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Elastic Compute Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025
This product(Ecs/2014-05-26) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries available Alibaba Cloud regions.
DescribeZonesDescribeZonesQueries the zones in a specific region.
DescribeAvailableResourceDescribeAvailableResourceQueries resources in a zone. You can query the resources available in a zone before you create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances by calling the RunInstances operation or before you change instance types by calling the ModifyInstanceSpec operation.
DescribeAccountAttributesDescribeAccountAttributesQueries the quotas of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources that you can create in an Alibaba Cloud region. For a specific region, you can query the maximum numbers of security groups, elastic network interfaces (ENIs), vCPUs for pay-as-you-go instances, vCPUs for preemptible instances, the capacity quotas for pay-as-you-go disks that you can create and the number of dedicated hosts that you can create. You can also query information such as network types or whether an account has completed real-name verification.
DescribeResourcesModificationDescribeResourcesModificationQueries available instance types or system disk categories in a specific zone before you change the instance type or system disk category of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
DescribeRecommendInstanceTypeDescribeRecommendInstanceTypeQueries alternative instance types of an instance type. This operation is in internal preview. This operation lists all alternative instance types of an instance type that has been or is planed to be retired.


DescribePriceDescribePriceQueries information about the most recent prices of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources, such as the promotion rules, prices, and discounts. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ResourceType, ImageId, and InstanceType, in the request.
DescribeRenewalPriceDescribeRenewalPriceQueries the renewal price of a subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resource. Renewal prices of only subscription resources can be queried.
DescribeInstanceModificationPriceDescribeInstanceModificationPriceQueries the pricing information about newly attached subscription data disks or about the new instance types when you upgrade the configurations of unexpired subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.


RunInstancesRunInstancesCreates pay-as-you-go or subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. This operation provides a wide array of features and functions and helps simplify the procedure to create and manage ECS instances. When you call this operation, you can choose to create multiple ECS instances at a time, automatically start the instances, and assign public IP addresses to the instances based on outbound bandwidth parameters. You can also use the features provided by the operation, such as configuring an automatic release time for instances, using a launch template, and configuring custom CPU options, to customize instance configurations for better management of instances.
CreateInstanceCreateInstanceCreates a subscription or pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. When you call this operation, you can specify different parameters to create instances based on your business requirements.
StartInstanceStartInstanceStarts an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. You can specify the ID of an ECS instance and parameters, such as InitLocalDisk, in the request based on your business requirements to start the instance.
StartInstancesStartInstancesStarts Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that are in the Stopped state.
StopInstanceStopInstanceStops an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in the Running state. After you call this operation, the state of the instance changes to Stopping and then to Stopped.
StopInstancesStopInstancesStops Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. You can specify parameters to determine whether to forcefully stop the instances, the stop mode, and the batch operation mode.
RebootInstanceRebootInstanceRestarts an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
RebootInstancesRebootInstancesRestarts Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. When you call this operation, you can configure parameters to specify a batch operation mode and whether to forcefully restart the instances.
DeleteInstanceDeleteInstanceDeletes or releases a pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or an expired subscription ECS instance. You can configure parameters to specify whether to release the disks attached to the instance or retain the disks as pay-as-you-go disks.
DeleteInstancesDeleteInstancesReleases multiple pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or expired subscription ECS instances at a time. You can configure parameters to specify whether to release the disks attached to the instances or retain the disks as pay-as-you-go disks.
DescribeInstanceStatusDescribeInstanceStatusQueries the status of one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. You can also call this operation to query the list of ECS instances that match the specified filter conditions.
DescribeInstancesDescribeInstancesQueries Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances by various filter conditions. The details of the queried ECS instances are returned in the response.
DescribeInstanceTypeFamiliesDescribeInstanceTypeFamiliesQueries the instance families provided by Elastic Compute Service (ECS). You can call the DescribeInstanceTypeFamilies operation to obtain information about different series of instance families. This helps you better understand the available instance types and choose appropriate instance types to create ECS instances.
DescribeInstanceTypesDescribeInstanceTypesQueries the details of all instance types or a specific instance type provided by Elastic Compute Service (ECS).
DescribeInstanceAttributeDescribeInstanceAttributeQueries the attributes of a specific Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ModifyInstanceAttributeModifyInstanceAttributeModifies the attributes of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, such as the password, name, description, hostname, security groups, maximum transmission unit (MTU), and user data of the instance.
ModifyInstanceChargeTypeModifyInstanceChargeTypeChanges the billing method of one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. You can call this operation to change the billing methods of ECS instances between pay-as-you-go and subscription or change the billing method of all disks that are attached to an ECS instance from pay-as-you-go to subscription.
ModifyInstanceSpecModifyInstanceSpecChanges the instance type or public bandwidth of a pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ModifyPrepayInstanceSpecModifyPrepayInstanceSpecChanges the instance type of a subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. You can upgrade or downgrade the instance type. The new instance type takes effect for the entire lifecycle of the subscription ECS instance.
ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeChanges the automatic release time of a pay-as-you-go or preemptible Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or cancels the automatic release of the instance.
AttachInstanceRamRoleAttachInstanceRamRoleAttaches an instance Resource Access Management (RAM) role to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
DescribeInstanceRamRoleDescribeInstanceRamRoleQueries the instance Resource Access Management (RAM) roles that are attached to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances based on the instance IDs, or queries the ECS instances to which a specific instance RAM role is attached based on the name of the instance RAM role.
DetachInstanceRamRoleDetachInstanceRamRoleDetaches instance Resource Access Management (RAM) roles from Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
DescribeInstanceVncUrlDescribeInstanceVncUrlQueries the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) logon address of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ModifyInstanceVncPasswdModifyInstanceVncPasswdChanges the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) password of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsModifies the metadata access configurations of instances in a specific region, including whether to enable the metadata access channel and whether to forcefully use the security hardening mode to access instance metadata.
DescribeUserDataDescribeUserDataQueries the user data of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
RenewInstanceRenewInstanceRenews a subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as InstanceId, Period, and ExpectedRenewDay, in the request.
DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeDescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeQueries the auto-renewal attribute of subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, including whether auto-renewal is enabled for the instances and the auto-renewal durations of the instances.
ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttributeModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttributeConfigures auto-renewal for subscription instances to help reduce the maintenance workloads on instance expiration.
ReActivateInstancesReActivateInstancesReactivates a pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that has expired or has been reclaimed due to overdue payments.
DescribeSpotPriceHistoryDescribeSpotPriceHistoryQueries the historical prices of preemptible instances within the previous 30 days.
DescribeSpotAdviceDescribeSpotAdviceQueries information about preemptible instances in a region in the previous 30 days. The information includes the average release rate of preemptible instances and the percentage of the average preemptible instance price relative to the pay-as-you-go instance price.


