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Elastic Compute Service:DescribePrice

Last Updated:Feb 17, 2025

Queries information about the most recent prices of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources, such as the promotion rules, prices, and discounts. When you call this operation, you can specify parameters, such as ResourceType, ImageId, and InstanceType, in the request.

Operation description

Usage notes

  • The required parameters vary based on the types of resources whose prices you want to query.

    • When ResourceType is set to instance, you must specify InstanceType.
    • When ResourceType is set to disk, you must specify both DataDisk.1.Category and DataDisk.1.Size. When ResourceType is set to disk, only pay-as-you-go prices of cloud disks are returned. In this scenario, PriceUnit can be set only to Hour.
    • When ResourceType is set to ddh, you must specify DedicatedHostType.
    • When ResourceType is set to ElasticityAssurance, you must specify InstanceType.
    • When ResourceType is set to CapacityReservation, you must specify InstanceType.
  • When ResourceType is set to bandwidth, only the pay-by-traffic (PayByTraffic) price for network usage is returned.

  • When ResourceType is set to instance, the prices of up to four data disks can be queried.

  • By default, ChargeType is set to PostPaid. You can specify PriceUnit to query prices of ECS resources that have different billing cycles.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • For mandatory resource types, indicate with a prefix of * .
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation
*All Resources

Request parameters


The region ID. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent list of regions.


The resource type. Valid values:

  • instance: queries the most recent prices of ECS instances. When this parameter is set to instance, you must specify InstanceType.
  • disk: queries the most recent prices of cloud disks. When this parameter is set to disk, you must specify DataDisk.1.Category and DataDisk.1.Size.
  • bandwidth: queries the most recent prices of network usage.
  • ddh: queries the most recent prices of dedicated hosts.
  • ElasticityAssurance: queries the most recent prices of elasticity assurances. When this parameter is set to ElasticityAssurance, you must specify InstanceType.
  • CapacityReservation: queries the most recent prices of capacity reservations. When this parameter is set to CapacityReservation, you must specify InstanceType.

Default value: instance.


This parameter takes effect only when ResourceType is set to instance.

The image ID. Images contain the runtime environments to load when instances start. You can call the DescribeImages operation to query available images. If you do not specify this parameter, the system queries the prices of Linux images.


The instance type. When ResourceType is set to instance, you must specify this parameter. For more information, see Instance families or call the DescribeInstanceTypes operation to query the most recent list of instance types.


The type of the dedicated host. You can call the DescribeDedicatedHostTypes operation to query the most recent list of dedicated host types.


Specifies whether the instance is I/O optimized. Valid values:

  • none: The instance is not I/O optimized.
  • optimized: The instance is I/O optimized.

When the instance type specified by the InstanceType parameter belongs to Generation I instance families, the default value of this parameter is none.

When the instance type specified by the InstanceType parameter does not belong to Generation I instance families, the default value of this parameter is optimized.


The network type of the instance. Valid values:

  • classic: classic network
  • vpc: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Default value: vpc.


The billing method for network usage. Valid values:

  • PayByBandwidth: pay-by-bandwidth
  • PayByTraffic: pay-by-traffic

Default value: PayByTraffic


The maximum outbound public bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s. Valid values: 0 to 100.

Default value: 0.


The category of the system disk. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • ephemeral_ssd: local SSD
  • cloud_essd: Enterprise SSD (ESSD)
  • cloud_auto: ESSD AutoPL disk

Default value:

  • When InstanceType is set to a retired instance type and IoOptimized is set to none, the default value is cloud.
  • In other cases, the default value is cloud_efficiency.
Note If you want to query the price of a system disk, you must also specify ImageId.

The size of the system disk. Unit: GiB. Valid values:

  • Basic disk (cloud): 20 to 500.

  • ESSD (cloud_essd): Valid values vary based on the SystemDisk.PerformanceLevel value.

