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Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible):Common errors and troubleshooting

Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025

This topic describes common errors in Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) and provides solutions to these errors.



Error message

Common Redis errors

Common errors on instances in proxy mode

Errors related to Lua scripts and transactions

Jedis errors

Lettuce errors

Redisson errors

Spring Data Redis errors

StackExchange.Redis errors

Predis errors

PhpRedis errors

go-redis errors

node-redis errors

Common Redis errors

ERR illegal address

Possible cause: The IP address of your client is not added to a whitelist of the Tair instance.

Solution: Add the IP address of your client to a whitelist of the Tair instance. For more information, see Perform diagnostics on connections.

ERR sentinel compatibility mode is disabled

Possible cause: The Sentinel-compatible mode is not enabled for the Tair instance.

Solution: Enable the Sentinel-compatible mode for the instance in the console. For more information, see Enable the Sentinel-compatible mode.

ERR max number of clients reached

Possible cause: The maximum number of connections to the Tair instance is reached.


  • Check whether connection leaks occur on the client. For example, check whether the close function is invoked after JedisPool is used on the Jedis client.

  • Check whether the current connection session runs as expected. For more information, see Manage instance sessions. You can terminate the session or upgrade the instance configurations to increase the maximum number of connections to the instance.

NOAUTH Authentication required

Possible cause: Password-based authentication is configured for the Tair instance, but the client does not provide a password or provides an incorrect password.

Solution: Use the correct account username and password to connect to the instance. For more information, see Connect to an instance.


If the Sentinel-compatible mode is enabled for the instance, refer to the Use the Sentinel-compatible mode to connect to an instance topic.

WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair

Possible cause: The password is invalid.

Solution: Use the correct account username and password to connect to the instance. For more information, see Connect to an instance.


If the Sentinel-compatible mode is enabled for the instance, refer to the Use the Sentinel-compatible mode to connect to an instance topic.

ERR invalid password

Possible cause: The password is invalid.

Solution: Use the correct account username and password to connect to the instance. For more information, see Connect to an instance.


If this error is reported in Data Management (DMS), the possible cause is that the password saved by DMS during the last logon does not match the current password for the instance. In the DMS instance list, find the instance and choose More > Edit in the Actions column. Then, enter the new password in the Database Password field and try again.

Connection reset by peer

Possible cause: The connection is closed due to an exception on the client buffer.

Solution: Check the application code or modify the size of the client buffer. For more information, see the "Unexpected end of stream" section of this topic.


Alternatively, the failed to connect: could not be resolved error occurs.

Possible cause: The client cannot resolve the domain name of the Tair instance.

Solution: Configure the DNS server correctly. For more information, see How do I troubleshoot connection issues caused by failed DNS resolution?

OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'

Possible cause: The maximum memory configured for the Tair instance is reached.


If the Tair instance uses the cluster architecture, the memory usage of a data shard may exceed the maximum memory configured for the data shard.


WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

Possible cause: A wrong command is run. For example, a HASH command is run on strings.

Solution: Modify the erroneous code or use the correct command. For more information, see Commands.

ERR unknown command 'xxx'

Possible cause: The command that you run does not exist in Tair.

Solution: Check whether the version of your instance supports the command. For more information, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.


The latest minor version provides more features and higher stability. We recommend that you update the instance to the latest minor version. For more information, see Update the minor version of an instance.

ERR command 'xxx' not support for your account

Possible cause: Specific commands of Tair are disabled in Alibaba Cloud, or these commands are specified by #no_loose_disabled-commands. For more information, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition and Disable high-risk commands.

Solution: Delete the command that you want to run from the disabled commands specified by #no_loose_disabled-commands.

NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the 'xxx'

Possible cause: Specific commands of Tair are disabled in Alibaba Cloud, or these commands are specified by #no_loose_disabled-commands. For more information, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition and Disable high-risk commands.

Solution: Delete the command that you want to run from the disabled commands specified by #no_loose_disabled-commands.

ERR FLUSHDB is not allowed in migrating mode

Possible cause: When the number of data shards is changing for a Tair cloud-native cluster instance, the FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL commands are disabled.

Solution: Wait until the change ends for the Tair cloud-native cluster instance. For more information, see Adjust the number of shards for an instance.

CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot

Possible cause: Commands that involve multiple keys across slots, such as DEL, MSET, and MGET, are not supported for Tair cluster instances in direct connection mode.


  • Before you run a command that involves multiple keys, use the CLUSTER KEYSLOT command to ensure that all the keys reside in the same slot.

  • Change key names and implement hash tags to ensure that the involved keys are allocated in the same slot. However, it is important to prevent data skew when you use hash tags.

  • Change the instance to a cluster instance in proxy mode that supports commands involving multiple keys across slots, such as DEL, MGET, and MSET. For more information, see Features of proxy nodes.

ERR READONLY you can't write against a read only instance

Possible cause: During a master-replica switchover, configuration change, or minor version update for your Tair instance, transient connections occur and the instance remains read-only for up to 30 seconds.

Solution: Wait until the instance recovers. No manual operations are required. Design the reconnection and exception handling mechanisms for your application. For more information, see Change the configurations of an instance.

Common errors on instances in proxy mode

ERR client ip is not in whitelist

Possible cause: The IP address of your client is not added to a whitelist of the Tair instance.

Solution: Add the IP address of your client to a whitelist of the Tair instance. For more information, see Perform diagnostics on connections.

NOWRITE You can't write against a non-write redis

Alternatively, the NOREAD You can't read against a non-read redis error occurs.

Possible cause: Your instance has overdue payments or has expired. The instance is in the Locked state.

Solution: Add funds to your account or renew the instance. For more information, see Expiration and overdue payments.

ERR syntax error

Possible cause: The command that you run has syntax mistakes. For example, four parameters are required in this command but you specify only three parameters.

Solution: Check whether the command syntax is valid. For more information, see Commands.

ERR no such db node

Possible cause: When you run an in-house command of Tair, the specified db node parameter is invalid.

Solution: Specify the db node parameter correctly. The value of db node must be less than the number of data shards in the instance. For more information, see In-house commands for instances in proxy mode.

ERR 'xxx' command keys must in same slot

Possible cause: The requested keys of the command are not stored in the same slot. When you use a transaction or script to run a command on a Tair cluster instance, the requested keys must be in the same slot.

Solution: Modify the transaction or script. You can use the CLUSTER KEYSLOT command to query the slot in which a requested key is stored.


Tair cluster instances use the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithm to evenly distribute keys across different slots. If you want to store keys in the same slot, you can use hash tags. However, this may cause data skew. Proceed with caution.

ERR for redis cluster, eval/evalsha number of keys can't be negative or zero

Possible cause: No keys are specified or the numkeys parameter is set to a value less than or equal to 0 for the EVAL and EVALSHA commands.

Solution: When you use the EVAL and EVALSHA commands, you must specify at least one key and set the numkeys parameter to a value greater than 0. For more information, see Usage of Lua scripts.

ERR request refused, too many pending request, now count xxx, beyond threshold xxx

Possible cause: Pending requests are piled up in the backend of Tair because the client uses an invalid pipeline.

Solution: Reduce the number of pipelined requests.

ERR redis temporary failure

Possible cause: When you connect to a node of your Tair instance, a timeout error occurs due to network jitter, excessive connections, a master-replica switchover, or an ongoing slow query.

Solution: Wait until the instance recovers. No manual operations are required. Design the reconnection and exception handling mechanisms for your application.

ERR redis temporary failure (ErrorCode 7002)

Possible cause: When you connect to a node of your Tair instance, a timeout error occurs due to an ongoing instance configuration change or master-replica switchover.

Solution: Wait until the instance recovers. No manual operations are required. Design the reconnection and exception handling mechanisms for your application.

Errors related to Lua scripts and transactions

NOSCRIPT No matching script. Please use EVAL.

Possible cause: When you run the EVALSHA command, the script corresponding to the SHA1 value is not cached to the Tair instance.

Solution: Run the EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD command to cache the required script to the Tair instance and try again. For more information, see Handle the NOSCRIPT error.

BUSY Redis is busy running a script. You can only call SCRIPT KILL or SHUTDOWN NOSAVE.

Possible cause: A Lua script timed out.

Solution: Run the SCRIPT KILL command to terminate the execution of the script or wait until the execution ends. For more information, see Handle timeouts of Lua scripts.

ERR command eval not support for normal user

Possible cause: EVAL-related commands cannot be run.