CreateImageCreateImageCreates a custom image. After you call this operation to create a custom image, you can call the RunInstances operation to create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances from the custom image or call the ReplaceSystemDisk operation to replace system disks by using the custom image.
DescribeImagesDescribeImagesQueries available images. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ImageId, ImageFamily, and InstanceType, in the request.
ModifyImageAttributeModifyImageAttributeModifies the attributes of a custom image, such as the image family, name, boot mode, and status and whether the image supports the Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) protocol. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ImageId and ImageFamily, in the request.
DeleteImageDeleteImageDeletes a custom image. When you call this operation, you can specify ImageId and Force in the request.
DescribeImageFromFamilyDescribeImageFromFamilyQueries available custom images that are most recently created in a specific image family.
DescribeImageSupportInstanceTypesDescribeImageSupportInstanceTypesQueries the instance types supported by an image.
DescribeImageSharePermissionDescribeImageSharePermissionQueries the accounts with which a custom image is shared. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as RegionId and ImageId, in the request. The response can be displayed by page. By default, 10 entries are displayed on each page.
ModifyImageSharePermissionModifyImageSharePermissionManages the share permissions on a custom image. You can share your custom images to other Alibaba Cloud accounts or publish the images as community images.
ImportImageImportImageImports an on-premise image to Elastic Compute Service (ECS). The imported image exists as a custom image in the destination region. You can use the imported image to create ECS instances by calling the RunInstances operation or replace the system disks of ECS instances by calling the ReplaceSystemDisk operation.
ExportImageExportImageExports a custom image to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket in the same region.
CopyImageCopyImageCopies a custom image from one region to another. You can deploy or copy Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances across regions by copying custom images.
CancelCopyImageCancelCopyImageCancels an ongoing image copy task.
CreateImageComponentCreateImageComponentCreates an image component. Image components are used to store the image template commands that are commonly used to create images.
DescribeImageComponentsDescribeImageComponentsQueries the information about one or more image components.
DeleteImageComponentDeleteImageComponentDeletes an image component.
CreateImagePipelineCreateImagePipelineCreates an image template. Image templates can be used to create images.
DescribeImagePipelinesDescribeImagePipelinesQueries the information about one or more image templates.
DeleteImagePipelineDeleteImagePipelineDeletes an image template.
StartImagePipelineExecutionStartImagePipelineExecutionExecutes a pipeline task by using an image template.
DescribeImagePipelineExecutionsDescribeImagePipelineExecutionsQueries the details of an image creation task.
CancelImagePipelineExecutionCancelImagePipelineExecutionCancels an image building task.