    • Valid values when SystemDisk.PerformanceLevel is set to PL0: 1 to 2048.
    • Valid values when SystemDisk.PerformanceLevel is set to PL1: 20 to 2048.
    • Valid values when SystemDisk.PerformanceLevel is set to PL2: 461 to 2048.
    • Valid values when SystemDisk.PerformanceLevel is set to PL3: 1261 to 2048.
  • ESSD AutoPL disk (cloud_auto): 1 to 2048.

  • Other disk categories: 20 to 2048.

Default value: 20 or the size of the image specified by ImageId, whichever is greater.


The performance level of the system disk when the disk is an ESSD. This parameter is valid only when SystemDiskCategory is set to cloud_essd. Valid values:

PL0, PL1 (default), PL2, PL3.


The size of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Size.


The category of the disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Category.


The performance level of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel.


The size of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Size.


The category of the disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Category.


The performance level of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel.


The size of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Size.


The category of the disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Category.


The performance level of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel.


The size of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Size.


The category of the disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.Category.


The performance level of the data disk.

To improve scalability, we recommend that you specify DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel.


The billing cycle of the ECS instance. Valid values:

  • Valid values when PriceUnit is set to Month: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  • Valid values when PriceUnit is set to Year: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Set the value to 1 when PriceUnit is set to Hour.

Default value: 1.


The pricing unit of the ECS resource. Valid values:

  • Month
  • Year
  • Hour (default)

The number of ECS instances. You can specify this parameter when you want to query the prices of multiple instances that have specific specifications. Valid values: 1 to 1000.

Default value: 1.


The payment option of the reserved instance. Valid values:

  • No Upfront
  • Partial Upfront
  • All Upfront
All Upfront

The total number of reserved instances for an instance type.

Valid values: 1 to 1000.


The scope of the reserved instance. Valid values:

  • Region: regional
  • Zone: zonal

Default value: Region.


The operating system of the image that is used by the instance. Valid values:

  • Windows: Windows Server operating system
  • Linux: Linux and UNIX-like operating system

The storage capacity. Unit: GiB.


The total number of times that the elasticity assurance can be applied. Set the value to Unlimited. This value indicates that the elasticity assurance can be applied an unlimited number of times within its effective period.

Default value: Unlimited.


The total number of vCPUs supported by the elasticity assurance. When you call this API operation, the system calculates the number of instances that an elasticity assurance must support based on the specified value of InstanceType. The calculated value is rounded up to the nearest integer.

Note When you call this API operation to query the price of an elasticity assurance, you can only specify either InstanceCoreCpuCount or InstanceAmount.

The Internet service provider (ISP). Valid values:

  • cmcc: China Mobile
  • telecom: China Telecom
  • unicom: China Unicom
  • multiCarrier: multi-line ISP

The instance types. You can select only a single instance type when you configure an elasticity assurance in unlimited mode.


The information about the instance type. You can select only a single instance type when you configure an elasticity assurance in unlimited mode.


The bidding policy for the pay-as-you-go instance. Valid values:

  • NoSpot: The instance is a regular pay-as-you-go instance.
  • SpotWithPriceLimit: The instance is created as a preemptible instance that has a user-defined maximum hourly price.
  • SpotAsPriceGo: The instance is created as a preemptible instance whose bid price is based on the market price at the time of purchase. The market price can be up to the pay-as-you-go price.

Default value: NoSpot.

Note This parameter takes effect only when PriceUnit is set to Hour and Period is set to 1. The default value of PriceUnit is Hour and the default value of Period is 1. Therefore, you do not need to set PriceUnit or Period when you set SpotStrategy.

The protection period of the preemptible instance. Unit: hours. Default value: 1. Valid values:

  • 1: After a preemptible instance is created, Alibaba Cloud ensures that the instance is not automatically released within 1 hour. After the 1-hour protection period ends, the system compares the bid price with the market price and checks the resource inventory to determine whether to retain or release the instance.
  • 0: After a preemptible instance is created, Alibaba Cloud does not ensure that the instance runs for 1 hour. The system compares the bid price with the market price and checks the resource inventory to determine whether to retain or release the instance.

Alibaba Cloud sends an ECS system event to notify you 5 minutes before the instance is released. Preemptible instances are billed by second. We recommend that you specify a protection period based on your business requirements.

