contracts, on-chain storage, etc., to uncover application scenarios and extract insights. For example, you can use Lindorm to analyze market data to learn about trends and discover investment opportunities.

Blockchain Application Development

You can use Lindorm to support blockchain application development in the future, access blockchain data through Lindorm APIs, enhance Web3 apps, and create more innovative features.

Security and Compliance
Security and Compliance

Identity Authentication

eKYC ensures that only verified users can participate in transactions and other business operations of smart contracts, with a policy-based approach for digital identities.

Real-Time Risk Monitoring

AML helps monitor and identify abnormal activities (such as suspicious transactions and malicious addresses in real-time) to prevent potential losses and minimize business risks proactively.

Web3 Infrastructure

Public Chain Ecosystem

Web3 Security

Driving Web3 with our Ecosystem Partners

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