Elastic Block Storage (EBS) devices

CreateDiskCreateDiskCreates a pay-as-you-go or subscription data disk.
DescribeDisksDescribeDisksQueries block storage devices that you created, including cloud disks, local disks, and elastic ephemeral disks.
AttachDiskAttachDiskAttaches a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk to an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
DetachDiskDetachDiskDetaches a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk from an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ResizeDiskResizeDiskResizes a system disk or a data disk.
ModifyDiskAttributeModifyDiskAttributeModifies the attributes of block storage devices, including the names and descriptions of the devices and whether to release the devices together with the associated instances.
ModifyDiskChargeTypeModifyDiskChargeTypeChanges the billing method of data disks that are attached to a subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ModifyDiskSpecModifyDiskSpecChanges the disk category of a cloud disk or the performance level of an Enterprise SSD (ESSD). You cannot change the disk categories of Regional ESSDs (in public preview), basic disks, elastic ephemeral disks, and local disks.
ReplaceSystemDiskReplaceSystemDiskReplaces the operating system (system disk) of an ECS instance. After the operating system of the ECS instance is replaced, the original system disk of the instance is released and a new system disk is generated for the instance. This causes the ID of the system disk to change.
ResetDiskResetDiskRolls back a cloud disk to a snapshot from an earlier point in time.
ReInitDiskReInitDiskRe-initializes a cloud disk to the state when the cloud disk was created.
DeleteDiskDeleteDiskReleases a pay-as-you-go data disk. The data disk can be a basic disk, an ultra disk, a standard SSD, or an enhanced SSD (ESSD).
EnableDiskEncryptionByDefaultEnableDiskEncryptionByDefaultEnables the Account-level Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Default Encryption feature in a region.
DescribeDiskEncryptionByDefaultStatusDescribeDiskEncryptionByDefaultStatusQueries whether account-level default encryption of Elastic Block Storage (EBS) resources is enabled in a region.
DescribeDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdDescribeDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdQueries the Key Management Service (KMS) key used by the Account-level Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Default Encryption feature in a region.
ModifyDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdModifyDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdChanges the Key Management Service (KMS) key used by the Account-level Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Default Encryption feature in a region.
ResetDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdResetDiskDefaultKMSKeyIdResets the Key Management Service (KMS) key used by Account-level Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Default Encryption in a region to the service key.
DisableDiskEncryptionByDefaultDisableDiskEncryptionByDefaultDisables account-level default encryption of Elastic Block Storage (EBS) resources in a region. After you disable account-level default encryption of EBS resources in a region, the encryption status of existing disks in the region does not change. When you create a disk, you can still choose to encrypt the disk.


CreateSnapshotCreateSnapshotThe retention period of the snapshot. Valid values: 1 to 65536. Unit: days. The snapshot is automatically released when its retention period expires. This parameter is empty by default, which indicates that the snapshot is not automatically released.
DescribeSnapshotsDescribeSnapshotsQueries the details of cloud disk snapshots. The details include the status of the snapshots, the amount of remaining time required to create the snapshots, and the retention period of the automatic snapshots in days.
DescribeSnapshotsUsageDescribeSnapshotsUsageQueries the number of snapshots that are stored in a region and the total size of the snapshots.
ModifySnapshotAttributeModifySnapshotAttributeModifies the name, description, or retention period of a snapshot.
ModifySnapshotCategoryModifySnapshotCategoryChanges the type of a snapshot. You can call this operation to convert a standard snapshot into an archive snapshot.
CopySnapshotCopySnapshotCopies a standard or encrypted snapshot from one region to another.
DeleteSnapshotDeleteSnapshotDeletes a snapshot. If you call this operation to delete a snapshot that is being created, the snapshot creation task is canceled.
DescribeSnapshotLinksDescribeSnapshotLinksQueries the snapshot chains of disks. A snapshot chain is a chain of all the snapshots created for a disk. A disk corresponds to a chain of snapshots.
CreateSnapshotGroupCreateSnapshotGroupCreates a snapshot-consistent group for the disks of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. A snapshot-consistent group contains snapshots of one or more disks.
DescribeSnapshotGroupsDescribeSnapshotGroupsQueries the information of one or more snapshot-consistent groups, such as the status of the groups, IDs of the instances associated with the groups, and snapshot creation progress.
ModifySnapshotGroupModifySnapshotGroupModifies the name and description of a snapshot-consistent group.
DeleteSnapshotGroupDeleteSnapshotGroupDeletes a snapshot-consistent group.
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicyCreateAutoSnapshotPolicyCreates an automatic snapshot policy in a specific region. You can specify the schedule on which to create automatic snapshots, the retention period of the automatic snapshots, and whether to enable cross-region replication for the snapshots in the automatic snapshot policy. The automatic snapshot policy can be applied to create snapshots for system disks or data disks to back up disk data.
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicyExDescribeAutoSnapshotPolicyExQueries the details of automatic snapshot policies that are created in a specific region.
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyExModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyExModifies an automatic snapshot policy.
ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicyApplyAutoSnapshotPolicyApplies an automatic snapshot policy to one or more disks. You can call this operation to replace the automatic snapshot policy of a disk.
CancelAutoSnapshotPolicyCancelAutoSnapshotPolicyDisables automatic snapshot policies for one or more disks.
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicyDeleteAutoSnapshotPolicyDeletes an automatic snapshot policy. After you delete an automatic snapshot policy, the policy is no longer applied to the disks on which it previously took effect.
DescribeSnapshotPackageDescribeSnapshotPackageQueries the Object Storage Service (OSS) storage plans that you purchased in an Alibaba Cloud region. OSS storage plans can be used to offset the storage fees for standard snapshots instead of local snapshots.


