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Elastic Compute Service:ModifyDedicatedHostAutoRenewAttribute

Last Updated:Jul 09, 2024

Enables or disables auto-renewal for one or more subscription dedicated hosts.

Operation description

  • If you enable auto-renewal for your subscription dedicated host, the system attempts to deduct the renewal payment at 08:00:00 (UTC+8) nine days before the dedicated host expires to renew the dedicated host. If this deduction attempt fails, the system attempt to deduct the payment at the same point in time the next day. The system attempts to deduct the payment once every day until the dedicated host expires or until the payment is deducted. Make sure that your account balance is sufficient.
  • Subscription dedicated hosts can be automatically renewed along with the subscription Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances hosted on the dedicated hosts. For more information, see the description of the AutoRenewWithEcs parameter.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The IDs of dedicated hosts. You can specify up to 100 subscription dedicated host IDs. Separate the IDs with commas (,).


The region ID of the dedicated host.


The renewal duration.

  • Valid values when PeriodUnit is set to Month: 1 and 12
  • Valid values when PeriodUnit is set to Year: 1 and 12

The unit of the renewal period. Valid values:

  • Month
  • Year

Default value: Month


Specifies whether to automatically renew the subscription. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to automatically renew the subscription dedicated host. The RenewalStatus parameter takes precedence over the AutoRenew parameter. Valid values:

  • AutoRenewal: The dedicated hosts are automatically renewed.
  • Normal: The dedicated hosts are not automatically renewed, and renewal notifications are sent.
  • NotRenewal: The dedicated hosts are not automatically renewed, and no expiration notification is sent. A notification of no renewal is automatically sent three days before the end of the current subscription cycle. You can change the value of this parameter from NotRenewal to Normal and manually renew the dedicated hosts by calling the RenewDedicatedHosts operation. Alternatively, you can renew the dedicated hosts by setting this parameter to AutoRenewal.

Specifies whether to automatically renew the subscription dedicated hosts along with the subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated hosts.

If auto-renewal is enabled for the subscription ECS instances hosted on the subscription dedicated hosts, you can specify this parameter to automatically renew the dedicated hosts along with the subscription ECS instances. When the subscription ECS instances hosted on your dedicated hosts are automatically renewed, the subscription dedicated hosts are also automatically renewed if the expiration time of the dedicated hosts is earlier than the expiration time of the renewed instances. Take note of the following items:

When the subscription dedicated hosts are configured to be automatically renewed along with the subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated hosts, the system checks the expiration time of the renewed instances and selects a minimum renewal duration for the dedicated hosts so that the dedicated hosts are renewed by a duration that ends later than the expiration time of the renewed instances. For more information about supported renewal durations, see the descriptions of the PeriodUnit and Duration parameters.

For example, assume that a dedicated host expires on January 15 of the current year. Subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated host are configured to be automatically renewed to November 15 of the same year. The expiration time of the dedicated host is earlier than the expiration time of the ECS instances by 10 months. In this case, the system selects a renewal duration of 12 months (a minimum duration calculated based on a Duration value of 12 and a PeriodUnit value of Month) for the dedicated host. This ensures that the dedicated host expires later than the ECS instances.

Valid values:

  • AutoRenewWithEcs: automatically renews the subscription dedicated hosts along with the subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated hosts.
  • StopRenewWithEcs: does not automatically renew the subscription dedicated hosts along with the subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated hosts.
  • NoOperation: does not change the current settings for the dedicated hosts.
Note If you set this parameter to AutoRenewWithEcs, make sure that AutoRenew is set to true to enable auto-renewal for the dedicated hosts. Otherwise, the subscription dedicated hosts are not automatically renewed along with the subscription ECS instances hosted on the dedicated hosts.

Default value: NoOperation.


Response parameters


The request ID.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "2A4EA075-CB5B-41B7-B0EB-70D339F6****"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
403MissingParameter.DedicatedHostIdDedicatedHostId should not be null.The DedicatedHostId parameter is required.
403InvalidParameter.ToManyDedicatedHostIdsDedicatedHostId should be less than 100.More than 100 dedicated host IDs are specified in the DedicatedHostIds value.
403InvalidParameter.InvalidDedicatedHostId%sThe specified DedicatedHostId parameter is invalid.
403IncorrectHostStatusThe current status of the resource does not support this operation.The resource is in a state that does not support the current operation.
403ChargeTypeViolationPay-As-You-Go dedicated host do not support this operation.-
403InvalidParameter.Duration%sThe specified Duration parameter is invalid.
403InvalidParameter.RenewalStatus%sThe specified RenewalStatus parameter is invalid.
403InvalidPeriodUnit.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter PeriodUnit is not valid.The specified PeriodUnit parameter is invalid.
403InvalidParameter.AutoRenewWithEcsThe value of parameter AutoRenewWithEcs is invalid.-

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2023-11-24The Error code has changedView Change Details