Note This parameter takes effect only when SpotStrategy is set to SpotWithPriceLimit or SpotAsPriceGo.

The zone ID.

Note Prices of preemptible instances vary based on zones. When you query the price of a preemptible instance, specify ZoneId.

The data disks.


The information about data disk N.


The category of data disk N. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • ephemeral_ssd: local SSD
  • cloud_essd: ESSD
  • cloud_auto: ESSD AutoPL disk

Valid values of N: 1 to 16.


The size of data disk N. Unit: GiB. Valid values:

  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud: 5 to 2000.

  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud_efficiency: 20 to 32768.

  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud_ssd: 20 to 32768.

  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud_auto: 1 to 32768.

  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud_essd: vary based on the value of DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel.

    • Valid values when DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel is set to PL0: 1 to 32768.
    • Valid values when DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel is set to PL1: 20 to 32768.
    • Valid values when DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel is set to PL2: 461 to 32768.
    • Valid values when DataDisk.N.PerformanceLevel is set to PL3: 1261 to 32768.
  • Valid values when DataDisk.N.Category is set to ephemeral_ssd: 5 to 800.

Valid values of N: 1 to 16.


The performance level of data disk N when the disk is an ESSD. This parameter takes effect only when DataDisk.N.Category is set to cloud_essd. Valid values:

  • PL0
  • PL1 (default)
  • PL2
  • PL3

Valid values of N: 1 to 16.


This parameter takes effect only when ResourceType is set to instance.

The ID of the dedicated host. You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the dedicated host list.


Response parameters


The request ID.


The information about the prices and promotion rules.


The information about the promotion rules.


The description of the promotion rule.

Receive a 15% discount on a 1-year subscription

The ID of the pricing rule.


The price.


The original price.


The hourly price of the reserved instance for which the No Upfront or Partial Upfront payment option is used.


The discount.


The currency unit.

Alibaba Cloud China site ( CNY.

Alibaba Cloud International site ( USD.


The transaction price of the order. The transaction price is equal to the original price minus the discount.


The information about the price.

Note This parameter is returned only when ResourceType is set to instance.

The resource name. Valid values:

  • InstanceType
  • bandwidth
  • image
  • SystemDisk
  • DataDisk

The original price.


The discount.


The transaction price.


Details about the pricing rules.


The description of the pricing rule.

Receive a 15% discount on a 1-year subscription

The ID of the pricing rule.


The related price.


The Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image price.


The currency unit.

China site ( CNY

International site ( USD


The original price.


The discount.


The transaction price, which is equal to the original price minus the discount.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3C83E",
  "PriceInfo": {
    "Rules": {
      "Rule": [
          "Description": "Receive a 15% discount on a 1-year subscription\n",
          "RuleId": 587
    "Price": {
      "OriginalPrice": 4368,
      "ReservedInstanceHourPrice": 1,
      "DiscountPrice": 655.2,
      "Currency": "CNY",
      "TradePrice": 3712.8,
      "DetailInfos": {
        "ResourcePriceModel": [
            "Resource": "instance",
            "OriginalPrice": 4368,
            "DiscountPrice": 655.2,
            "TradePrice": 3712.8,
            "SubRules": {
              "Rule": [
                  "Description": "Receive a 15% discount on a 1-year subscription\n",
                  "RuleId": 587
    "RelatedPrice": {
      "MarketplaceImagePrice": {
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "OriginalPrice": 100,
        "DiscountPrice": 0,
        "TradePrice": 100