DescribeBandwidthLimitationDescribeBandwidthLimitationQueries the maximum public bandwidth that can be purchased, upgraded, or downgraded for various Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance types.
ModifyInstanceNetworkSpecModifyInstanceNetworkSpecModifies the network configurations of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, such as the public bandwidth, assignment or unassignment of a static public IP address (also known as system-assigned or auto-assigned public IP address), and billing method for network usage. You can call this operation to upgrade or downgrade the network configurations of ECS instances.
AllocatePublicIpAddressAllocatePublicIpAddressAssigns a static public IP address (also called system-assigned public IP address or auto-assigned public IP address) to an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ConvertNatPublicIpToEipConvertNatPublicIpToEipConverts the public IP address of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance located in a virtual private cloud (VPC) into an elastic IP address (EIP).
ModifyInstanceVpcAttributeModifyInstanceVpcAttributeChanges the virtual private cloud (VPC), private IP address, or vSwitch of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that resides in a VPC.
DescribeClassicLinkInstancesDescribeClassicLinkInstancesQueries instances located in the classic network that have established ClassicLink connections with virtual private clouds (VPCs).
AttachClassicLinkVpcAttachClassicLinkVpcLinks an instance that is deployed in the classic network to a virtual private cloud (VPC) by establishing a ClassicLink connection between the instance and the VPC. This way, the instance can communicate with cloud resources in the VPC over the internal network.
DetachClassicLinkVpcDetachClassicLinkVpcUnlinks an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that resides in the classic network from a virtual private cloud (VPC) by closing the ClassicLink connection between the instance and the VPC. After the instance is unlinked from the VPC, the instance can no longer communicate with instances in the VPC.

Elastic network interfaces (ENIs)

CreateNetworkInterfaceCreateNetworkInterfaceCreates an elastic network interface (ENI). You can specify an IP address as the primary private IP address of the ENI.
DescribeNetworkInterfacesDescribeNetworkInterfacesQueries the details of one or more elastic network interfaces (ENIs). When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ResourceGroupId, VSwitchId, and InstanceId, in the request.
DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeDescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeQueries the details of an elastic network interface (ENI). When you call this operation, you can set the NetworkInterfaceId parameter to specify an ENI.
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeModifies the attributes of an elastic network interface (ENI), such as the number of queues supported by the ENI, the security groups to which the ENI belongs, the queue depth, the communication mode, and whether to retain the ENI when the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance to which the ENI is attached is released.
DeleteNetworkInterfaceDeleteNetworkInterfaceDeletes an elastic network interface (ENI) in a region. DeleteNetworkInterface is an asynchronous operation.
AttachNetworkInterfaceAttachNetworkInterfaceAttaches an elastic network interface (ENI) to an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that resides in a virtual private cloud (VPC). When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, and NetworkCardIndex, in the request.
DetachNetworkInterfaceDetachNetworkInterfaceDetach an elastic network interface (ENI) from an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
AssignPrivateIpAddressesAssignPrivateIpAddressesAssigns secondary private IP addresses to an elastic network interface (ENI). You can specify available private IP addresses within the CIDR block of the vSwitch that is connected to the ENI. Alternatively, you can specify the number of private IP addresses that are automatically assigned from the CIDR block of the vSwitch to the ENI.
UnassignPrivateIpAddressesUnassignPrivateIpAddressesUnassigns secondary private IP addresses from an elastic network interface (ENI).
AssignIpv6AddressesAssignIpv6AddressesAssigns one or more IPv6 addresses to an elastic network interface (ENI).
UnassignIpv6AddressesUnassignIpv6AddressesUnassigns IPv6 addresses from an elastic network interface (ENI).


CreatePrefixListCreatePrefixListCreates a prefix list.
DescribePrefixListsDescribePrefixListsQueries the information of one or more prefix lists.
DescribePrefixListAttributesDescribePrefixListAttributesQueries the details of a prefix list, including the name, address family, maximum number of entries, and details of the entries.
DescribePrefixListAssociationsDescribePrefixListAssociationsThe region ID of the prefix list. You can call the \[DescribeRegions]\(~~25609~~) operation to query the most recent region list.
ModifyPrefixListModifyPrefixListModifies the name, description, or entries of a specific prefix list.
DeletePrefixListDeletePrefixListDeletes a prefix list and all entries in the prefix list.

