The Alibaba Cloud Academy Day EMEA is a two-day online conference dedicated to EMEA markets. We will share Alibaba Cloud's latest product updates and cutting edge technologies. You can interact with our top tier technology experts in specialized field and exchange ideas with them.
July 8th, 10:00 - 10:35(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Welcome and Alibaba Cloud Overview
An initial high-level introduction and overview of Alibaba Cloud, points touched on in this session will range from the foundation of Alibaba Cloud, some unique characteristics of our global offering, and some tips & tricks for where to get started.

Chris Potts
Channel & Alliances Director, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
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July 8th, 10:40 - 11:30(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Overview of Networking Products
This session aims to give an overview of networking products of Alibaba Cloud.

July 8th, 11:30 - 12:15(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Global Accelerator - Accelerate your Internet applications worldwide
Join us on this session to learn how Alibaba Cloud Global Accelerator provides network acceleration service for your Internet-facing application globally with superior network quality & high reliability, and enhanced security.

July 8th, 12:15 - 13:00(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Stable and Robust – Network and Security
This session aims to give you a comprehensive introduction of Alibaba Cloud Network and Cybersecurity in three sections, which includes globally deployed Alibaba Apsara network infrastructure, Cross-Border Network Solution and secure your business on Alibaba Cloud. After learning, you will understand what is Alibaba Cloud globally deployed Apsara network, how does Alibaba Cloud Cross-border Network solve multinational corporates' pain points, and how to secure your cross-border network with Alibaba Cloud security products combo.

July 8th, 13:00 - 13:40(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Introduction of Cloud Native Solution
Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Cloud-Native solution, which includes the full container services portfolio, cloud-native network, storage, elasticity, and hybrid/multi-cloud topics.

July 8th, 13:40 - 14:30(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Automation with Terraform and Helm
In this session, I will introduce container services, automated deployment and lifecycle management through the use of terraform and helm, commonly used in customer use cases. The key focus will be in ACK and the formation around ACK (monitoring ARMS, Log, Domain, etc.)

July 8th, 14:30 - 15:10(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Security Solution on Container Service(ACK) - Container Registry
Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Cloud-Native security solution, which includes the full container services security architecture design, feature illustration and demo.

July 8th, 15:10 - 16:00(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Serverless: Past, Present and Future
In this section, you will be introduced to the history and future of serverless. We will talk about the types of serverless technologies that are available and implement a simple example application. From there we will see what types of problems you might encounter while developing serverless applications. Lastly, we will discuss the future of serverless and talk about general trends in serverless technologies that might help us solve the issues that we found.

Léon Rodenburg
Software Development Consultant at Xebia, Netherlands MVP
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July 9th, 10:00 - 11:00(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Cloud Native Database--PolarDB and Database Utilities
In this session, we will deep dive into cloud native database, PolarDB, which was born to meet the business demands of Alibaba Group. PolarDB is with innovations to drive new business in the cloud era. Its cloud native features help achieving fast elasticity according to business workload.

Xiang Zhou
Staff Product Manager, Database Group, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
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July 9th, 11:00 - 11:45(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Introduce AnalyticsDB: a Realtime Cloud-native Data Warehouse
AnalyticDB is a realtime cloud-native data warehouse. 10 times faster than traditional data warehouse with elasticity on demand, ranked 1st on TPC-DS benchmark as of May.2020. During 11.11, ADB continuously strove for excellence and provided real-time analytics to hundreds of thousands of e-commerce sellers by enabling large screen dashboard display and online processing/monitoring capabilities. In this session, you'll learn the basics about ADB and watch a quick demo to understand the user experience.

Haimo Liu
Staff Product Manager, Database Group, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
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July 9th, 11:45 - 12:55(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Introduction to Alibaba Technology Stack on Big Data and AI
Alibaba offers full technology stack of Big Data and AI, from data storage to analytics and then Visualization. To name a few, Dataworks, Maxcompute,OSS,EMR,ADB,PAI,Quickbi,DataV,etc. In this session, I will give an overview of what Alibaba offers and how you can use them for your business. Due to limited time, I will focus more on Dataworks and PAI platform and make a small demo.

July 9th, 13:00 - 14:00(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Enterprise-grade Infrastructure Hybrid Cloud Solution
Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack is a full-stack cloud solution designed for enterprise–level customers that require a highly capable and flexible hybrid cloud solution. Which can enable customer cloud native technology transformation while meet their data and security compliance request.

July 9th, 14:00 - 14:45(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Introduce Alibaba Cloud IT Governance
Alibaba Cloud IT Governance Webinar can help users to navigate Alibaba Cloud best-practices based on multi-account scenario, including automating the process baseline for creating cloud account; centralising logging and monitoring; managing user access from enterprise level and maintaining both from both external and internal network communication.

July 9th, 14:45 - 16:00(UTC+02) On Live Up Coming On Demand
Introduce Alibaba Cloud Security Products
The webinar provides the necessary guidance and assurance to our customers in the strong security capabilities of Alibaba Cloud and the various security functionalities our customers could take advantage of in order to build a more secure cloud solution together with us.


China Gateway Solution
Power your progress in China by working with the NO.1 cloud provider of this dynamic market.
E-Commerce Solution
A suite of cloud computing and big data services that help enterprises quickly build and smoothly run their own online e-commerce platform.
Elastic Compute Service
An online computing service that offers elastic and secure virtual cloud servers to cater to all your cloud hosting needs.
Web Application Firewall
An easy to use service that provides real-time monitoring of servers to ensure high availability.
Object Storage Service
An encrypted and secure cloud storage service which stores, processes and accesses massive amounts of data from anywhere in the world.
Alibaba Cloud is the only Asia Pacific brand listed in Gartner's 2019 Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems.

Fight Coronavirus [COVID-19]
Empowering businesses to fight against coronavirus through technology.
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