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidSpotAuthorizedThe specified Spot param is unauthorized.You are not authorized to set the SpotDuration parameter.
400Invalid.ZoneIdThe specified ZoneId is not valid.The specified ZoneId is invalid.
400InvalidInstanceType.ValueUnauthorizedThe specified InstanceType is not authorized.You are not authorized to use the specified instance type.
400InvalidInstanceType.ValueNotSupportedThe specified InstanceType does not exist or beyond the permitted range.The specified instance type does not exist or you are not authorized to manage instances of this instance type.
400InvalidInternetChargeType.ValueNotSupportedThe specified InternetChargeType is not valid.The specified InternetChargeType parameter is invalid.
400InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "InternetMaxBandwidthOut" is not valid.-
400InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "SystemDisk.Category" is not valid.The specified parameter system disk specification is invalid.
400InvalidDataDiskSize.ValueNotSupportedThe specified DataDisk.n.Size beyond the permitted range, or the capacity of snapshot exceeds the size limit of the specified disk category.The specified DataDisk.N.Size parameter is invalid or the snapshot size exceeds the maximum capacity allowed for the specified disk category.
400InvalidDataDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "DataDisk.n.Category" is not valid.-
400InvalidParameter.ConflictThe specified image does not support the specified instance type.The specified image cannot be used for instances of the specified instance type.
400InvalidNetworkType.MismatchSpecified parameter "InternetChargeType" conflict with instance network type.-
400InvalidDiskCategory.MismatchThe specified disk categories' combination is not supported.-
400InvalidIoOptimizedValue.ValueNotSupportedIoOptimized value not supported.The specified IoOptimized value is not supported.
400InvalidPeriodThe specified period is not valid.The specified period is invalid.
400InvalidDataDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter " DataDisk.n.Category " is not valid.-
400InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter " SystemDisk.Category " is not valid.-
400InstanceDiskCategoryLimitExceedThe specified DataDisk.n.Size beyond the permitted range, or the capacity of snapshot exceeds the size limit of the specified disk category.The specified DataDisk.N.Size parameter is invalid or the snapshot size exceeds the maximum capacity allowed for the specified disk category.
400InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupportedThe specified vm bandwidth is not valid.The specified bandwidth value of the instance is invalid.
400InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter SystemDisk.Category is not valid.-
400InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter Bandwidth is not valid.The specified bandwidth value is invalid.
400InstanceDiskNumber.LimitExceedThe total number of specified disk in an instance exceeds.The number of disks on an instance exceeds the upper limit.
400InvalidDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "DiskCategory" is not valid.The specified cloud disk type DiskCategory is invalid.
400InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupported%sThe specified InternetMaxBandwidthOut parameter is invalid.
400InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported%sThe specified system disk category is invalid.
400InvalidParameter.Conflict%sThe specified parameter is invalid. Check whether parameter conflicts exist. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions.
400InvalidInternetChargeType.ValueNotSupported%sThe specified InternetChargeType parameter is invalid.
400InvalidInstanceType.ValueNotSupported%sThe operation is not supported by the specified instance type.
400InvalidSystemDiskSize.ValueNotSupported%sThe specified system disk size is invalid.
400InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "SystemDisk.Size" is not valid.-
400InvalidSystemDiskSize.LessThanImageSizeThe specified parameter "SystemDisk.Size" is less than the image size.-
400InvalidDataDiskCategory.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "DataDisk.Category" is not valid.The specified parameter DataDisk.Category error.
400InvalidDataDiskSize.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter "DataDisk.Size" is not valid.-
400ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.-
400Throttling.UserRequest was denied due to user flow control.-
400PriceNotFoundThe price of your queried resource is not available now, please try other resources.The price of the specified resource does not exist. Modify the parameter value and try again later.
400InvalidResourceType.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter ResourceType is not valid.The specified resource type is not supported.
400InvalidPriceUnit.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter PriceUnit is not valid.The specified PriceUnit parameter is invalid.
400InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter InternetMaxBandwidthOut is not valid.The specified InternetMaxBandwidthOut parameter is invalid.
400EncryptedOption.Conflict%sThe specified parameter is invalid and your encryption operation is not supported. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions.