Security groups

CreateSecurityGroupCreateSecurityGroupCreates a security group.
DescribeSecurityGroupsDescribeSecurityGroupsQueries the basic information of security groups. You can query the information by various filter conditions, such as the region ID, security group ID, and security group type.
DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeDescribeSecurityGroupAttributeQueries the details of a specified security group and the security group rules of the security group.
ModifySecurityGroupPolicyModifySecurityGroupPolicyModifies the internal access control policy of a basic security group.
ModifySecurityGroupAttributeModifySecurityGroupAttributeModifies the name or description of a specific security group.
DeleteSecurityGroupDeleteSecurityGroupDeletes a security group and all security group rules in the security group.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupAuthorizeSecurityGroupCreates inbound security group rules in a security group. You can use the created rules to allow or deny inbound traffic from other objects to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the security group for fine-grained network access control.
ModifySecurityGroupRuleModifySecurityGroupRuleModifies an inbound security group rule in a security group.
RevokeSecurityGroupRevokeSecurityGroupDeletes inbound security group rules from a specific security group.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressAuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressCreates outbound rules in a security group. You can use the created rules to allow or deny outbound traffic from Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the security group to other objects for fine-grained network access control.
ModifySecurityGroupEgressRuleModifySecurityGroupEgressRuleModifies an outbound security group rule in a security group.
RevokeSecurityGroupEgressRevokeSecurityGroupEgressDeletes outbound security group rules from a specified security group.
DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesDescribeSecurityGroupReferencesQueries the security groups whose rules reference security groups as authorization objects.
JoinSecurityGroupJoinSecurityGroupAdds an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or an elastic network interface (ENI) to a security group. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as SecurityGroupId, InstanceId, and NetworkInterfaceId, in the request.
LeaveSecurityGroupLeaveSecurityGroupRemoves an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or an elastic network interface (ENI) from a security group.

SSH key pairs

CreateKeyPairCreateKeyPairCreates an SSH key pair. The system stores the public key and returns the unencrypted private key. The private key is encoded with PEM in the PKCS#8 format. You must properly store the private key and ensure its confidentiality.
ImportKeyPairImportKeyPairImports the public key of a Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) key pair that is generated by a third-party tool. After the key pair is imported, Alibaba Cloud stores the public key. You must securely lock away the private key.
DescribeKeyPairsDescribeKeyPairsQueries one or more key pairs.
AttachKeyPairAttachKeyPairBinds an SSH key pair to one or more Linux instances.
DetachKeyPairDetachKeyPairUnbinds an SSH key pair from Linux instances.
DeleteKeyPairsDeleteKeyPairsDeletes one or more SSH key pairs.

Launch templates

CreateLaunchTemplateCreateLaunchTemplateCreates a launch template. A launch template eliminates the need to configure a large number of parameters every time you create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
DescribeLaunchTemplatesDescribeLaunchTemplatesQueries the information of one or more launch templates, such as the total number of launch templates, the creation time of each launch template, and the latest version number of each launch template. When you can this operation, you can specify parameters, such as TemplateTag, TemplateResourceGroupId, and LaunchTemplateId, in the request.
DeleteLaunchTemplateDeleteLaunchTemplateDeletes a launch template. You can use the LaunchTemplateId or LaunchTemplateName parameter to specify the launch template that you want to delete from the specified region.
CreateLaunchTemplateVersionCreateLaunchTemplateVersionCreates a version for a launch template. You can use the created version to create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, scaling groups, or auto provisioning groups.
DescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsDescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsQueries the information of launch template versions, such as the total number of launch templates, launch template names, and launch template version numbers.
ModifyLaunchTemplateDefaultVersionModifyLaunchTemplateDefaultVersionChanges the default version of a launch template. When you call this operation, you can specify DefaultVersionNumber in the request. If you do not specify a version when you create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances based on a launch template, the default version of the launch template is used.
DeleteLaunchTemplateVersionDeleteLaunchTemplateVersionDeletes versions of a launch template. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as LaunchTemplateId and DeleteVersion, in the request.

Auto provisioning groups

CreateAutoProvisioningGroupCreateAutoProvisioningGroupCreates an auto provisioning group. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ResourceGroupId, AutoProvisioningGroupType, and ValidFrom, in the request.
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupsDescribeAutoProvisioningGroupsQueries the information of one or more auto provisioning groups.
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupInstancesDescribeAutoProvisioningGroupInstancesYou can call this operation to query instances in an auto provisioning group.
ModifyAutoProvisioningGroupModifyAutoProvisioningGroupModifies the configurations of an auto-provisioning group.
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupHistoryDescribeAutoProvisioningGroupHistoryQueries the scheduling tasks of an auto provisioning group.
DeleteAutoProvisioningGroupDeleteAutoProvisioningGroupDeletes an auto provisioning group. When you call this operation, you can specify AutoProvisioningGroupId and TerminateInstances in the request.

Deployment sets

CreateDeploymentSetCreateDeploymentSetCreates a deployment set in a region.
DescribeDeploymentSetSupportedInstanceTypeFamilyDescribeDeploymentSetSupportedInstanceTypeFamilyQueries the instance families that support different deployment strategies. When you call this operation, specify parameters, such as RegionId and Strategy, in the request.
DescribeDeploymentSetsDescribeDeploymentSetsQueries the details of one or more deployment sets. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as DeploymentSetIds, Strategy, and DeploymentSetName, in the request.
ModifyDeploymentSetAttributeModifyDeploymentSetAttributeModifies the name and description of a deployment set. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as DeploymentSetId and DeploymentSetName, in the request.
DeleteDeploymentSetDeleteDeploymentSetDeletes a deployment set in a region. When you call this operation, specify parameters such as RegionId and DeploymentSetId in the request.

