Black Lake Smart Manufacturing & Black Lake Mini Worksheet

A complex platform to streamline shopfloor collaboration. The very first tool for SME digitization.


Black Lake Smart Manufacturing

Production Management: 40% Improved Scheduling Efficiency; 10% Improved Capacity Utilization
Material Management: 20% Reduced Inventory; 50% Reduced Material Waste
Quality Management: 35% Reduced Reject Rate; 50% Reduce After-sales Costs
Equipment Management: 10% Reduced Equipment Downtime; 30% Improved Equipment Maintenance Efficiency
Statistics: 50% Reduced Statistical Time; 100% Reduced Performance Wage Disputes
Group Management: 50% Improved Resource Planning Efficiency; 15% Reduced Labor Costs
Supply Chain Collaboration: 40-60% Improved the Ability to Take Orders; 10-30% Reduced the Risk Of Order Fulfillment

Black Lake Mini Worksheet

Black Lake Mini Worksheet is designed to benefit every staff member working in factories.

On the management level, Mini Worksheet helps reduce order delays with the real-time transparent production process, enhancing customer trust and reducing order fines.

On the shop floor level, Mini Worksheet helps reduce cost and increase efficiency through refined cost control and visualized production Kanban. For workers, Mini Worksheet enables them to check their daily performance income through mobile apps and improve their motivation.

Black Lake Products


Black Lake Smart Manufacturing is a cloud-based, IoT-enabled collaboration SaaS that helps manufacturers digitally transform shop floor activities and facilitate real-time collaboration. Its smart collaboration platform empowers factory staff (from managers to line workers) to collaborate digitally, monitor data, extract insights, and make data-driven decisions.


  • • Enable Multi-Plant Collaborations

  • • 4-6 Weeks Implementation

  • • 2 Days to Get Started

  • • Low Cost & Pay as You Go

  • • Highly Configurable

  • • Continuous Upgrade

  • • Cutting-edge Technologies

  • • Ease of Integration


Black Lake Mini Worksheet is a low-code mobile app for SME clients to empower frontline workers with configurable digital worksheets. It manages the entire process of work orders agilely, helping factories solve problems, such as opaque production progresses, delayed order delivery, difficulties in tracing production problems, and difficulties in calculating worker performance.


  • • Implementation in 3 Hours

  • • Flexible Product Design

  • • Continuous Upgrades

  • • Safe & Confidential Data

  • • Highly Configurable

Customer Success Stories

We replace the traditional MES system with Black Lake Smart Manufacturing. Its flexible and configurable product structure and complete functions fully meet our new production management needs and help us save 7000 man-hours. With digitally standardized production stability and quality traceability, we have won the trust of our customers and thus obtained more orders.

-- Lee, Head of IT at ChinaUST Group

JYD Technology choose to work with Black Lake Mini Worksheet for its flexibility and ease of use. Black Lake Mini Worksheet is perfect for manufacturing SMEs. Its flexibility just fits our way of daily collaboration. Also, it is quick and easy to learn, and does not cost too much time and effort to make everyone start to use. After 1 month of use , we have already optimized several bottlenecks and improved our order delivery rate by 5%.

-- Xu, Head of Production at JYD Technology

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