Solution: Update your instance to the latest minor version. For more information, see Update the minor version of an instance.

ERR eval/evalsha command keys must be in same slot

Possible cause: The keys involved in the Lua script do not reside in the same slot. This error is common in cluster instances.

Solution: Modify the Lua script. You can query the slot in which a key resides by running the CLUSTER KEYSLOT command. For more information, see Limits on Lua scripts in cluster instances.

ERR bad lua script for redis cluster, all the keys that the script uses should be passed using the KEYS array

Possible cause: This error may be caused by limits of proxy nodes on Lua scripts.

Solution: Specify all keys in arrays. Example: EVAL "return'mget', KEYS[1], KEYS[2])" 2 foo {foo}bar. Keys cannot be replaced by Lua variables. For more information, see Limits on Lua scripts in cluster instances.

EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors

Possible cause: The command that you run in a transaction has syntax mistakes or errors.

Solution: Check your code logic and correct the syntax mistakes of the command.

UNKILLABLE Sorry the script already executed write commands against the dataset.

Possible cause: Write operations that are involved in the current Lua script have been performed. In this case, the SCRIPT KILL command cannot be run.

Solution: Find the instance in the console and click restart in the Actions column. For more information, see Restart an instance.

UNKILLABLE The busy script was sent by a master instance in the context of replication and cannot be killed.

Possible cause: The current Lua script is forwarded by the master node to the corresponding replica node. In this case, the SCRIPT KILL command cannot be run.

Solution: Find the instance in the console and click restart in the Actions column. For more information, see Restart an instance.

NOTBUSY No scripts in execution right now.

Possible cause: No Lua scripts are being executed.

Solution: No manual operations are required. Do not run the SCRIPT KILL command.

Jedis errors

Could not get a resource from the pool

Possible cause: Jedis connections cannot be borrowed from JedisPool.

  • When the blockWhenExhausted parameter is set to true, which is the default value, the client waits several milliseconds specified by the maxWaitMillis parameter if no connections are available from JedisPool. If the client still cannot obtain an available Jedis connection after waiting for a long time, the following exception is thrown:

    redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool
    Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object
        at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
  • When the blockWhenExhausted parameter is set to false, the following exception is thrown if no connections are available from JedisPool:

    redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool
    Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object
        at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(

Solution: Consider the following aspects to troubleshoot the error:

  • Connection leaks

    By default, maxTotal is set to 8. The following code shows that the Jedis client borrows connections from JedisPool for eight times but does not return these connections. This is why the Jedis client cannot run the jedisPool.getResource().ping() command at the ninth attempt to obtain another connection from JedisPool.

    GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
    JedisPool jedisPool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, "", 6379);
    // The client borrows connections from JedisPool for eight times, but does not return these connections. 
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        Jedis jedis = null;
        try {
            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    Recommended code:

    Jedis jedis = null;
    try {
        jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
        // The command that you want to run. 
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // If the command involves a key, we recommend that you make configurations to display the key in error logs. This way, you can use the key to identify the data shard on which issues occur. 
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        // The client does not close a borrowed connection. Instead, the client returns the connection to JedisPool. 
        if (jedis != null) 
  • A small value for the maxTotal parameter

    When the system has a large number of operations being processed in concurrency, a small value for the maxTotal parameter may cause exceptions. For example, it takes about 1 ms to run a command on average. This is calculated by using the following formula: Amount of time consumed to borrow or return resources + Amount of time consumed for Jedis to run the command + Network latency. The number of queries per second (QPS) of a connection is about 1,000, and the expected total QPS is 50,000. In theory, you need a maxTotal value of 50 to achieve the expected QPS of 50,000. The maxTotal value is obtained by dividing 50,000 by 1,000.

    In this case, you can run the following command on your client to obtain the number of client connections. You can adjust the value of maxTotal based on the obtained value.

    netstat -an | grep 6379 | grep EST | wc -l
  • Connection blocking

    When connections to the Tair instance are blocked due to reasons such as slow queries, all connections wait within the specified timeout period. In this case, when a large number of operations are processed in concurrency, a timeout error may be reported. For more information, see connect timed out.