Elasticity assurances

CreateElasticityAssuranceCreateElasticityAssuranceCreates an elasticity assurance.
DescribeElasticityAssurancesDescribeElasticityAssurancesQueries the details of elasticity assurances.
DescribeElasticityAssuranceInstancesDescribeElasticityAssuranceInstancesQueries the running Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that match and use the elasticity assurance service.
ModifyElasticityAssuranceModifyElasticityAssuranceModifies information about an elasticity assurance, including the name, description, and capacity. Only capacity scale-in is supported .
RenewElasticityAssurancesRenewElasticityAssurancesRenews one or more elasticity assurances that you purchased. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as PrivatePoolOptionsId and Period, in the request.
PurchaseElasticityAssurancePurchaseElasticityAssurancePurchases an elasticity assurance that is not in the Active state and for which resources are prepared.
CreateCapacityReservationCreateCapacityReservationCreates a capacity reservation. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters in the request, such as InstanceAmount, InstanceType, StartTime, and ZoneId.
DescribeCapacityReservationsDescribeCapacityReservationsQueries the details of capacity reservations.
DescribeCapacityReservationInstancesDescribeCapacityReservationInstancesQueries the instances that match a capacity reservation.
ModifyCapacityReservationModifyCapacityReservationModifies the information of a capacity reservation, including the name, description, release mode, and the total number of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances for which capacity is reserved.
DescribeInstanceAttachmentAttributesDescribeInstanceAttachmentAttributesQueries the information about the private pools that Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances match.
ModifyInstanceAttachmentAttributesModifyInstanceAttachmentAttributesThe type of the new private pool.
ReleaseCapacityReservationReleaseCapacityReservationReleases a capacity reservation.

Reserved instances

PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingPurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingPurchases a regional or zonal reserved instance to offset the bills of pay-as-you-go Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
DescribeReservedInstancesDescribeReservedInstancesQueries the details of reserved instances that you have purchased in a specific region. You can query the details of reserved instances based on parameters, such as tags and reserved instance attributes.
ModifyReservedInstancesModifyReservedInstancesModifies the configurations of a reserved instance, such as the instance type, quantity, and zone, to split, merge, or change the scope of the reserved instance.
ModifyReservedInstanceAttributeModifyReservedInstanceAttributeModifies the attributes of a reserved instance, such as the name and description of the instance.
RenewReservedInstancesRenewReservedInstancesRenews one or more reserved instances. When you renew reserved instances, you can specify a validity period (renewal period) and whether to enable auto-renewal for the reserved instances.
DescribeReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttributeDescribeReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttributeQueries the auto-renewal attributes of one or more reserved instances, including the auto-renewal duration and auto-renewal status.
ModifyReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttributeModifyReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttributeModifies the auto-renewal attributes of reserved instances. You can cancel or disable the auto-renewal feature for reserved instances.

Storage capacity units (SCUs)

PurchaseStorageCapacityUnitPurchaseStorageCapacityUnitPurchases one or more storage capacity units (SCUs).
DescribeStorageCapacityUnitsDescribeStorageCapacityUnitsQueries the details of storage capacity units (SCUs). In the request, you can specify the name, status, or capacity of each SCU.
ModifyStorageCapacityUnitAttributeModifyStorageCapacityUnitAttributeChanges the name or modifies the description of a Storage Capacity Unit (SCU).

