Being an expert of Alibaba Cloud gives our users a strong advantage in the Cloud computing marketplace. The Cloud and Proud activity rewards certification by giving coupons for free classes. Our students will be tracked by their scores on the certification tests and completion amount on the Clouder Hero Boards. "Hero Cards" will be designed for our most dedicated hero so keep getting certified through the summer as the classes will be updated every month, and so will the Hero Boards. Take pride in being an Alibaba Cloud Expert!
Step1: Get certified through one of the courses offered below.
Step2: Share your badge on social media to receive a coupon for a free course.
Step3: Take three courses to be put on our hero board and a chance to have your picture displayed on the website.
Step4: Take 9 courses from the Cloud and Proud Activity and become a Super Hero.
Get Certified as a Professional, follow the Alibaba Cloud Learning Path
64 posts | 54 followers
FollowAlibaba Cloud MVP - March 31, 2020
Alibaba Cloud Community - December 3, 2024
Alibaba Cloud_Academy - February 16, 2022
Alibaba Cloud Community - March 28, 2024
Alibaba Cloud MVP - October 15, 2020
Alibaba Cloud MVP - March 31, 2021
64 posts | 54 followers
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Learn MoreAlibaba Cloud provides beginners and programmers with online course about cloud computing and big data certification including machine learning, Devops, big data analysis and networking.
Learn MoreFully managed, locally deployed Alibaba Cloud infrastructure and services with consistent user experience and management APIs with Alibaba Cloud public cloud.
Learn MoreMore Posts by Alibaba Cloud_Academy
cordiaz September 1, 2019 at 10:08 pm
Hi James, at Cloud and Proud's page, why course at July gone? I missed one course. Can you share that course? TIA.