  • Connection rejected

    When you attempt to obtain a connection from JedisPool and no connections are available, Jedis attempts to create a Jedis connection. However, the connection attempt is rejected and an exception is thrown. Example:

    redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool
        at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource(
        at redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool.getResource(
        at TestAdmin.main(
    Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Connection refused
        at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect(
        at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.connect(
        at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.connect(
        at redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory.makeObject(
        at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.create(
        at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
        at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
        at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource(
        ... 2 more
    Caused by: Connection refused
        at Method)
        at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect(
        ... 9 more

    at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( indicates that Jedis attempts to create a socket connection and invoke the connect function, but the connection attempt is rejected. Jedis source code:

    socket.setSoLinger(true, 0); 
    158:  socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), connectionTimeout);

    Typically, to address this issue, you must check whether the domain name configuration of the Tair instance is correct and check the network connection within the corresponding time period. connect timed out

Possible cause: The connection between your client and the Tair instance timed out.

Solution: Refer to the How do I troubleshoot connection issues in Tair? topic. Read timed out

Possible cause: A Jedis API call timed out due to unstable network connection, short read/write timeout periods, slow queries, or connection blocking.

Solution: Increase the timeout period or perform instance diagnostics to check whether a performance issue or an exception occurs at the corresponding point in time.


If this error occurs in DMS, the VPC endpoint or port of the instance may have been changed. In the DMS instance list, find the instance and choose More > Edit in the Actions column. In the dialog box that appears, set Connection Method to Connection String Address. Then, enter the new endpoint in the Connection String Address field and try again.

No reachable node in cluster

Possible cause: JedisCluster is inaccessible.

Solution: The first time your client connects to the Tair instance, check whether the IP address of the client is added to a whitelist of the Tair instance. If this is not your first time connecting to the Tair instance, perform instance diagnostics to identify the cause.

Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "6379@13028"

Possible cause: ClusterNodeInformationParser is introduced in Jedis 2.8.0 and earlier to resolve the output of cluster slots. However, open source Redis has changed the type of the output. This is why the NumberFormatException error is reported.

Solution: Update your Jedis client to 2.9.0 or later.

No more cluster attempts left

Possible cause: An API call timed out and the five retries also failed. By default, after an API call times out, JedisCluster retries five times.

Solution: Increase the timeout period or perform instance diagnostics.

Unexpected end of stream

Possible cause: An exception occurs on the Jedis client buffer. You can consider the following aspects to troubleshoot the error:

  • Multiple threads sharing one connection

    Typically, one thread uses one Jedis connection. The following code shows that two threads share one Jedis connection:

    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                jedis.hget("haskey", "f");

    To prevent this issue and ensure thread security, you can use JedisPool to manage Jedis connections.

  • Long-time idle connections

    The server closes long-time idle connections. Query the timeout settings of the instance and related settings of JedisPool to determine whether to periodically check and clean up long-time idle connections.


    By default, Tair does not close a long-time idle connection. If you modify the value of the timeout parameter, this error may be reported. For more information, see Specify a timeout period for idle client connections.

Solution: Check whether multiple threads share Jedis code or whether the server closes a long-time idle connection.

java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.util.List

Possible cause: This error is reported if the same Jedis connection is shared among multiple threads. This is because Jedis itself is not thread-safe and must not be used concurrently across multiple threads.

Solution: Use one Jedis connection in a single thread. For that matter, you can use JedisPool.

Broken pipe (Write failed)

Possible cause: After a timeout error occurs on the Jedis client in single connection mode and the client closes the socket, you continue to write data to the instance.

Solution: Use one Jedis connection in a single thread. For that matter, you can use JedisPool.

No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster because keys have different slots

Possible cause: JedisCluster performs operations on keys that reside in different slots.

Solution: Modify keys by means of hash tags.


You can also use the proxy mode to disable limits of the cluster architecture.

Lettuce errors

Connection to xxx not allowed. This Partition is not known in the cluster view.

Possible cause: By default, validateClusterNodeMembership is set to true and refreshOption is set to null for the Lettuce client. After the routing address of the Tair instance changes, the route table is not updated because refreshOption is set to null. In this case, the error is reported for validateClusterNodeMembership.

Solution: Specify the refreshOption parameter and set the validateClusterNodeMembership parameter to false. For more information, see Lettuce.

io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException: Unable to connect xxx

Possible cause: The connection between your client and the Tair instance timed out.