Cloud Assistant

RunCommandRunCommandRuns a Cloud Assistant command on one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. Shell, PowerShell, and batch commands are supported.
CreateCommandCreateCommandCreates a Cloud Assistant command, which can be a Shell, PowerShell, or batch command.
InvokeCommandInvokeCommandRuns a Cloud Assistant command on one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as CommandId, InstanceId, and ResourceGroupId, in the request.
DescribeInvocationsDescribeInvocationsQueries the execution list and states of Cloud Assistant commands.
DescribeInvocationResultsDescribeInvocationResultsQueries the execution results of one or more Cloud Assistant commands on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
ModifyInvocationAttributeModifyInvocationAttributeModifies the execution information of a Cloud Assistant scheduled command task, including modifying the content and execution frequency of the command and adding Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or Alibaba Cloud managed instances to the command task.
StopInvocationStopInvocation\\* If you stop the process of a command that runs only once, the executions that have started are not interrupted. The executions that have not started are canceled. \\* If you stop the process of a scheduled invocation command, the executions that have started are not interrupted. However, the execution does not start in the next period.
DescribeCommandsDescribeCommandsQueries the Cloud Assistant commands that you created or the common Cloud Assistant commands that Alibaba Cloud provides.
ModifyCommandModifyCommandModifies the parameters of a Cloud Assistant command.
DeleteCommandDeleteCommandDeletes a Cloud Assistant command in a region. This operation cannot delete Cloud Assistant commands that are being run.
SendFileSendFileSends a file to one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
DescribeSendFileResultsDescribeSendFileResultsQueries the files sent by Cloud Assistant and their status.
DescribeCloudAssistantStatusDescribeCloudAssistantStatusQueries whether Cloud Assistant Agent is installed on instances. If Cloud Assistant Agent is installed, the system queries the total number of Cloud Assistant commands that have been run, the number of Cloud Assistant commands that are being run, and the time when Cloud Assistant commands were last run.
InstallCloudAssistantInstallCloudAssistantInstalls Cloud Assistant Agent on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. After you install Cloud Assistant Agent on ECS instances, restart the instances for the installation to take effect.
StartTerminalSessionStartTerminalSessionCreates a session by using the session management feature. When you call this operation, you can include the ID of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in the request to create a WebSocket session for the instance. The URL of the WebSocket session returned by the operation can be used to connect to the instance.
EndTerminalSessionEndTerminalSessionPermanently closes a session.
DescribeTerminalSessionsDescribeTerminalSessionsQueries the session records of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Session Manager.
ModifyCloudAssistantSettingsModifyCloudAssistantSettingsModifies the configurations of a Cloud Assistant feature.
DescribeCloudAssistantSettingsDescribeCloudAssistantSettingsQueries the configurations of Cloud Assistant.
CreateActivationCreateActivationCreates an activation code. The activation code is used to register servers that are not provided by Alibaba Cloud as Alibaba Cloud managed instances.
DescribeActivationsDescribeActivationsQueries existing activation codes and their usage information.
DisableActivationDisableActivationTo prevent an activation code from being leaked, you can call the DisableActivation operation to disable the activation code. Disabled activation codes cannot be used to register new managed instances. However, managed instances that are already registered are not affected.
DeleteActivationDeleteActivationDeletes an unused activation code.
DescribeManagedInstancesDescribeManagedInstancesQueries managed instances.
ModifyManagedInstanceModifyManagedInstanceModifies the information of a managed instance.
DeregisterManagedInstanceDeregisterManagedInstanceDeregisters a managed instance. After you deregister the managed instance, you can no longer use Cloud Assistant to send commands or files to the instance.
ListPluginStatusListPluginStatusQueries the states of Cloud Assistant plug-ins on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.

System events

DescribeInstancesFullStatusDescribeInstancesFullStatusQueries the full status information of one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. The full status information includes the instance status and the status of instance system events. The instance status is the lifecycle status of instances. The status of instance system events is the health status of maintenance events.
DescribeDisksFullStatusDescribeDisksFullStatusQueries the full status information about one or more Elastic Block Storage (EBS) devices.
DescribeInstanceHistoryEventsDescribeInstanceHistoryEventsQueries the system events of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as InstanceId and EventType, in the request. By default, non-active system events are queried.
CreateSimulatedSystemEventsCreateSimulatedSystemEventsSchedules simulated system events for one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. The simulated system events do not actually occur on or affect ECS instances.
CancelSimulatedSystemEventsCancelSimulatedSystemEventsCancels simulated system events that are in the Scheduled or Executing state. After you cancel a simulated system event, the simulated event enters the Canceled state.
AcceptInquiredSystemEventAcceptInquiredSystemEventin the Inquiring state and authorizes the system to perform the default operations.

Resource diagnostic

DescribeDiagnosticMetricsDescribeDiagnosticMetricsQueries diagnostic metrics.
CreateDiagnosticMetricSetCreateDiagnosticMetricSetCreates a diagnostic metric set. You can group diagnostic metrics into diagnostic metric sets.
DescribeDiagnosticMetricSetsDescribeDiagnosticMetricSetsQueries diagnostic metric sets.
ModifyDiagnosticMetricSetModifyDiagnosticMetricSetModifies a diagnostic metric set.
DeleteDiagnosticMetricSetsDeleteDiagnosticMetricSetsDeletes diagnostic metric sets.
CreateDiagnosticReportCreateDiagnosticReportCreates a diagnostic report for a resource. When you call this operation, you can configure the MetricSetId parameter to create a diagnostic report based on the specified diagnostic metric set. Then, you can call the DescribeDiagnosticReportAttributes operation based on the returned diagnostic report ID to view the details of the diagnostic report.
DescribeDiagnosticReportsDescribeDiagnosticReportsQueries resource diagnostic reports.
DescribeDiagnosticReportAttributesDescribeDiagnosticReportAttributesQueries the details of a diagnostic report.
DeleteDiagnosticReportsDeleteDiagnosticReportsDeletes diagnostic reports.