400IncorrectImageStatusThe specified image is an Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image. The sale of this image has ended. For more information, contact the image service provider.The specified image is an Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image that is no longer sold. For more information about the image, contact the image provider.
400InvalidInstanceType.ValueUnauthorizedThe specified instanceType is not authorized.You are not authorized to use the specified instance type.
400OperationDeniedThe current operation is not supported due to unfinished Temporary Upgrade.-
400InvalidPerformanceLevel.MalformedThe specified parameter DataDisk.n.PerformanceLevel is not valid.-
400InvalidCapacity.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter Capacity is not valid.-
400InvalidActivity.NotSupportedThe specified discount activity is not supported.-
400InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchEncryptAlgorithmThe specified parameter Encrypted must be true when EncryptAlgorithm is not empty.-
400InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchKmsKeyIdThe specified parameter Encrypted must be true when KmsKeyId is not empty.-
400InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchSnapshotThe specified parameter Encrypted is different from the Encrypted of the snapshot.When creating a disk from an encrypted snapshot, you must set the Encrypted parameter to true.
400InvalidEncryptAlgorithm.NotMatchSnapshotThe specified parameter EncryptAlgorithm is different from the encrypt algorithm of the snapshot.-
400InvalidKmsKeyId.NotMatchSnapshotThe specified parameter KmsKeyId is different from the KmsKeyId of the snapshot.-
400InvalidEncryptAlgorithmThe specified parameter EncryptAlgorithm is not valid.-
400InvalidAssuranceTimes.NotSupportedThe value of AssuranceTimes is not supported.The specified AssuranceTimes parameter is invalid.
400InvalidParameter.PlatformThe specified parameter Platform is invalid.-
400InvalidOperation.InstanceRenewWithDowngradeInPlanThe operation is denied due to the specified instance has renew with downgrade record in plan.There are renewal downgrade orders that have not yet taken effect. This operation is not allowed before the order takes effect.
403ImageNotSubscribedThe specified image has not be subscribed.You have not subscribed to the specified image in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
403OperationDeniedThe specified Image is disabled or is deleted.The specified image is disabled or deleted.
403InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueUnauthorizedThe disk category is not authorized.You are not authorized to use the specified disk category.
403InstanceDiskCategoryLimitExceedThe total size of specified disk category in an instance exceeds.The total size of disks of the specified category exceeds the maximum capacity allowed for an instance.
403ImageRemovedInMarketThe specified market image is not available, Or the specified user defined image includes product code because it is based on an image subscribed from marketplace, and that image in marketplace includeing exact the same product code has been removed.The specified Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image is unavailable, or the specified custom image contains the product code of the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image from which the custom image is derived and the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image was removed from Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
403QuotaExceed.PortableCloudDiskThe quota of portable cloud disk exceeds.The maximum number of removable disks has been reached.
403ForbbidenUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource.You are not authorized to operate the specified resource.
403InstanceDiskNumLimitExceedThe number of specified disk in an instance exceeds.The number of specified disks exceeds the upper limit for an instance.
403IoOptimized.NotSupportedThe specified image is not support IoOptimized Instance.The specified image does not support I/O optimized instances.
403ImageNotSupportInstanceTypeThe specified image don't support the InstanceType instance.The specified image does not support the selected instance type.
403InvalidDiskSize.TooSmallSpecified disk size is less than the size of snapshot.The specified disk size is smaller than the snapshot size.
403OperationDeniedThe type of the disk does not support the operation.The disk category does not support the specified operation.
403InvalidDiskCategory.MismatchThe specified disk categories combination is not supported.The combination of specified disk categories is not supported.
403InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupportedThe specified disk category is not support the specified instance type.The specified disk category does not support the instance type.
403InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupportedThe upgrade operation of instance does not support this category of disk.-
403QuotaExceed.BuyImageThe specified image is from the image market, you have not bought it or your quota has been exceeded.-
403InvalidParameter.ResourceOwnerAccountResourceOwnerAccount is Invalid.The specified ResourceOwnerAccount parameter is invalid.
403RegionUnauthorizedThere is no authority to create instance in the specified region.You are not authorized to create instances in the specified region.
403OperationDeniedThe resource is out of usage.Insufficient resource inventory