Solution: Refer to the How do I troubleshoot connection issues in Tair? topic.


Possible cause: The error occurs most likely due to the Netty version.

Solution: Check the Netty version. We recommend that you use a newer version. For more information, visit GitHub.

ERR Unknown sentinel subcommand 'master'

Possible cause: In master-replica Sentinel mode, the Lettuce client sends the Sentinel master/slave command to the Tair instance. However, an instance in Sentinel-compatible mode supports only the Sentinel get-master-addr-by-name command.

Solution: Modify your code to switch to a non-Sentinel mode. Tair uses an in-house high availability component. You do not need to use the Sentinel-compatible mode.

Unknown command: Some instance versions do not support the RESP3 protocol

Possible cause: Redis 6.0 and later support the RESP3 protocol. You can run the HELLO command to switch the connection to the desired RESP protocol version. However, some instances of earlier versions do not support the HELLO command, leading to compatibility issues.

Solution: You can configure your program to use the RESP2 protocol to access the Tair instance. Example:


Example when Spring Data Redis with Lettuce is used as the Redis client:

LettuceClientConfiguration lettuceClientConfiguration = LettuceClientConfiguration.builder().

return new LettuceConnectionFactory(redisClusterConfiguration, lettuceClientConfiguration);

Redisson errors

org.redisson.client.RedisConnectionException: Unable to connect to Redis server xxx

Possible cause: The connection between your client and the Tair instance timed out.

Solution: Refer to the How do I troubleshoot connection issues in Tair? topic.

No enum constant org.redisson.cluster.ClusterNodeInfo.Flag.NOFAILOVER

Possible cause: A bug exists in this Redisson version. For more information, visit GitHub.

Solution: Update your Redisson client to 3.11.6 or later.

Spring Data Redis errors

NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the 'config|get' command

Possible cause: The version of your instance is displayed as Redis 7.0 on the Instance Information page. The CONFIG command is disabled in Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) instances that run Redis 7.0.

When an application starts, Spring Data Redis runs the CONFIG SET command to dynamically set the notify-keyspace-events parameter to enable the KeyspaceEventMessageListener feature. In this case, the application throws an error on startup, because the CONFIG SET command is disabled.

Solution: Use the following method to leave keyspaceNotificationsConfigParameter empty to bypass this issue. You can refer to the SpringRedisTest example. For more information, see Spring Data Redis.

@EnableRedisRepositories(enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP, keyspaceNotificationsConfigParameter = "")

StackExchange.Redis errors

Multiple databases are not supported on this server; cannot switch to database

Possible cause: The SELECT command is not supported for cluster instances.

Solution: Set the cluster_compat_enable parameter to 0 to disable the compatibility with open source Redis Cluster syntax. Then, restart your client and try again. For more information, see Configure instance parameters.

Predis errors

Error while reading line from the server.

Possible cause: The read request timed out. A slow query may be in progress.

Solution: Increase the timeout period or set read_write_timeout to 0 or -1. For more information, see Predis questions.

PhpRedis errors

Cannot assign requested address

Possible cause: The client connects to the Tair instance over a short-lived connection.

Solution: Use pconnect instead of connect or modify the tcp_max_tw_buckets parameter value for the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on which your client is deployed. For more information, see What do I do if the "Cannot assign requested address" error is returned?

redis protocol error, got ' ' as reply type byte

Possible cause: A bug exists in this PhpRedis version. For more information, visit GitHub.

Solution: Update your PhpRedis client to the latest version.

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

Solution: Configure the DNS server correctly. For more information, see How do I troubleshoot connection issues caused by failed DNS resolution?

Possible cause: The client cannot resolve the domain name of the Tair instance.

go-redis errors

panic: got 4 elements in cluster info address, expected 2 or 3

Possible cause: The version of your go-redis client is incompatible with Redis 7.0 or later. For more information, visit GitHub.

Solution: Use go-redis 9.0 or later.

node-redis errors

The SCAN command runs in an infinite loop or returns empty results

Possible cause: The Cursor value returned by the SCAN command may exceed the largest integer value that can be accurately represented in JavaScript (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER). This can result in an inaccurate cursor value, leading to an infinite loop. For more information, visit GitHub.

Solution: Update your node-redis client to 5.0.0 or later.