OM and monitoring

GetInstanceScreenshotGetInstanceScreenshotObtains the screenshots of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
GetInstanceConsoleOutputGetInstanceConsoleOutputQueries the command output of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. The returned command output is encoded in Base64.
DescribeDiskMonitorDataDescribeDiskMonitorDataQueries the monitoring data of a disk in a specific period of time. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as DiskId, StartTime, and EndTime, in the request.
DescribeInstanceMonitorDataDescribeInstanceMonitorDataQueries the monitoring data of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. The monitoring data can include the vCPU utilization, CPU credits of the burstable instance, amount of received data traffic, amount of sent data traffic, and average bandwidth.
DescribeEniMonitorDataDescribeEniMonitorDataQueries the monitoring data of a secondary elastic network interface (ENI) over a specific period of time.
DescribeSnapshotMonitorDataDescribeSnapshotMonitorDataQueries the monitoring data of snapshot sizes in a region over the last 30 days.
DescribeInstanceMaintenanceAttributesDescribeInstanceMaintenanceAttributesQueries the maintenance attributes of an instance.
ModifyInstanceMaintenanceAttributesModifyInstanceMaintenanceAttributesModifies the maintenance attributes of an instance.
RedeployInstanceRedeployInstanceRedeploys an instance when the instance receives a system event notification.
ReportInstancesStatusReportInstancesStatusReports an exception on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. You can report the same exception on multiple ECS instances or on multiple disks of an ECS instance.

Tags and ResourceGroup

TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates and adds tags to specified Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources. After a tag is removed from a resource, the tag is automatically deleted if it is not added to other resources.
JoinResourceGroupJoinResourceGroupAdds an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resource or service to a resource group.

Dedicated hosts

AllocateDedicatedHostsAllocateDedicatedHostsCreates pay-as-you-go or subscription dedicated hosts. A dedicated host is a physical server dedicated to a single tenant. You can create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances on a dedicated host and view the attributes of a dedicated host.
DescribeDedicatedHostsDescribeDedicatedHostsQueries the information about dedicated hosts, including the physical performance specifications, machine codes, and status of the dedicated hosts, and Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that are created on the dedicated hosts.
DescribeDedicatedHostTypesDescribeDedicatedHostTypesQueries the details of dedicated host types supported in a region, or the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance families supported by a specific dedicated host type.
ModifyDedicatedHostAttributeModifyDedicatedHostAttributeModifies the information about a dedicated host, such as the name, description, and instance migration policy that is applied when the dedicated host fails.
ModifyDedicatedHostsChargeTypeModifyDedicatedHostsChargeTypeChanges the billing method of dedicated hosts.
DescribeDedicatedHostAutoRenewDescribeDedicatedHostAutoRenewQueries the auto-renewal status of subscription dedicated hosts.
ModifyDedicatedHostAutoRenewAttributeModifyDedicatedHostAutoRenewAttributeEnables or disables auto-renewal for one or more subscription dedicated hosts.
RenewDedicatedHostsRenewDedicatedHostsRenews one or more subscription dedicated hosts.
ModifyDedicatedHostAutoReleaseTimeModifyDedicatedHostAutoReleaseTimeSets or cancels automatic release time for a pay-as-you-go dedicated host.
ModifyInstanceDeploymentModifyInstanceDeploymentChanges the deployment set of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or migrates an ECS instance to a dedicated host. You can change the instance type of an instance when you migrate the instance.
RedeployDedicatedHostRedeployDedicatedHostMigrates Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances away from a failed dedicated host.
ReleaseDedicatedHostReleaseDedicatedHostReleases a pay-as-you-go dedicated host.
CreateDedicatedHostClusterCreateDedicatedHostClusterCreates a dedicated host group.
ModifyDedicatedHostClusterAttributeModifyDedicatedHostClusterAttributeModifies the information of a dedicated host group, including the name, description, and properties.
DescribeDedicatedHostClustersDescribeDedicatedHostClustersQueries the details of one or more dedicated host groups.
DeleteDedicatedHostClusterDeleteDedicatedHostClusterDeletes a dedicated host group. Before you call the API operation, you must migrate the dedicated hosts in the host group to another host group.

HPC clusters

CreateHpcClusterCreateHpcClusterCreates a high performance computing (HPC) cluster.
DescribeHpcClustersDescribeHpcClustersThe client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The \*\*token\*\* can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. For more information, see \[How to ensure idempotence]\(~~25693~~).
ModifyHpcClusterAttributeModifyHpcClusterAttributeModifies the description of a high performance computing (HPC) cluster.
DeleteHpcClusterDeleteHpcClusterDeletes a high performance computing (HPC) cluster.


DescribeTasksDescribeTasksQueries the progress of one or more asynchronous tasks.
DescribeTaskAttributeDescribeTaskAttributeYou can call this operation to query the details of an asynchronous task. You can query the asynchronous tasks including importing images, exporting images, and modifying disk categories. The asynchronous tasks are generated by the ImportImage, ExportImage, and ModifyDiskSpec operations.
CancelTaskCancelTaskCancels a running task. You can cancel the running tasks generated by the ImportImage or ExportImage operation.