Community Blog Cloud Forward: Cloud-Native Container Platform Episode 1 | ACK

Cloud Forward: Cloud-Native Container Platform Episode 1 | ACK

Kubernetes is everywhere. Read this article to learn what has Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) been doing over the years.

Kubernetes is everywhere now! It’s common and standard. However, perfecting its use is not easy.

How can we leverage the power of the cloud to accelerate the scheduling capabilities of Kubernetes?

How can we reduce the complexity of Kubernetes O&M?

How can we improve the application security on Kubernetes?*

Hello and welcome to another episode of Cloud Forward.

In this new container series, we'll bring you the latest in container development.

In today’s episode, we'll start with a how:

How to create the best Kubernetes platform for the cloud?

Kubernetes has become a standard operating system in the cloud-native era as container technology continues to evolve and iterate.

So, we are all using Kubernetes.

…but how can we build the best Kubernetes platform?

You see, the problem is:

Even though Kubernetes is the best container orchestration technology so far, it is a complex technology that requires a long, time learning process, and it is costly to manage.

The wise decision here would be to let a cloud services provider and its managed Kubernetes services handle everything.

In our case, it's called Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes or ACK for short.

Now, let's get into it.

Watch the full video here to learn more about ACK >>


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