403InstanceType.Offline%sThe operation is not supported while the instance type is retired or while resources of the instance type are insufficient.
403OperationDeniedThe specified parameter InstanceNetworkType is not authorized.You are not authorized to use the specified network type.
403InvalidAmount.MalformedThe specified parameter Amount is not valid.The specified Amount parameter is invalid.
403InvalidDiskSize.TooSmallSpecified system disk size is less than the size of image.-
403InvalidChargeType.MarketImageThe specified chargeType of marketplace image is invalid.-
403InvalidDiskIds.NotFoundSome of the specified disks do not exist.The specified disk does not exist.
403InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupportedThe specified disk category is not supported.The specified disk category does not support this operation.
403PrePaidInstance.ExpiredThe prePaid instance has expired.-
403OperationDenied.PerformanceLevelNotMatchThe specified DataDisk.n.PerformanceLevel and DataDisk.n.Size do not match.-
403InvalidAction.UnauthorizedThe specified action is not valid.The specified operation is invalid.
403InvalidRegionId.NotSupportEncryptAlgorithmThe current region does not support creating encrypted disks with EncryptAlgorithm.-
403UnsupportedIspChargeType%sThe billing type does not support the service provider (ISP) for this account.
403InvalidInstanceType.NotSupportDiskCategoryThe instanceType of the specified instance does not support this disk category.The instance type does not support the current disk category. Try another instance type. For information about the disk categories supported by instance types, see the instance family documentation.
403InvalidOperation.PublicIpAddressNoStockThe public IP address for the specified Region or ChargeType of the instance is out of stock. Please try another Region or ChargeType.Under the conditions of the specified region or payment type, the public IP address inventory of the instance is insufficient. Please try another region or payment type.
404InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe RegionId provided does not exist in our records.The RegionId provided does not exist
404InvalidImageId.NotFoundThe specified ImageId does not exist.The specified image does not exist in this account. Check whether the image ID is correct.
404IoOptimized.NotSupportedThe specified instancetype is not support IoOptimized instance.-
404InvalidInstanceChargeType.NotFoundThe InstanceChargeType does not exist in our records.The specified instance billing method does not exist.
404DependencyViolation.IoOptimizedThe specified instancetype must be IoOptimized instance.The specified instance type must be I/O optimized. Check your instance type and try again.
404InvalidSystemDiskSize.LessThanImageSizeThe specified parameter SystemDisk.Size is less than the image size.The specified system disk size is smaller than the image size.
404InvalidSystemDiskSize.LessThanMinSizeThe specified parameter SystemDisk.Size is less than the minimum size.The specified SystemDisk.Size value is smaller than the lower limit.
404InvalidSystemDiskSize.MoreThanMaxSizeThe specified parameter SystemDisk.Size is more than the maximum size.-
404InvalidSystemDiskSize.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter SystemDisk.Size is invalid.The specified SystemDisk.Size parameter is invalid.
404InvalidInstanceType.MissingThe InstanceType parameter that is mandatory for processing the request is not provided.The InstanceType parameter is required.
404InvalidNetworkType.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter NetworkType is not valid.The specified NetworkType parameter is invalid.
404InvalidDiskCategory.MissingThe DataDisk.1.Category parameter that is mandatory for processing the request is not provided.The mandatory parameter DataDiskCategory is not provided.
404Invalid.InstanceId.NotFoundThe Instance provided does not exist.-
404InvalidMarketImage.NotFoundThe specified marketplace image does not exist, please change the imageId and try again.The specified Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image does not exist. Modify the ImageId parameter and try again.
404InvalidDiskIds.NotPortableThe specified DiskId is not portable.The specified disk is not removable.
404InvalidSystemDisk.NotFoundThe specified system disk does not exist.The specified system disk does not exist.
404InvalidResourceGroup.NotFoundThe ResourceGroup provided does not exist in our records.The specified resource group does not exist.
404InvalidDedicatedHostType.MissingThe dedicatedHostType parameter that is mandatory for processing the request is not provided.-
404InvalidDedicatedHostId.NotFoundThe specified SchedulerOptions.DedicatedHostId does not exist.-
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error.An internal error has occurred. Try again later.
500InternalError%sAn internal error has occurred.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2025-01-08The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-12-26The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-12-19The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-06-14The Error code has changed. The response structure of the API has changedView Change Details
2024-01-30The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-10-18The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-05-08The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-03-27The Error code has changedView Change Details