[Upgrade Announcement] Adjustment of CloudMonitor features and metrics

[CloudMonitor][Upgrade Announcement]

Time window: 10:00 (UTC+8) on January 3, 2023 to 22:00 (UTC+8) on January 6, 2023
1. Some E-MapReduce metrics are no longer available. For more information, see https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/cloudmonitor/latest/e-mapreduce-metrics-to-be-removed
2. The following ApsaraDB for Redis (standard architecture) metrics are no longer available: QPS usage (StandardQPSUsage) and maximum response time (StandardMaxRt).
3. The following ApsaraDB for Redis (cluster architecture) metrics are no longer available: QPS usage (ShardingQPSUsage), maximum response time (ShardingMaxRt), and maximum proxy latency (ShardingProxyMaxRt).
4. The following ApsaraDB for Redis (read/write splitting architecture) metrics are no longer available: QPS usage (SplitrwQPSUsage), maximum response time (SplitrwMaxRt), and maximum proxy latency (SplitrwProxyMaxRt).
5. The following ECS metrics no longer trigger alerts: eip_InternetInRate and eip_InternetOutRate.
6. CloudMonitor alert contacts no longer maintain and store the configuration information of TradeManager.
1. CloudMonitor no longer supports monitoring charts, API operations, and alert notifications for the metrics listed in Adjustment 1 to 4.
2. CloudMonitor no longer sends alert notifications for the metrics listed in Adjustment 5. We recommend that you use the network inbound bandwidth (net_rx.rate) and network outbound bandwidth (net_tx.rate) metrics instead.
3. TradeManager can no longer be used to configure alert contacts in the CloudMonitor console.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. For further assistance, submit a ticket or call the service support hotline.
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